
Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
Mate you're acting as if they're children that don't know better, Rachel has accused the MC of some very heinous shit repeatedly so you can't exactly expect the reader not to be pissy with her about it especially with what was she was also up to in his own bloody home, I'm honestly surprised he didn't go through with calling the cops on her but that's ultimately the dev's decision anyway and I respect it. She's an absolute nuisance. You're well within your right to think otherwise and hope she gets some redemption, I personally don't and I'm looking forward to her finally getting some consequences for her actions.
I am just saying her redemption is not "so unbelievable" as some say. Some have said its 180 degrees of her current personality - which is true, but she was not the only one doing major re-writes of their personality to get what they wanted to be w/ the MC. I am not forcing anyone to like her. I am just saying, there have been others, which are well liked, which have done similar things, which people are giving a pass to (Victoria, Catherine, etc.). The only reason Victoria gets a pass is because she was "mean girl" for only 5 in game days. If she has been mean girl to MC for 20+ in game days, her redemption story would have been also a little tough to bear.

As for kinds being around 18 knowing full well the full ramifications of their actions, are you fu#king joking? Having been a teenager, and having raised 2, I can tell you that in no way would someone 18 or 19 years old know full well all legal and societal ramifications for making any form of accusation. Hell I am over 50 and I cannot even claim I know them all now. People like to think that you hit 18 or 19 and BAM, you are an adult, but really you are most the way there. Your brain isn't fully developed until like 23-25 years old, you cannot possibly fathom future issues. This is why teenaged and early 20's year olds do stupid stuff, their brain isn't telling them "dude, bad thing to do".


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
I am just saying her redemption is not "so unbelievable" as some say. Some have said its 180 degrees of her current personality - which is true, but she was not the only one doing major re-writes of their personality to get what they wanted to be w/ the MC. I am not forcing anyone to like her. I am just saying, there have been others, which are well liked, which have done similar things, which people are giving a pass to (Victoria, Catherine, etc.). The only reason Victoria gets a pass is because she was "mean girl" for only 5 in game days. If she has been mean girl to MC for 20+ in game days, her redemption story would have been also a little tough to bear.

As for kinds being around 18 knowing full well the full ramifications of their actions, are you fu#king joking? Having been a teenager, and having raised 2, I can tell you that in no way would someone 18 or 19 years old know full well all legal and societal ramifications for making any form of accusation. Hell I am over 50 and I cannot even claim I know them all now. People like to think that you hit 18 or 19 and BAM, you are an adult, but really you are most the way there. Your brain isn't fully developed until like 23-25 years old, you cannot possibly fathom future issues. This is why teenaged and early 20's year olds do stupid stuff, their brain isn't telling them "dude, bad thing to do".
yeah young adults don't have the experience really to know how some actions can affect others directly or indirectly
and like you also mentioned this goes for all ages.
even whit a lifetime off experience because what one person might deem something positive others can see as negative

anyway i said multiple times already that im sure cosy will write a decent story and rachel is confirmed to join the harem at some stage.
now surely not everyone will like that, some might accept it whit some disapproval for the sake off the rest off the novel,but if you're into "NO rachel ever" mindset i'd suggest you don't get invested to deeply into the avn

*don't forget i personally hate the type off person rachel is (currently) written as, i despise the new wave feminism ordeal ,it wants unachievable things, achieved mainly via social pressure & shaming ,all in the name off "equality" for women (which tends to be equality off outcome not in equality of opportunity) the whole thing for me is illogical and unfair*
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Aug 30, 2018
I am just saying her redemption is not "so unbelievable" as some say. Some have said its 180 degrees of her current personality - which is true, but she was not the only one doing major re-writes of their personality to get what they wanted to be w/ the MC. I am not forcing anyone to like her. I am just saying, there have been others, which are well liked, which have done similar things, which people are giving a pass to (Victoria, Catherine, etc.). The only reason Victoria gets a pass is because she was "mean girl" for only 5 in game days. If she has been mean girl to MC for 20+ in game days, her redemption story would have been also a little tough to bear.
I don't think Victoria really changed her personality. She's still a rude brat, she's just submissive to the MC now and made a real effort to get along with Lucy which regardless of the original intention now seems to be a genuine friendship. It's possible she was an awful awful person before we met her but she was never anywhere near as bad as Rachel or even Catherine from what we've seen. She was trying too hard to impress her old friends, and the MC (or the job) was definitely her primary motivation for getting along with Lucy initially but I don't remember any drastic changes in her character if we're talking about who she is as a person, just who she gets along with. She might be nicer from our perspective but "outsiders" still get the venom. And I don't think the MC minds that. She was pretty easy to redeem, some rude remarks to Lucy and the MC are not some unforgivable sin. I do get your point, I just think it's unfair when you put her next to Rachel.

