As someone who likes straight furry content and doesn't like futas, neither game has enough content for me to justify supporting either of them. Generally, for my own tastes, it's not worth running a male character as there's maybe 1 or 2 female NPCs that aren't futas and also have at bare minimum animal ears, though full furry is preferred. It tends to be more worthwhile to just make a female character, transform her to my liking, and then get myself fucked by whatever weird creatures the game has to offer. And to that end... I find CoC2 has more consistently better monster loss encounters than TiTS. Though again, that comes with a grain of salt since I don't like futas, so that leaves either straight up monsters like tentacle beasts, or dominant male encounters which are few and far between.
At the very least I can usually find something to like after every few CoC2 updates. But with TiTS I usually have to wait out months and months of grotesquely shaped futa monsters before they release any palatable content.