Why does he wish they had more staff writers? Fucking hire one then, you make enough money to do so. The reasons they don't have more is because you have to write for them for fucking YEARS all being UNPAID, interact with them on discord and get all buddy buddy with them, and have the luck for them to actually like your writing enough to include you.
The game has been around for over half a decade, there isn't an excuse for not being able to find another writer. If he wants the story to be exclusively his, fine, but then don't fucking complain about it being too much work and wishing you had help. Like motherfucker YOU are the boss. Instead of wishing you had less work, you can literally just have less work. Or get the existing writers to actually help you with the story instead of, I don't know, going off and making their own fucking game within your game. Then again that would mean being forced to see TOBS writing so...