There's really no comparison. The things Rachel has done can be considered downright evil, life ruining actions. Regardless of why she thinks that way you cannot go around accusing people of that. Luckily for her no one takes her serious otherwise she or the MC would be locked up, but that doesn't make it any less foul. Catherine along with her friends made a complaint to the headmistress too, but I really doubt that was her idea and we know how much she cares about her "alliances" and like the out of touch princess she is probably didn't think much on it. Personally I wish that was dealt with in a more significant way than just spooking her but much like with Rachel's accusations it wasn't taken serious in game. The difference here is that Rachel is relentlessly doing it in public, she doesn't want to get him in trouble or embarrass him she wants to ruin him. To the point that she was willing to exploit another girl to do it. Rachel is beyond twisted.

Now FWIW I'm fine with a Rachel redemption if it's done well, but I think she needs to earn it WAYYYYY more than someone like Victoria and is much harder to rationalize than Catherine. Since her actions haven't led to any permanent harm for anyone yet and yes she is young, I don't think she's beyond help. She definitely needs to really earn her forgiveness though. Just have to trust Cosy to know what he's doing, he's got his work cut out for him with her.


Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
Rachel has a pit to climb out of, especially now that she invaded the privacy of the MC's cafe and spied on the MC and Hannah.

Her actions went beyond - 'protecting' fellow female students from the actions of male students.

Perhaps the MC's threat to call the police on Rachel gave her a wakeup call... she went Way too far in her pursuit of 'justice.'

We need to let Cosy tell us more of the story.

What do the first few days at school look like?

Does Rachel avoid the MC and his women because she knows she screwed up and does not want to be reminded of the consequences she should have faced?

Rachel, IMO, has the hardest redemption arc of the women we know of so far - focusing on those who could join the MC's harem.

I trust that Cosy has a plan, and we just have to give him time to let it play out.

I certainly don't see the MC bedding Rachel any time soon but a Rachel who stops accosting the MC every day in school is still a Big improvement and who knows how Rachel will grow in the aftermath of her invasion of the MC's cafe.

Cheers!! :coffee:


Feb 6, 2018
I am just saying her redemption is not "so unbelievable" as some say. Some have said its 180 degrees of her current personality - which is true, but she was not the only one doing major re-writes of their personality to get what they wanted to be w/ the MC. I am not forcing anyone to like her. I am just saying, there have been others, which are well liked, which have done similar things, which people are giving a pass to (Victoria, Catherine, etc.). The only reason Victoria gets a pass is because she was "mean girl" for only 5 in game days. If she has been mean girl to MC for 20+ in game days, her redemption story would have been also a little tough to bear.
Can you tell me at what point in the story did Victoria or Catherine accuse MC of sexual, manipulation, etc, allegations? Or, tell me how are they similar to Rachel? Or, when did they trespass MC's home?

Again, like I said in my review for this game, I can see a lot of ways for Rachel to be redeemed in a logical and believable way (due to years upon years of reading and writing stories), with I am sure Cosy knows about and picking/picked the most interesting logical route, but I just really really don't care or can't bring myself to care about Rachel. I have read worser people that got redemption arc, people who make Rachel seem like a saint in comparison, but for some damned reason, she rubs me the wrong way really hard.

Sure, I might come to like her in the future, but that is something future me has to deal with. Present me has to deal with my dislike.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
Just woke up and this blew up over night. Too many replies to answer to individually, so will just put a broad statement answering most the questions. What has Rachael done that is "life altering"? She has made allegations, which the people in charge have dismissed quickly, and without follow-up. The only time she did anything that really affected the MC (she broke into his office), he took care of it, and we will see how this comes into play in future story lines (in Cosy we trust). So far, the only thing that has negatively affected the MC at this point in the game, was Lucy's mom filing a report about "abuse" to her. Outside of that, there have been no real, in-world consequences to the MC to this point. The rest is political posturing and other mind games, but nothing negative has happened at this point.

