Another note on the combat: There is nothing intricate to it. After the rework there is an entirety of 4 skills in the game with 3 of those having slight variations to them:
1. Deal health damage
1.2 Deal health damage over time
2. Restore health damage
2.1 Restore health damage over time
3. Buff/Debuff to prevent health damage
3.1 Buff/Debuff to increase health damage
4. Summon
But where a game like WoW for example comes with different visuals and therefore flavors for this general concept CoC 2 has combat without any meaningful worded descriptions, therefore making it completely irrelevant which spells and skills you choose & use, therefore reducing the pool to actually just the core effect the abilities have on the health bars/amount of units present in the fight.
1. Deal health damage
1.2 Deal health damage over time
2. Restore health damage
2.1 Restore health damage over time
3. Buff/Debuff to prevent health damage
3.1 Buff/Debuff to increase health damage
4. Summon
But where a game like WoW for example comes with different visuals and therefore flavors for this general concept CoC 2 has combat without any meaningful worded descriptions, therefore making it completely irrelevant which spells and skills you choose & use, therefore reducing the pool to actually just the core effect the abilities have on the health bars/amount of units present in the fight.