yea im not that insane ... yet.
There are no much of other options.
There are js compilers like babel and parsers like acorn that can parse js in runtime, some of them even using js. But it require modifications on AST level to insert custom 'now load mod files' functions there. Various other reasons also plays some role here (like requirement to support broken 'native' code and custom made format for modding), but most important, IMO, that it makes it dependent on a code made by company of nasty minded psychic vampire and team lead that doesnt know how to team, lead and code.
So extracting text only and write separate engine, that would be done in
correct (TM) way, is more viable option.
But at this point, why even bothering doing so? Working with current public code is like eating a bucket of shit for.....what, again? To salt salamander team and put them inside of a dehydrator to turn them to snacks to eat them with beer on the long winters evenings while watching netflix?!
I mean, most of scenes is pretty mediocre, Cait still would be 'not-corrupt-at-all but actually no', Etheryn still would have mental struggles from having a dick, demonic futas from the caves still would be smug fuckers and so on.
So maybe its better to write it all from scratch, along with engine? Game in general looks like
and it will only get worse with time.
Concept is there, ideas is there, we know how they (characters and scenes) shouldnt be done, you get the idea. Making it
all from scratch, knowing full well which turns shoundt be taken, is a better way.
As someone who has recently started to learn JS, holy shit.
I think its
probably doing of minifier, since its not just a dumb 'replace really_looooong_word with a r', but Im not sure.