What will you do if your girl started doing onlyfans or became a camgirl after meeting you? Will you be like "she is getting confident. I like it. That's my girl"?
I don't like onlyfans sluts or camsluts so even if I know the girl wasn't like that before meeting me that doesn't mean I'll start liking camsluts or OF sluts all of a sudden.
what does that has to do with anything ?
it's just a girl getting a tattoo, maybe, and you don't know the context of it. how do you jump straight to camgirls and onlyfans ?
just confirms YOU are the one doing the stereotyping. in your mind, girls with tattoos must be prostitutes for sure, zero doubt about it, no possible other explanation.
Did the dev say that he will add tattoos or nipple piercings when he started making this game? If I kne there will be girls with nipple piercings I would have never started playing this game. No matter how much I like this game I just can't stand nipple piercings.
I can tolerate tattoos if it's a small tattoo or something at a normal location but I can't stand it if there's a perfect girl with no tattoos and she starts getting some in the mid game.
what does that matter if he said it or not ?
my point is you know from the start that you CANNOT avoid any girl. you don't know how the girls will change, you don't know the girls' personality, their backstory, their drama and how it will be resolved, nor how they will change. so you KNOW from the start that there WILL be girls that you won't like or will have a change you won't like or one could do something you don't like. you're focusing on tattoos and piercings, but literally anything else could also happen.
it's an unfinished story. things WILL change. and you already know you cannot do anything about it, you can't decide anything, you can't avoid anything.
and the story is not about you. whether you "tolerate" it or not. it doesn't matter.
I don't remember him ever taking her consent. He just saved her and started molesting her. She just never said no because she wanted to act like a rebel.
We all know that she's a stranger's slut and that stranger could be anyone which makes her a slut. You can't deny that.
Anyways, I'll not continue this any further. I just want to tell @Cosy Creator that there are guys who like tattoos and piercings but they won't reject girls just because they don't have them but there are many guys who don't like piercings or tattoos and they will reject those girls. Have you ever heard anyone saying that they don't like a girl and they will reject her because she don't have piercings or tattoos?
Maybe do a poll on patreon to know what your paying subscribers want because this is a significant change for many people. Especially those people who were expecting an wholesome game.
confirms again you didn't read carefully and your memory is unreliable. the scene is very striking. the consent is very heavily emphasized. and she clearly states that MC is special to her. furthermore, MC is the first that verbally complimented her, and expressed genuine interest in her, from her POV.
it's not just about knowing his face and name... you're so closeminded.
you say "we all know" but no, you're the only one saying and believing that. she is a popular character in large part because of the underlying deeper connection she shares with the MC and what it means romantically. but it seems you can't understand nuance and subtlety.
rejecting a girl because she doesn't have tattoos or piercings, let's be honest, it's stupid.
but hey, saying you reject a girl because she does have a tattoo or piercing is just as stupid. two sides of the same coin.
On the matter of the tattos I'd say depending on what and where they get it would make them seem like sluts/low value women, I dont like it either but it could be not a big deal.
Nipple piercing is a whole other thing, thats something I would expect from a skank/camgirl/pornstar/single mom/drug addict, thats just in very bad taste and if several of the women will turn into sluts that get their nipples pierced it feels like a bit of change of direction in the game tbh. Pierced nipples, is not what I think about when hearing "cosy".
You can do what you want in the end but could you at least spoiler which women are supposed to be ruined by these so I can decide if I want to keep playing? There's some I dont care about and just tolerate, but if its the others

I mean, I doubt a spoiler like that would hurt the game as you already disclosed Miss Takamura will be the one getting the tattos, so giving that extra info shouldn't be much of a problem, yes? Would appreciate it.
the girls are already dedicated to MC. they want to do anything he wants, and are ready to try his fantasies. if one of them decide to get nipple piercings to please her man and enhanced their sex life together, it'd say it's a pretty great proof of dedication, instead of immediately throwing around insults at her.
it's pretty much your prejudice that drives that perception though.
if you go the "cosy" route, you could also argue that harem, spanking and male dom are not "cosy"... yet you welcome those just because they fit your tastes.
Enjoying the game immensely, fantastic game. Wishing the dev the best and can't wait for me.
Only criticism is Akatsuki's name, pretty sure the guy said they were Korean (Japanese mother maybe?). Maybe it's a plot point or something, or just a joke. I personally just find it off putting.
it was just a joke. restaurant with a Chinese name, but Koreans with Japanese names. the MC comments on it.
Personally, I don't want them because I do like their current looks for example Elizabeth and Victoria look good with them and maybe I could see it, but for Lucy and Miss Takamura I just don't see them, nipple piercings I just think it's painful and does nothing for me, so I would prefer if it's temporary or a choice.
Just to be clear, I am not on the same boat of Tattoos / piercings = slut that is just dumb
it's a kinetic novel, there won't be any choice.