
Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
Essentially if the writers had established a coherent lore, most of these concerns would go away.
It mostly depends on how Patreon views it TBH, best comparison that springs to mind is the thousand year old child thing that's often used to try and excuse underage content. You can have pages upon pages of lore but if Patreon decides it's against their rules then they'll ban it and they're only getting stricter as time goes on. At this point I'm fully expecting Patreon to shoot themselves in the foot the same way onlyfans did by trying to completely ban adult content.


Sep 3, 2017
It mostly depends on how Patreon views it TBH, best comparison that springs to mind is the thousand year old child thing that's often used to try and excuse underage content. You can have pages upon pages of lore but if Patreon decides it's against their rules then they'll ban it and they're only getting stricter as time goes on. At this point I'm fully expecting Patreon to shoot themselves in the foot the same way onlyfans did by trying to completely ban adult content.
Honestly, sometimes I wish patreon would do something like this, to completely alienate porn creators so they would all move to more accepting sites and not have to deliberately censor themselves because if they put in anything too "spicy" by pateron's arbitrary standards then they might just get yeeted.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
Honestly, sometimes I wish patreon would do something like this, to completely alienate porn creators so they would all move to more accepting sites and not have to deliberately censor themselves because if they put in anything too "spicy" by pateron's arbitrary standards then they might just get yeeted.
It's just the normal progression of such things, when they're starting out they'll take anyone and everyone but once they get big enough to interest mainstream advertisers they're incentivised to go family friendly. I don't expect subscribestar to be any different if it gets big enough.


New Member
May 17, 2020
Something that annoys me with Quin is the fact that it's specifically the other members of your group that he talks about fucking, and never seems to be a vague description of people. It'd certainly be one way to help people warm up to the guy that's so flat you could fit him into a paper shredder, while keeping him 'characterized', as much as you can actually use the word for him, as a massive womanizing flirt.
Jun 1, 2017
Something that annoys me with Quin is the fact that it's specifically the other members of your group that he talks about fucking, and never seems to be a vague description of people. It'd certainly be one way to help people warm up to the guy that's so flat you could fit him into a paper shredder, while keeping him 'characterized', as much as you can actually use the word for him, as a massive womanizing flirt.
Yeah, I mean that's the technique that's been used in most non degenerate vns. Have a guy friend and if he's a womanizer then he explicitly talks about other women, faceless or minimum interaction side characters, and not the love interests, and if he ever does so then it's in a "damn I'm jealous" or a jokey way, ie not trying to bang kiyoko or briennes leg or cast turbo slut magic at everyone. They already do the sex version with cait and a couple others too, have her randomly coming out of a alley sticky when a random wolf kid sprints away etc.

Issue is similar to what happened with urta in coc1, they want enough story elements that you can get attached to characters, but they also want dead space moon levels of horse cock snake ball orgies and monogamous relationships are considered quaint or weird, so they become shocked when they chuck in a character banging someone at random and people don't like it, or based on tobs actions just get off on upsetting people. He's good at channeling your inner ntr ub though, every time he talks about banging someone you like, rune gets another Olympic swimming pool


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
It mostly depends on how Patreon views it TBH, best comparison that springs to mind is the thousand year old child thing that's often used to try and excuse underage content. You can have pages upon pages of lore but if Patreon decides it's against their rules then they'll ban it and they're only getting stricter as time goes on. At this point I'm fully expecting Patreon to shoot themselves in the foot the same way onlyfans did by trying to completely ban adult content.
adult content on patreon makes up about 20% of the content, but as far as revenue goes it makes up about .30% not even 1% of the revenue
only fans is the exact opposite D=
even if patreon banned NSFW content its the equivalent to spilling a coffee, if patreon wanted to advertise more it would most likely actually profit them to outright ban NSFW content
I personally think Patreon is very lenient with their rules because there is alot of content in these games that are questionable especially in CoC2 and TiTs

but I have absolutely no personal experience other than subbing to a few patreons, how strict/lenient they really are


Mar 24, 2019
The baroness was always a cumpire, it was in one of the day zero design stuff in the idea storm documents. It has nothing to do with any patreon stipulations, it was just an idea to have her be an anti-corruption force because virgins taste better.

It's a porn game don't ask questions


New Member
Mar 28, 2021
Found out about this game a while back (like over a year ago) and it was fun played it for a little while and then i just stopped i didn't know why i but i just got bored of it then when tits html version came out i played that too but i stopped playing after little while like coc 2 and i still didn't know until i found this thread you guys perfectly example my fustrations with the game


Engaged Member
Aug 8, 2020
The baroness was always a cumpire, it was in one of the day zero design stuff in the idea storm documents. It has nothing to do with any patreon stipulations, it was just an idea to have her be an anti-corruption force because virgins taste better.

It's a porn game don't ask questions
This entire thread is about asking questions. So that wont go.

