VN - Ren'Py - Cosy Cafe [v0.10] [Cosy Creator]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review is as of v0.9)

    I liked it more than I thought I would. Going in, you just have to accept the premise that our MC will get all of the girls he wants, even if it seems nonsensical, since it's a harem game. Once you do, it becomes easier to judge the game based on the MC and, more specifically, how much of a Gary Stu he ends up being.

    In that regard, our MC is actually not too bad. While he does seem (perhaps overly) certain of himself in terms of getting women, he actually comes off as having more normal sensibilities otherwise. Too many of these games write the MC like he just knows that he could go off and defuse a nuclear bomb with a bendy straw and a Speak & Spell. This MC is happier just being in his own little corner of the world as a chef running the (surprisingly cocaine-free, if my chef friends are to be believed) cafe left to him. He's dragged into some hoity-toity Warring Families narrative which forms the overall story, and thankfully he's dragged into it kicking and screaming instead of just deciding that he can out-intrigue everybody else. Not only that, but he actually loses a cooking contest to a rival. That may not sound like much, but that's already more hardship than a lot of MCs face. I'd still like to see more of a struggle, but it's a good start.

    Instead, most of that stuff is in the background in favor of focusing on the girls in the MC's life. While I don't like the fact that the word "love" is thrown around only two weeks into the story (at this point the story is just past three weeks), the girls are different and have their own little conflicts and foibles. More importantly, they're constantly interacting, and the story kind of takes a backseat and just lets them bounce off each other. This really helps flesh them out and makes them feel distinct from each other. I wish more VN authors - not just ones who write harems, but them especially - did this.

    It creates a good little story, and a mostly positive one at that. This is a huge step in the right direction, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my top 5 HVN's of all time. I love the girls, the humor, the interactions, the choices I've made, and the story's progress. This is definitely a must play in my eyes.

    I could not recommend this more than I already do. If I could give it 6 out of 5 stars, I would. My only hope is that this reaches a satisfying conclusion when it finally finishes, and this dev moves on to making even better and more entertaining projects in the future.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have so much praise to this game that when I ready to write the review I don't know what I have to say first. But this game for me can be single down to one sentence: "This dev make nearly every man's dream come true with this game"
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    + finally a game with fucking normal assertive mc, he is really great
    + music
    + game completely melt you heart
    + girls, all of them are adorable
    + spanking, a LOT of spanking!
    + no jealousy drama between girls
    + nice idea for the story
    + a true harem

    - lewd content could be better, there is also too many BJ/HJ, a no pussy eating scenes? it's a tragedy!

    I really enjoyed this avn. Simple story, amazing girls and one of the best MC in this genre. Easy 5 stars
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the story as it is so far! You fall in love with some of the characters so easily (from the readers perspective) and absolutely hate other because of their bitchiness. You were right about that "dangerously cute Tsundere". It's clear this is a story of love and passion and the writer is a great storyteller. Some of the facial expressions may not convey correctly how the girls feel all the time exactly but that doesn't really matter to me as the emotion is brought out in the reading and I can imagine it just fine. I really hope this story goes on for a long time and expands into creating a huge family with all the girls (making lots of babies with all of them...that are in the harem at least). Thanks for sharing your story :)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite visual novels with a wholesome tone and cute girls everywhere.

    Story seems simple at first but gets quite complicated after a while due to conflicts between some families (it's still easy to follow as long as you're paying attention). If the family stuff was slightly simpler, following the story would be lot easier as now if you miss a line you might get lost on what's happening.

    Each main character's backstory is unique and their situation together with the cafe give a relatively logical reason for the MC to build his harem. Even though the story contains some more weighty scenes it manages to remain upbeat overall. And while we get some amazing, steamy sex scenes, it's surprisingly wholesome and as its name suggests it leaves you with this cosy feeling.

    All main characters are well designed. They develop over time and go from seemingly simple one-dimensional personalities into complex characters with rich emotional depth and you truly become engaged in their story. Also the girls' models look really good (their elbow textures bothered me occasionally but this is just me being nit-picky) and you will definitely find one you love (My personal favourite is a certain feisty little redhead).

    Overall brilliant, cosy AVN with an engaging story and girls that you will surely love.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing story, girls have actual personalities, and depth. Great Harem game, where the girls actually interact with each other. Honestly the best game on this site so far. Looking forward to more updates. Also can't wait to see where this goes with Rachel lol.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is currently one of the best games on the site IMHO.

