So lets talk about Rachel , just to be clear im not saying all this to change the devs mind about the story , like i said previously im pretty sure that Rachel will somehow end up in the harem ( which im totally agaisnt it , but i will not ask for that not to happen ) .
One thing im curious about , Alison knows how Rachel is and all the problems that she has been causing because she is member of the student council , Alison said a few times about a few problems that she caused because of this. Now the question , why she is still a member of the student council ? why alison didnt take a action yet to remove her ? Lets face it , if was real life she would be gone from that position has a long time. ( Im speaking from experience , theres was girl in my school that was a bitch to everyone and all that took as 3 ppl to go to the principal office and tell her all that was happening , the girl didnt staid in that position for more than a week. )
Now i saw a few posts about her and deserving to be in the harem and also being forgiven and a second chance. Now i do believe in second chances but all depends on what happened . Theres a lot of things in live that dont deserve a second chance.
But lets go Rachel...
She has been trying to get us expelled since the beginning , since day one she is been a pain in the ass .
She is not only bothering us , but also bothering the girls , even when the girls stand up for us and tell her to stop it , she still dont believe the girls.
I agree that those things are kinda okayish , is still forgivable .
But what draws the line for me is what she does later on , sneaking into our house , take pictures to INCRIMINATE us.
Is clearly that she wants to fuck the "mc"/us up , so i ask u , why would i give a second chance to someone that is constantly trying to fuck u ?
She commited 3 crimes ( invasion of private property , pictures without consent and false accusation < well this third one didnt happen , but that was her plan [ im saying false accusation because we all know how the girls consented to everything that we did and if a investigation would happen would be over soon because the girls would tell the truth about it ] ) here which she clearly didnt think about at all . All that she wanted was to get "prove" about how "us" were treating the girls to fuck us over.
She is lucky that the mc didnt called the Police at that moment , otherwise she would be in a serious problem.
Like i said , i dont give a fuck about her backstory , how sad will be ( if we learn it about it ) or all her reasons for those actions , i still dont want her and i will never give her a second chance ( of course thats just my opinion about it , like i said im expecting that Cosy put her on the harem and obviously there will be scenes with her , i will skip it cus im really not interested in her and because of those reasons i said on above )
Like i said , this is just
MY OPINION and HOW I VIEW THIS SUBJECT. Im not trying to make Cosy's mind about how he/she would create/write his story. But i still like to discuss aspects of the game with you all
Cosy please keep your good work and write the story you want to tell us. I appreciate your game and i love it .
In case I dont come back here . Merry Christmas to everyone <3