As for comparing her to the other girls. All Rachael has done (because there have been no real world consequences) has bullied the MC and his girls. That is why I compared Rachael to Catherine and Victoria. Both of them were bullies (in their own way). Catherine by believing she was better than everyone, and Victoria, by being with other bullies. As I said, we only saw Victoria for a few in game days because she was one of the first girls to join the MC, thus her bullying was minimal in game. She stated she was friends with Brian's fuck buddy (forget her name) for years (her words). Thus she was in the bullying crowd for a years as well. Guilt by association, but we just didn't see it in game, as the game started at some point, and she was "redeemed" quickly.

I am not trying to say "hey like this girl" with Rachael (I don't like her, personally), what I am saying is some people are attributing deep emotional scars on a teenager, in a VN, who has caused no real harm to the MC (until she broke into his place, but so far has been resolved). I know people who have been falsely accused of rape (male and female), I know people who have been canceled due to allegations of inappropriate actions, etc. I am not justifying her actions, nor the actual IRL ramifications of such actions. What I am saying, is this is a game, and there have been no "real" consequences. Suspension of belief is a thing. I play games to escape reality. To get told a story. Picking apart a game, because XYZ doesn't line up with IRL, okay, you do you. I know people who cannot suspend reality for a movie, TV show, game, etc. Fine, enjoy only things that can theoretically line up with IRL.

The dev has said that Rachael will become part of the group of girls. Whining about it, saying you will "never accept" or what not, is like standing in the rain and complaining about getting wet. It is going to happen. Maybe this game is not for you. I, for one, will see where the story comes. I, personally, am more worried about future content, which has been stated to be added, but not introduced yet. I like the game so far, because my brain can allow for different girls, different personalites, different scenarios, different role-play, which are all fun for me.


Nov 9, 2020
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Hey guys!

Welcome to another dev log, I hope you're all doing well!

This post will contain a brief rundown of which characters get content in the next update, so if you're particularly sensitive to spoilers you may want to skip it - though nothing major will be given away!

So, with that said, I can now give you all a bit more information about 0.10. To start, it's fully written, and it's going to be yet another record breaking update in terms of length, coming in at 31,000 words. This gives plenty of content to a wide range of girls, including appearances for a few of the, as yet, less well known love interests. In terms of character progression, expect this update to most heavily feature Sarah, Catherine, and Miss Takamura, but with a good range of content across the board (including some very sexy scenes with Lucy and the core harem).

Girls aside, this update will be another two day update, and so it covers the very first Founding Council that the MC will be attending on Tuesday. As such, expect a good amount of lore and progress around the main story, as well as a few twists and revelations when some of the mysteries that have been building come to a head.

Now, when will it be ready, I hear you ask? That's a tough one. Aside from the higher than usual length, it's going to feature a lot of new characters, new outfits, and new locations. As always, I want to keep dev time low and regular, but I'm thinking mid August is the earliest I can reasonably get all of this done, especially when factoring in the android issues I mentioned in the previous dev log.

That will put this update at a three month interval, rather than the usual two I aim for, which I know isn't the end of the world, but I just like to keep it regular! So, with that in mind, I've already got 0.11 largely plotted out, and it's going to be a fun single day update that should be much closer to the usual schedule.

Getting back to the present, I'm currently on the rendering grind, which I expect is going to take up most of my time for the next six to eight weeks, so the next few dev logs are likely to be short ones, though I will try to include some interesting preview renders as usual!

Until next time, thank you all for your support, I truly appreciate it!

- Cosy Creator


Feb 6, 2018
As for comparing her to the other girls. All Rachael has done (because there have been no real world consequences) has bullied the MC and his girls. That is why I compared Rachael to Catherine and Victoria. Both of them were bullies (in their own way). Catherine by believing she was better than everyone, and Victoria, by being with other bullies. As I said, we only saw Victoria for a few in game days because she was one of the first girls to join the MC, thus her bullying was minimal in game. She stated she was friends with Brian's fuck buddy (forget her name) for years (her words). Thus she was in the bullying crowd for a years as well. Guilt by association, but we just didn't see it in game, as the game started at some point, and she was "redeemed" quickly.