    The artwork and animations are excellent, and more than that, the story and characters are well developed and well written.

    So many games are all over the map with tone, storyline, and especially character traits.

    The creator here has a definite clear vision so far, which makes this head and shoulders better than 95% of the other games on this platform.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games in a long while. The story is great and is more grounded than some other harem games. I enjoy the models and animation as well. This is the first game that I've actually taken the time to read through the whole dialogue, for most games I just skim and get the general gist.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of great, varied LIs, interesting lore without it taking over and a dominate MC who isn't just a jerk. Great H scenes and excellent writing. It's got everything you could want from a visual novel.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the site imo. Its a rare instance of having a likable MC and likable love interests with actual character. Definitely one worth reading the dialog. The art is also excellent (and hot af).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite VN's. While dominant, the MC is very caring and the story is compelling.
    Each of the girls has their very own personality formed through personal experiences and we get to learn about their past.
    Thanks a lot for sharing this game. Can't wait to play the next part.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't normally write reviews this early on but I wanted to for this one because I really enjoyed it more than I thought I would. This review is as of 0.8.1

    As mentioned above, I normally like to wait until further on in development before thinking about writing reviews, but this one, while still early, had more content than I expected. I spent a solid, full afternoon with a big smile on my face while reading through this.

    The writing and story aren't going to win any big awards, but honestly, I like it that way. The title is Cosy Cafe and the whole time, it did feel very warm and wholesome. There is some plot in the background that I enjoyed, and again, while not ground breaking, serves its purpose quite well. It's nothing too complicated or convoluted at the moment, which makes the main part of the game rise to the forefront.

    That main part is the girls. It's a harem game and as you might expect, this comes with a few harem tropes that you've come to know. The love interests all get quite cozy with the MC very quickly. That being said, with the pace of the game, it doesn't feel jarring.

    Some games like to put a lot of fluff in between content with love interests where endless words, plot, lore and other such things get crammed down your throat. Others have an enaging, well written novel that sucks you in. For some games, this works and I love well written slow burn games. Some of which I nearly skip the sex scenes because it's the story that keeps me there. This one is not one of those games. I like the story and it serves as an anchor for the rest of the game, but every tangent almost always wraps up quickly and brings you right back to developing your relationship with the girls.

    The girls themselves are adorable. They each have their own personalities, and while not original archetypes, still somehow manage to tug at your heartstrings. The dynamic between the MC and LIs is polygamous in nature rather than polyamorous. In layman's terms, this basically means that the MC is the only male that matters (No NTR). He even says up front to every girl that joins the harem that he gets to sleep around and they don't. In reality this would obviously be quite toxic but you're not playing this game for its realism, and naturally none of the girls want anyone else anyway.

    There is an emphasis towards D/s power exchange dynamics between the MC and the LIs. It's not over the top kinky bondage supreme, but it works and I prefer it that way. It might not be the most realistic portrayal but for a game like this I don't think a more realistic approach would work anyway. Definitely a good game though if you like being called Master a lot and giving out a lot of spankings.

    And as a few final notes. The music is cute and cozy like the rest of the game, though there isn't a very large soundtrack. This isn't a big deal though and I never found myself wanting.

    The renders however were a highlight for me. There are some aspects of the renders that look odd, like some 2d textures on like the elbows or something, but everything else is quite nice. I stopped a couple times to admire the skin in a couple scenes where I could see the goosebumps on one of the girls' breasts, and again around the pubic area. I've seen some really good looking renders of girls in a lot of games here, and even the best of them have the most flawlessly smooth skin where there would normally be pubic hair. The girls in this one (so far) are all shaved but you can even see the bumps of the follicles where the hair would normally be. It's a small detail that stood out to me that I didn't know I would appreciate until I saw it. Maybe that's a small or weird thing but it made it feel more real to me. The models may not look photorealistic or whatever but they have a uniqueness to them that makes them stand apart.

    Anyways, I've rambled on enough now. I am very much looking forward to future updates for this one and recommend giving it a try.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Like the wrting and the style. Also exceptionally I like the MC, the attitude that screams "I don't give a fuck, just leave me alone" just resonates.

    The main girls are lovely.

