Great novel. You definitely have to go into this game understanding that you're going to be largely reading a visual novel. The game doesn't even attempt to get flashy with features, audio, crazy animations or anything of the like; because that's not what it's about, Cosy Cafe 100% commits to just being a visual novel.
And so with that understood, visual novels have to sell two things very well: visuals, duh', and the uh... novel part. And it does these two really well.
The visuals are honestly pretty simplistic renders with fairly simple meshes, animations and so on, but, the artist takes what is largely just simple tools to craft very charming, unique characters that do so well to draw the eye you frankly couldn't give less of a shit that the background characters are silhouettes and that most of the environments and lighting are butt ugly. If these were fixed and improved, I honestly doubt the VN would improve at all; it'd be a waste of good talent.
Second, and the main meat; the writing is great. Good writing is sort of mandatory for a successful VN, and this knocks it out of the park. The pacing is slow at the start but ramps up quite quickly (a tap quick IMO, but honestly still better pacing than 99% of the stuff out there), the characters each have their own personalities and stories and paces of being drawn into the MC, the MC is cheeky and confident without being too arrogant or haughty, and the story is really focused. The cafe, the girls, the families. That's what is important, and the rest is breezed over without a care (school work, etc.) or is a welcome change of pace (Rachel's garbage, Miss Takamura meetings, etc.)
What really got me was when Akatsuki went missing for a couple days, I straight couldn't put the VN down until we got her back. It was so dead obvious what the writer was trying to do with pulling her out, but it worked so damn well, and she re-integrated quite nicely. Thats when I knew the writing was quality.
Personally, my favorites are Akatsuki and Sarah. I love the cool distant and the feisty tsundere types.
Good job Cosy. 5 stars well-earned.