I am not trying to say "hey like this girl" with Rachael (I don't like her, personally), what I am saying is some people are attributing deep emotional scars on a teenager, in a VN, who has caused no real harm to the MC (until she broke into his place, but so far has been resolved). I know people who have been falsely accused of rape (male and female), I know people who have been canceled due to allegations of inappropriate actions, etc. I am not justifying her actions, nor the actual IRL ramifications of such actions. What I am saying, is this is a game, and there have been no "real" consequences. Suspension of belief is a thing. I play games to escape reality. To get told a story. Picking apart a game, because XYZ doesn't line up with IRL, okay, you do you. I know people who cannot suspend reality for a movie, TV show, game, etc. Fine, enjoy only things that can theoretically line up with IRL.

The dev has said that Rachael will become part of the group of girls. Whining about it, saying you will "never accept" or what not, is like standing in the rain and complaining about getting wet. It is going to happen. Maybe this game is not for you. I, for one, will see where the story comes. I, personally, am more worried about future content, which has been stated to be added, but not introduced yet. I like the game so far, because my brain can allow for different girls, different personalites, different scenarios, different role-play, which are all fun for me.
Well, that's a bit over generalyzing right there, since the content of bullying for Rachel and Victoria and Catherine are a bit bit different, you know? I am sure most of us here are already used to the normal bullies, fighting, insulting, isolating, etc etc the whole nine yards, but a bully, especially female, that throws unfounded allegations right at your face, just because you're a guy, and repeatedly try to get you in trouble, throwing you out from school? Seriously? The latter is more devastating (other than crippling) since it ruins your reputation that will stick with you for a long time and most likely involve police. (Again, really great on Cosy for being able to write her character)

Of course, her actions helped MC get closer to the girls but that's just a nice side effect, which doesn't excuse the main point.

Well, both of us got our own perspectives, and like in your own words, you do you now, I want to stop typing like this. Before that, the heck do you mean "XYZ doesn't line up with IRL"? We're talking about Rachel being like those real life extremist feminist right now, I can assure you that it is not fictional. Oh, and this isn't me being negative or anything, just... Curious on how did you think that.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
Well, that's a bit over generalyzing right there, since the content of bullying for Rachel and Victoria and Catherine are a bit bit different, you know? I am sure most of us here are already used to the normal bullies, fighting, insulting, isolating, etc etc the whole nine yards, but a bully, especially female, that throws unfounded allegations right at your face, just because you're a guy, and repeatedly try to get you in trouble, throwing you out from school? Seriously? The latter is more devastating (other than crippling) since it ruins your reputation that will stick with you for a long time and most likely involve police. (Again, really great on Cosy for being able to write her character)
As I tried to point out, just because what happens IRL, it may not be happening in the game. Women typically use name calling and reputation slandering/libel as their forms of bullying. Men use name calling (to get a response) and physical violence as their forms of bullying. Any form of bullying can be devastating to someone not prepared to handle it. What I have been trying to state, is that thus far, there have been no in game repercussions of the bullying, besides low self esteem for a couple characters. It doesn't matter how much vitriol the bullying person spit. With no repercussions, it is all just words.

Well, both of us got our own perspectives, and like in your own words, you do you now. But, the heck do you mean "XYZ doesn't line up with IRL"? We're talking about Rachel being like those real life extremist feminist right now, I can assure you that it is not fictional.
You may be talking about her being an extremist feminist, but my point was that the game is not following what happens IRL. Thus her accusations have all fallen flat. IRL, if she went to a school headmistress, they would have taken those things seriously, and investigated. So far, in-game, the accusations have not been taken seriously Thus there is a disconnection between in-game and IRL. So hating Rachael with the intensity of 1000 suns, when we know what is going to happen to her, is either grounds for leaving the game, or having to suspend belief between IRL and in-game. What I have been saying is yes, I would hate someone like her IRL, because her words hurt. In the game, "Meh", because she will be part of things to come. That is what I was saying there is a disconnect between IRL and in-game.


Aug 30, 2018
Jumping between "it's just a game" and the writing makes it hard to discuss since every point can be shut down with that. Yes it's just a game and that comes with some suspension of disbelief. For example, pretty sure MC would have his kitchen shut down for slapping bare cheeks all over it.