Also, in that case rivalry between wannabe baroness cumpire and witch 'mother to descendant soul transferring' racoon is.....weird??? I mean, I get such impression that..whats her name??...let me launch this fucking PIECE OF...Evergreen is doing this to obtain immortality from overall explanation of her daughters and some pieces of her personal dialogues. But than this two 'supernatural', yes in quotations, beings have nothing in common between them aka nothing to make a fight for. Soooo......?


Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
adult content on patreon makes up about 20% of the content, but as far as revenue goes it makes up about .30% not even 1% of the revenue
Where are you getting these stats out of interest? According to an article on Backlinko as of November 2021 adult content in various forms made up about 8% of total content but for October the same year it was about 11% of total pledge income. However an article on thinkimpact seems to agree with your 23% figure but doesn't seem to list an income stat.


New Member
May 17, 2020
The baroness was always a cumpire, it was in one of the day zero design stuff in the idea storm documents. It has nothing to do with any patreon stipulations, it was just an idea to have her be an anti-corruption force because virgins taste better.

It's a porn game don't ask questions
But questions can help point out issues that should be addressed and fixed by developers. Or I guess, in Savin's case, people he needs to silence

Speaking of 'Day Zero Design', comparing the earliest stuff to the new stuff really feels like the actually did have some sort of plan kept together that eventually fell to pieces. I wonder if it was Fenoxo himself keeping it together, or if there was some unknown person that ended up getting the boot when staff realized they couldn't just add whatever they wanted with them there vetoing it


Mar 24, 2019
There's a few would-be companions left, but the day zero document has actually been exhausted, it ended roughly up to Minos. There's been plenty of side stuff here and there as the day zero was mostly done up by Savin and Tobs and they've obviously added people to the mainline stable since. It's also been over five years since, of course. I can, uh, safely say Fenoxo is worse at keeping things cohesive as a project manager, though, dunno where that thought came from.


Mar 15, 2019
It's a porn game don't ask questions
Always love when someone is telling people to turn off their brains. Just consume content. Don't ever think about it. Now this is nothing against you Teddidiah, I more frustrated with this argument. As I hear it regularly in my line of work.

As Quintillus already pointed out this thread is mostly for discussing/questioning the game, so naturally where going to think about it. But, even in fiction we have this thing called suspension of disbelief. Where the reader/viewer willingly accepts the rules of this fictional world even if they do not completely match up with our own. We accept that Super Man just so happened to be sent here to Earth and the yellow son gives him his powers, we accept that Jedi can use the force, we accept that vampires are near immortal magical beings that mainly fear the sun. There's rules and we accept them. We know that suspending some rules from reality is necessary to engage with fiction. We accept the new rules and just go with it.

But, when those rules are broken it takes us out of the whole experience. Force ghost being able to interact with the real world in Rise of Skywalker despite Star Wars establishing they can only pass on knowledge or be moral support, fuck it. Don't think about it. It's cool and fun. Of course Yoda would wait over forty years to use that power, when Luke might have needed his help in the fight against Vader or Palpatine. Its not like the fate of the galaxy was at risk. Super Man suddenly being immune to Kryptonite. Fuck it. Batman Judo throwing Super Man through a building despite Super-Man being able fight literal gods through space with ease. Don't think about it.


The reason we think about it, is for some people, the fun is in the role playing aspect. Enjoying a fictional world, that makes coherent sense and expertly maintains that fictional world. Its part of the reason Tolkien, Lucas, Araki, Miyazaki (both the anime and game director) and George R.R. Matin are respected, because they put effort into making a world that is believable. And it is why people call out modern Star Wars, comics, anime, and fiction as amateurish.

Now if Savin and Co want the Baroness to be an immortal force for good, that only feast on semen. Fine. But they have to work for that.

Edit: Right now its really fucking stupid. (and while minor) It just adds to list of really weird writing decisions, as I said in an ealier post Vampires already get energy through sex, psychic abilities and blood. Making that distinction is just kind of unnecessary. As is her rivalry with Lady Evergreen. So much of this story feels contrived and poorly thought out.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2018
I can kind of get the rivalry though, they both were part of the same group fighting the wraiths during the war and one went a light path (devouring the cum of virgins somehow being light) and one went a dark path (destroying the souls of her daughters, yeah pretty fucking dark.) Come to think of it Carmen's light path might have nothing to do with being a cumpire (still stupid) because she does mention a oath she took to harm nothing living which is why she couldn't defend the town.


Engaged Member
Aug 8, 2020
If carmen a cumpire, what, glorious ex paladin DO NOT detected foul beast for much he did lived there? Or hes the same kind of paladins as old wow had/have, in case of any danger cast "bubble" -> cast "return to town". Same question for other village wannabe old-timers.

Oh no, I get it. Its so obvious, it always was right under the plain sight...
Player should reach carmen castle, learn flying demonic horse cock, use it, wait arrival of kassyra and then throw carmen into kassyra. She will continuously suck her dry and she wouldnt have time on...whatever she was doing...nothing I guess...
Win-win, player neutralized kassyra, carmen get an infinite source of semen (stained but whatever, sanders should have use smite on her each three days).
Now its only a question how to deal with....what the name of main villain, again?! Savin?!
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