True, we all have lives outside of the niche porn fetish games we ascribe to. But one could also stand to, oh, I don't know, finish the main quest of said now over half a decade-old niche fetish porn game instead of adding one-shot scenes to minor characters that I assume most of us know nothing about. After all that's got to be days of coding and effort gone into what, a singular scene most people aren't likely to see?
And given the team you're on and the previous display of development cycles that are based on a spin-the-who-got-the-flu wheel, I'd prefer to see the actual spine of the content finished before you continue trying to grow its dick and balls further.
I mean fuck me, if it took you all this long to now circle the wagon back to the centaur village corruption content, I can only imagine how long we've got to wait on the actual endgame content, probably never, given the evident self-cannibalistic tendencies of the development team you're on.