Man I am not a fan of most of the companion 3-some scenes, but my god is the Ryn Arona stuff the absolute worst of it.
Let's see. Usually Savin threesomes are entirely NPC focused for the lions share of sexual stimulation. Given it's Arona and Ryn written by Savin I imagine the PC gets to actually fuck/be fucked in maybe 1 of all 4 of the scenes. Maybe 2 if he was feeling generous.
Oh hell I've got time time to put my money where my mouth was...
...Alright now to begin with, how in the world did this make it past proofreading
Given you have to see it before starting any of the scenes it'd be the first thing you'd think would get identified and ironed out. Could it just be a flowery way to structure the sentence? If it is it's one I haven't read. Hmm. A minor nitpick but...
Anyways I was mostly right.
Though credit where it's due, Savin can still spin hot scene.
No need for flavorful commentary on my part. Doin' it anyways.
Bit of a Tobs moment. Pride watching a cumshot happen? Prideful to watch?
proud c-
Why are we not double stuffing Ryn's ass?
Why? Because
No wonder threesomes consistently were so seldom desired.
Also a small aside:
This kind of thing between the two tossing love around between each other feels like I've missed a scene or too where they emotionally connect on a level the way you and Arona did when you first visited the KM baths when you coaxed her confession out of her.
Always seemed like they had a BF type schtick with Arona filling in as a proper protective older sister as opposed to the blanket polyamory that's the staple of the game.
But we're kinda just there now. And I don't know what scene I missed that made that emotional leap.
that you are the lead actor
In as much as you can be the "
lead actor" when the primary recipient of all sexual stimulation of 2 (and a half technically) of 4 scenes being Arona with the MC somehow passive even on the giving end of oral fixations. 1 of which being Etheryn focused. They're also, as mentioned by another post, hitting rather voyeuristic beats. The spoil Ryn scene is nearly entirely predominantly the dynamic between the duo of Ryn and Rona with the MC getting directed like a side squeeze multiple times.
Case of write what you know, I imagine.
Anyways that's enough ragging on threesomes.
Okay maybe a little more...
I was expecting the typical Savin touch when I read this when that dungeon first dropped
"'Not very soon' my ass" I joked. We got those threesomes before Ryn got an alternative uncaging event.
Now that's enough ragging on threesomes
Anyways the threesomes were written reasonably well.
SKoW's trib scene was alright I think. I'm into tribadism but it's one of those fetishes that I think just struggles to work in a text based game. Now that I think on it, there's a criminally small amount of double dildo content in this game. Given it's a fantasy world you'd think they'd be able to magic up one that can also do a convincing facsimile of an ejaculation linked to the participants pleasure.
Gardefords anal scene with it's variation for diphallic PC's are terrific. I'm not into more rough stuff or even the lighter variation of rough stuff. But good scenes make it easier to push boundaries so when he swats her ass it read pretty good and is pretty hot.
Anyways that's enough CoC2 for the month. Brihaus will finish eventually and I'm only really in it for that (and increasingly for whatever Gardeford ends up doing)