Just because things would be different IRL doesn't mean Rachel's actions aren't horrid within context of the game. Pretty sure one takes her serious in game because of her reputation not because SA isn't a big deal. Name calling can hurt people no doubt but it's nowhere near the same as making accusations that can put people behind bars (including herself). Like if someone tried to run me over with their car but missed it's not ok. If someone tried to push me down stairs but slipped on a banana peel it's not ok. Intentions matter. She's meant to be an antagonist so there's nothing wrong with people hating her even if she is going to be redeemed. Not sure what telling people to stop playing over it is supposed to do. They can hate her forever and still love the game overall.

Also the headmistress isn't a real headmistress, she's a (former) nepo baby who got the job through connections, quite frankly she probably isn't very good at her job. So there's that to consider as well.
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Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
Jumping between "it's just a game" and the writing makes it hard to discuss since every point can be shut down with that. Yes it's just a game and that comes with some suspension of disbelief. For example, pretty sure MC would have his kitchen shut down for slapping bare cheeks all over it.

Just because things would be different IRL doesn't mean Rachel's actions aren't horrid within context of the game. Pretty sure one takes her serious in game because of her reputation not because SA isn't a big deal. Name calling can hurt people no doubt but it's nowhere near the same as making accusations that can put people behind bars (including herself). Like if someone tried to run me over with their car but missed it's not ok. If someone tried to push me down stairs but slipped on a banana peel it's not ok. Intentions matter. She's meant to be an antagonist so there's nothing wrong with people hating her even if she is going to be redeemed. Not sure what telling people to stop playing over it is supposed to do. They can hate her forever and still love the game overall.

Also the headmistress isn't a real headmistress, she's a (former) nepo baby who got the job through connections, quite frankly she probably isn't very good at her job. So there's that to consider as well.
Intentions matter though Rachel will be easily forgiven since she's more of a comic relief right now, since as you just said no one will take her seriously no matter what she says and given that no damage was done it's easier for the fans to accept.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2021
I find it strange how many people acknowledge Cosy did a good job of making Rachel unlikable that they don't want her around... without giving Cosy the benefit of the doubt that he has a plan for her.
That would require patience, forethought, and critical thinking, three traits woefully absent in the majority of players of these games.


Feb 6, 2018
As I tried to point out, just because what happens IRL, it may not be happening in the game. Women typically use name calling and reputation slandering/libel as their forms of bullying. Men use name calling (to get a response) and physical violence as their forms of bullying. Any form of bullying can be devastating to someone not prepared to handle it. What I have been trying to state, is that thus far, there have been no in game repercussions of the bullying, besides low self esteem for a couple characters. It doesn't matter how much vitriol the bullying person spit. With no repercussions, it is all just words.

You may be talking about her being an extremist feminist, but my point was that the game is not following what happens IRL. Thus her accusations have all fallen flat. IRL, if she went to a school headmistress, they would have taken those things seriously, and investigated. So far, in-game, the accusations have not been taken seriously Thus there is a disconnection between in-game and IRL. So hating Rachael with the intensity of 1000 suns, when we know what is going to happen to her, is either grounds for leaving the game, or having to suspend belief between IRL and in-game. What I have been saying is yes, I would hate someone like her IRL, because her words hurt. In the game, "Meh", because she will be part of things to come. That is what I was saying there is a disconnect between IRL and in-game.
Welp, alright then, let's just agree to disagree here and move on since both of us will be in a deadlock if I were to continue. Nice chatting with you though

I find it strange how many people acknowledge Cosy did a good job of making Rachel unlikable that they don't want her around... without giving Cosy the benefit of the doubt that he has a plan for her.
I have no doubt that Cosy has a plan for Rachel, I'm praising the fact that Cosy made her so unlikeable, to the point a lot of us are divided as hell, but if Cosy can just turn the sentiment to good, then it just goes to show how excellent his writing skills are, in comparison to so many writers that fuck up their story and characters.

Vic Sage

Jun 8, 2018
Really excited for more Catherine and to see how her story will unfold. It seems like she will be put through the wringer with that dishwasher contract. And while that's going to be entertaining, I hope that she still keeps her pride and dignity even after paying off her debt. Obviously she has to be humbled in order to fit in the harem and her attitude towards MC and the other girls(especially Hannah) needs to change. Heck it would be cool if she became kinda affectionate with those in MC's inner circle. Would be a big pay off if one the other girls were sad about something and Catherine comforts them and helps them get back on their feet. The princess nurturing her new kingdom. But I hope that her holier than thou attitude remains somewhat and that she will unleash it on those outside MC's faction.