    One negative, the founding family stuff can be a bit much and overdone. As much as the the attitude with the MC resonates with me, the attitude of the founding family idiots just rubs me the wrong way.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    "Kinky Wahid"

    Let's talk about what I like about your game.
    I don't think there's anything i dislike about your game, how much I like your or any game 40% of my opinion depends on MC like how's MC personality, abilities, hence it's not a superpower/fantasy game so I will cut the ability part but about MC personality MC is really a cool-ass knows how to give a solid answers to annoying girls like Catherine, Sarah's Sisters and so on..........
    Every girls is good looking even Rachel (I hate to admit but she's kinda cute).
    Animation is good, dialogues are good too, so far I haven't find anything ugly about your game everything is excellent!
    Honestly I'm not into hardcore maledom and bdsm and your game's totally my type even if not your game is just perfect even your haters can't deny this.
    Honestly at first I thought game is boring but just after 5mins literally in 5mins it's change my whole mood, I'm like "what is this!?" I'm so glad I found this game but I still haven't finished your game I'm at the end of 0.7 I think?
    Anyway I can't describe how much I like your game I know I'm not the first one nor the last one but I still need to say how much I appreciate your game.
    Keep up the amazing work man.
    Good luck.❤❤❤
    Love you from India.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The Verdict
    A cute little harem game with the cast of girls as its primary selling point.

    The Good
    • The girls here are cute, each of them unique, and have great models and animation. The characters overall in this are absolutely the highlight.
    • Solid sex scenes overall, in particular I liked
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    The Bad
    • I know some here liked the story and world-building but I had a hard time getting into it. It's essentially a story of family dynasties, but lands weird on the player because the world, otherwise, appears to just be a typical modern world in a small town. It does work to create a credible harem (which I am a fan of) but I found it hard to get into the narrative here because it's basically just a normal town with a random vehicle added to explain why MC fucks everyone.
    The Ugly
    • This game basically takes place in the backrooms. The environments are extremely strange, uncomfortable mazes that often seem like they are intentionally designed to confuse the player. In the opening scene, MC opens the door to his new "restaurant" which then actually looks exactly like a hotel. Later in the game, you go to one of the LI's mansion, which is almost identical to the "restaurant". The rooms of each house have plain white walls and hospital lighting... I didn't find a lot cozy about this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Story -5/5. The story of a guy who inherited a restaurant from his grandfather and his ambition to become the best chef. The story is truly original and unique because it has inserted a lot of things like fiounding families, distribution of power, MC becomes drawn into something he doesn't want and learn to deal with.
    Worldbuilding is really good, everything is beautifully done and attention to every detail is paid. Girls are also really cool, they all have different traits, looks and behaviors. Props to the dev for the story. With a little male domination there is a lot of tenderness and the goal is one happy, super ending.

    Gameplay -5/5. This is a standard VN, you are reading a story and you have a couple of irrelevant decisions to make. Some people don't like it, but I really like it. The writer sticks to his plans and thoughts and I think that's for the best. There were no bugs, crashes or writing errors. Like I said, the creator paid attention to every little detail.
    One thing I would fix is that girls have a little more variety in reactions. A good proportion of the games had a somewhat standard face, with no reactions other than blush. I think that could be fixed a little bit.

    Music – 4/5. The music is totally okay, there is nothing wrong with it, but on the other hand, there should be some variation. I think it would be possible to insert a few more different songs and maybe something like sex sounds, penetration, bj and similar.

    Final thought – An amazing game, worth your time. If you are interested in a harem type game with a bit of male dominance, creating wonderful relationships with girls, building a family with them, along with a very interesting story to which the creator has devoted himself, be sure to try this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Spoiler alert

    Version v0.8.1: It's not often I leave a very positive review. I find this game to be quite enjoyable for a kinetic novel. So much so, that I've played this game several times since the last update.

    I'm not really into spanking and having a slave girl and pet catgirl, let alone a harem. However, this novel presents those fetishes quite well, without going overboard. If I had to sum up all this in a single word, that word would be

    Great work by the developer. I look forward to Lucy using that sex toy she got. I am also looking forward to Rachel getting added to the harem, to more of the Founding Family BS (I mean drama/intrigue/twists) Nope, BS says it well, and to Miss Takamura discovering just who he is and also being added.

    To top it all off, I have discovered the most adorable phrase of all the games I've played:

    Jack thinks I'm Hot.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    the story is pretty interesting, gotta say. the girls are definetly cute and very unique. big fan of this one

    def recommended, always nice to play a good, casual and sometimes nerve recking harem avn.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I have never written a review for a visual novel before after at least +100 played. Never have I been so caught up in the story of previous games as i have with this one. With such a rich story from an amazing writer, followed up by great art quality, I can definitely recommend. I came for the lewd, stayed for the story.