Not that different from this place. Some projects haven't been updated in over a year, but if you dare to question it, the coomers lose their minds. I won't even name them.
It's exactly like an addiction. Imagine reaching the point of sucking complete strangers off because you're afraid of not getting your porn fix. Depressing.
Depressing doesnt even come close to describing these people mate.Let me give you an example.In the fen server people unironically say shit like "omg x character is so hot i would love to be their cumdump irl" or "omg x character is so hot,btw my dick is also 6 inches and if anyone wants to roleplay my dms are open

" (true story).Every piece of critisism getd swept under the rug because these people are desperate and want to escape their shit reality.They have no personality other than being betas and helpless coomers and that not only shows in the convos they have on the server/forums but it TRULY shows because the game doesnt get better.As a fellow anon said before "The combat is dogshit and nobody is playing for it so why waste time twiking it?".These devs and writers(few exceptions) are extremely delusional and arrogant beyond reason but can you blame them? When you have one of the most popular H games in the western market and an army of coomers praising your every small addition to the game and treating you like a fucking celebrity if you date speak a word in the chat(true story) how could you NOT be an arrogant cunt.But i digress,ive said it before and ill say it again:This game will be either "finished" or abandonded and in due time someone will mod the fuck out of it.I am just waiting for that moment