I also feel like she should join the strategy meetings at some point, since she was raised to play politics and power games. Wonder what that group will look like further along in the story. Might consist of the LI's who aren't in MC's inner circle like Alison and Elizabeth. Though Catherine should join and maybe Hannah too and they might end up in the inner circle. This could also be how Anabelle joins the MC since shes a founding family member. Victoria joined the first time to represent the other girlsfriends. Maybe Sarah will do that instead since shes more familiar with the founding families. Or maybe she doesn't want anything to do with it and just wants to cosplay instead... Man 0.10 can't come soon enough.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2021
I also feel like she should join the strategy meetings at some point, since she was raised to play politics and power games. Wonder what that group will look like further along in the story. Might consist of the LI's who aren't in MC's inner circle like Alison and Elizabeth. Though Catherine should join and maybe Hannah too and they might end up in the inner circle. This could also be how Anabelle joins the MC since shes a founding family member. Victoria joined the first time to represent the other girlsfriends. Maybe Sarah will do that instead since shes more familiar with the founding families. Or maybe she doesn't want anything to do with it and just wants to cosplay instead... Man 0.10 can't come soon enough
It would be cool to have Catherine in the strategy meetings, but she would have to do a lot of growing. If she joined a strategy meeting chances are she would parrot everything she heard to her mom, yes she has a lot of experience with this stuff, but she is too self serving right now for it to work. Once she gets knocked down a few pegs though then I dont see why that wouldn't work.
I dont think sarah will ever join in on any of the founding family stuff unless she is forced. She hates the founding family stuff with a burning passion
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Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
It would be cool to have Catherine in the strategy meetings, but she would have to do a lot of growing. If she joined a strategy meeting chances are she would parrot everything she heard to her mom, yes she has a lot of experience with this stuff, but she is too self serving right now for it to work. Once she gets knocked down a few pegs though then I dont see why that wouldn't work.
I dont think sarah will ever join in on any of the founding family stuff unless she is forced. She hates the founding family stuff with a burning passion
I agree.

I think both Hannah and Catherine have a lot of growing to do before they can start to support the MC in the role that Alison does.

Given Alison's head start - I don't think they will 'catch up' any time soon, if ever.

I do think that Alison can still model and teach the younger founding family women more about How to best support their man in the face of the politics side as well as their role in a multi-wife family where the women actually support each other.

I feel like the founding families are actually pretty lonely places where politics supplants family interaction that is both enjoyable and serves to bind the members together.

This scene near the end of the latest chapter is a favorite of mine:

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It represents a kind of Family that the MC is building, where the women don't just support the MC but also each other.

This image is missing Alison and Elizabeth Russell, but this is the core family where the women are effectively peers of each other (at least in terms of age).

The fact that the current girlfriends get to vote on who is added to the 'girlfriend' group forces a behavior change in some of the newer women to 'earn' their place in the group.

I actually think Catherine's contract will help to get Hannah to be more provocative with the MC.

I could see Victoria telling the MC within the hearing of both Catherine and Hannah that the topless picture Catherine sent the MC is hot even if it is from the snooty princess.

Hannah might feel superior when she first sees this:

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But I also think she is so competitive that she will start looking for ways to remind the MC that she is Also a good-looking woman and willing to be sexy for him.

I could see Hannah complaining to Alison about Catherine sending him pics like this and Alison encouraging Hannah to send the MC sexy pictures of at least Hannah wearing a cute bra or flashing pretty panties.

I could even see Alison telling Hannah that she will pose with her in a hot picture for the MC where they will both be wearing sexy bras and telling Hannah that she has something Catherine does not have - Alison in her corner and there to help her.

The Hannah Catherine competition/rivalry offers a lot of possibilities for the MC to have fun and get both of them to loosen up around him.

Cheers!! :coffee:
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Konrad Simon

Game Developer
May 12, 2021
I'm having a shitty day. Nothing major, just a lot of frustrating crap that I wanted to get done and couldn't get done. Annoying. Irritating.

So I'm going to pour myself a nice tall drink and replay CC from the beginning, because that is an excellent way to deal with this stuff.

Thought you'd like to know.
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