Tobs is probably the most blatant example of favoritism I've seen in a good while. The guy made his weeb race and just threw shit at the wall to see what sticks while Savin was too afraid of losing him to tell him to stop ruining his wallpaper.
The kitsune got invaded, but they won because the godswar happened the same day and the invaders had their supply lines cut.
The war raged on and tore the world asunder, but they were fine because they don't have souls and lived on an island (disregard them having their asses handed to them by the belharans who came by sea).
They don't have souls, but it's fine because they have a really big one that they tap into so they don't have any of the emotional flaws that demons do.
They have to feed off of people's souls, but it's fine because rape is A-OK.
They have magitech, but it's fine because it's plant based.
Their magic and technology is centuries ahead of the entire world and even the greatest mages of the greatest kingdom to have ever existed that also kicked their ass without issue.
They have portable waygates that they can plop down anywhere they wish, effectively eradicating the need for supply lines and giving them the ability to wage global war from the comfort of their own territory. Also they are password protected so only they can use it, because having any sort of weakness is so unkitsune like.
They have the ability and mentality to conquer the whole world, but it's fine because they can't take anything without giving back something of equal value (disregard every single fucking time they do that, like with miko stealing from evergreen or the old country annexing nekomata land)
The guy should really consider taking his head out of his ass and getting a breath of fresh air every once in a while.
He also once criticized Berry because of the way people depicted him when they made fanart of him, while the fanart of Kiyoko was always in setting and in character for her. The folks on discord had the sense to debate him on that atleast. I'm not sure on this but I think it was him who wrote the quin/berry threesome where Berry admits he loves anal. Great integrity right there going behind the back of the guy struggling with his mental health. He also openly trashes how Hugs wrote that notChina as a land of pacifists and plans to completely rewrite his beloved homeland instead of possibly going deeper and justifying it as some form of mystic serenity that emanates from the land that would explain why no one has conquered it yet. But no, Tobs, please do as you wish and completely rewrite shit you don't like. The kitsune ARE justified in everything they are and do and having another special kingdom would totally ruin THE WHOLE OF SAVARRA!
To continue this rant the guy is also sleazy af.
He said that there would be two ways of dealing with the kitsune in the Frostwoods. If you took the amulet it would be friendly, and if not you would be able to side with Taoth. But poor Tobs foresaw his own impartialness and knew that he could not write something that would hurt his poor darlings so he generously offered anyone else who wanted to write the side of purely evil, irredeemable child murderers. Such was his regard for others' skill that he knew there would be someone who could match him on pace and quality of work that the two storylines could progress evenly.
If you believe any of that shit go and slap yourself silly.
Tobs intentionally does shit that he knows won't work and then pretends it was an honest mistake while his option remains the only instance in the game. He wrote the bento boxes that give well fed and the willpower boon and when players asked for that for other stats he just went "Oh, well. That was a mistake and we learned from it so no one else do that thing." Then there's the revive belt which he justifies by the strength of the other marriage items like the mare's ring and everblossom hood and hides the fact that his item was the reason for the other two being so powerful.
Somehow Savin still trusts him enough to not proff read his content to the point that he wasn't even aware of what the belt did until A FEW FUCKING MONTHS AGO. Which is also when he learned that Tobs wrote wand weapons, something Savin prohibitted, because Skow wrote the metal wand, which Savin also didn't know about. And so was born the item that made a complete farse of the Kasyrra fight in the winter city. He also justifies the kitsune item bloat by saying that it's not his fault that the other writers are so slow. Well, excuse me mr Hiyenne Mytee, but whose choice is it to write a dozen culturally restricted power creep items?
There is also the time he made it so if you didn't have a good enough presence check you straight up failed to convince the ghost that he was dead which is conflict with the FUCKING DESIGN DOC. I tried to raise that one on their forums but the echo was too strong and the cave collapsed atop me.
And he disregarded common sense in order to write Gweyr's backstory as the most nonsensical thing ever put on paper. But that's fine because WOLF MOM STRONK!
