Especially when shes never been out in the real world before. My Kinu, her dozens of siblings and a very pregnant Kiyoko have been living a pretty comfotable and cushy life inside of a fuckin rock. Kinu doesnt know jack- shit ass butt about anything in the outside world other than her family and the little stories of the quests you were on.I have criticized adults Kinu's writing but another thing that always bothers me about Kinu besides wanting to leave her "parent's shadow", you can ask your parents for advice and even aid and you would still be independent, the idea that you should seek no help from family when in a pinch is a bad one. If Kinu asked for help in dealing with Raphael or even asked you to train her a bit then that would still make her independent since she is seeking help to an issue, an issue that is bigger than herself. The idea of independence Tobs is pushing is actually pretty toxic.
So if anything the absoulte bonkers stories her father tells her, should make her more cautious and actually ask for help when she needs it but no smoothbrain ass Tobs is too cool and clever for that, they gotta adapt their own daddy issues onto the story to own us and practically sabatoge what shouldve been a pretty fun batch of stories when you finally free both Kinu and Kiyoko out of the stones.
Now in every new playthrough i just leave kiyoko and kinu inside the stone so they won't suffer that terrible story arc. Thanks for forcing me to keep my fox family hostage to keep them functioning together, Tobs ya dipshit.