That's it for my rant. I am physically tired at this point. Enjoy your day everyone.
The kitsune got invaded, but they won because the godswar happened the same day and the invaders had their supply lines cut.
The war raged on and tore the world asunder, but they were fine because they don't have souls and lived on an island (disregard them having their asses handed to them by the belharans who came by sea).
They don't have souls, but it's fine because they have a really big one that they tap into so they don't have any of the emotional flaws that demons do.
They have to feed off of people's souls, but it's fine because rape is A-OK.
They have magitech, but it's fine because it's plant based.
Their magic and technology is centuries ahead of the entire world and even the greatest mages of the greatest kingdom to have ever existed that also kicked their ass without issue.
They have portable waygates that they can plop down anywhere they wish, effectively eradicating the need for supply lines and giving them the ability to wage global war from the comfort of their own territory. Also they are password protected so only they can use it, because having any sort of weakness is so unkitsune like.
They have the ability and mentality to conquer the whole world, but it's fine because they can't take anything without giving back something of equal value (disregard every single fucking time they do that, like with miko stealing from evergreen or the old country annexing nekomata land)
The guy should really consider taking his head out of his ass and getting a breath of fresh air every once in a while.
He also once criticized Berry because of the way people depicted him when they made fanart of him, while the fanart of Kiyoko was always in setting and in character for her. The folks on discord had the sense to debate him on that atleast. I'm not sure on this but I think it was him who wrote the quin/berry threesome where Berry admits he loves anal. Great integrity right there going behind the back of the guy struggling with his mental health. He also openly trashes how Hugs wrote that notChina as a land of pacifists and plans to completely rewrite his beloved homeland instead of possibly going deeper and justifying it as some form of mystic serenity that emanates from the land that would explain why no one has conquered it yet. But no, Tobs, please do as you wish and completely rewrite shit you don't like. The kitsune ARE justified in everything they are and do and having another special kingdom would totally ruin THE WHOLE OF SAVARRA!
To continue this rant the guy is also sleazy af.
He said that there would be two ways of dealing with the kitsune in the Frostwoods. If you took the amulet it would be friendly, and if not you would be able to side with Taoth. But poor Tobs foresaw his own impartialness and knew that he could not write something that would hurt his poor darlings so he generously offered anyone else who wanted to write the side of purely evil, irredeemable child murderers. Such was his regard for others' skill that he knew there would be someone who could match him on pace and quality of work that the two storylines could progress evenly.
If you believe any of that shit go and slap yourself silly.
Tobs intentionally does shit that he knows won't work and then pretends it was an honest mistake while his option remains the only instance in the game. He wrote the bento boxes that give well fed and the willpower boon and when players asked for that for other stats he just went "Oh, well. That was a mistake and we learned from it so no one else do that thing." Then there's the revive belt which he justifies by the strength of the other marriage items like the mare's ring and everblossom hood and hides the fact that his item was the reason for the other two being so powerful.
Somehow Savin still trusts him enough to not proff read his content to the point that he wasn't even aware of what the belt did until A FEW FUCKING MONTHS AGO. Which is also when he learned that Tobs wrote wand weapons, something Savin prohibitted, because Skow wrote the metal wand, which Savin also didn't know about. And so was born the item that made a complete farse of the Kasyrra fight in the winter city. He also justifies the kitsune item bloat by saying that it's not his fault that the other writers are so slow. Well, excuse me mr Hiyenne Mytee, but whose choice is it to write a dozen culturally restricted power creep items?
There is also the time he made it so if you didn't have a good enough presence check you straight up failed to convince the ghost that he was dead which is conflict with the FUCKING DESIGN DOC. I tried to raise that one on their forums but the echo was too strong and the cave collapsed atop me.
And he disregarded common sense in order to write Gweyr's backstory as the most nonsensical thing ever put on paper. But that's fine because WOLF MOM STRONK!
That's it for my rant. I am physically tired at this point. Enjoy your day everyone.