
Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
Yeah this is kinda the problem with this game, everyone is mandatory... girls you don't care about and even the ones you really don't like. To be able to really pull it off you would need to be insanely good at it, writing i mean (i'm not saying cosy is bad by any means). But even games that can (where all the girls are imo beyond lovables, not dropping names here) don't do it and let you cut whoever you want.
You understand that this is not a game with choices, but a novel. It is an Adult Visual Novel. That is the tag, that is what was stated from the start. This would be like picking up the Lord of the Rings (with tons of pictures) and expecting the story to be how you want it to be (choosing who to talk to on the journey, where to sleep, when to eat, etc.) Take the information for what you will.
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Mar 9, 2023
You understand that this is not a game with choices, but a novel. It is an Adult Visual Novel. That is the tag, that is what was stated from the start. This would be like picking up the Lord of the Rings (with tons of pictures) and expecting the story to be how you want it to be (choosing who to talk to on the journey, where to sleep, when to eat, etc.) Take the information for what you will.
Yes. But it is as i said. It would be extremely hard to pull it off. And for the most part Cosy is doing pretty good honestly. Even girls that i'm not too interested about i'm mostly fine with them being there and enjoy them to some extent so he is doing well. But to make a character as unlikeable as her and force her into the player as a future romance feel like shooting yourself in the foot as a writer imo.

really who could've guessed?
Really constructive addition to the discussion sir. /s

For real, it's is not because it's a kinetic novel that i'm, by any means, forced to like, love and agree with all of it's writing decisions and what the game is doing. In most of them (K-AVN), most of the time, stuff that are a bit meh or a bit bad can be ignored to some extent but here... it's really hard (/impossible to me). And it's not just me, if i chose to react earlier it's because it is far from the first time that i have seen peoples "complain" about how bad Rachel is. And i feel like it's completely justify of them/us. Even if it wasn't, it is still an opinion that is perfectly fine to share. No matter if just 1 person agree or 1 million. Cosy can do whatever he want with it.

edit: Also i was not asking for the game to have choices or stabbing at the game for being Kinetic, my point was to tell that it's really hard to pull off. And that maybe something should be done to fix Rachel a little.
Anyway it got me thinking about those numerous games that are, kinda or completely, kinetic as a story but still let you make choices for the romance/sex stuff. It's kinda an easy fix to dodge some bullets and i would and i'm still am, considering them as kinetics games. ( But of course in those games, the LIs are not as much central to the story, here the whole thing is build around them so it wouldn't work... anyway)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Really constructive addition to the discussion sir. /s
maybe there was a reason i only quoted a part off your message?

Yeah this is kinda the problem with this game, everyone is mandatory... girls you don't care about and even the ones you really don't like.
saying this in a Kinetic novel thread is comparable to walking into a steak house as a vegan complaining you don't like that there is meat on the menu. and that is the real problem.
you can try and mask or avoid addressing it further with this rachel thing but that doesn't seem to working really well now does it?
Cosy cafe being kinetic novel isn't a problem at all. its a problem for you! and i won't let you say "its kinda the problem with game" and i don't intend on being subtle about it.

so the rachel thing.
the whole bit about it all is that she is a confirmed main love intrest ,if cosy didn't already spoil that she is going to be part off the harem there would be no one bitching about it until it actually happend.

First impressions matter and rachel got it in a more negative way then others. but don't forget that Vicky was a bitch as well ,how many people would feel different about her if she (together with mika etc.) would've continued doing shit to lucy for a few more updates? how many would've "hated" that she'd join the harem then?
now obviously all this didn't happen and Vicky turned a leaf pretty quickly.

Cosy just is cooking a meal with the ingredient called rachel, some people (myself included) go like :"shit i don't really like the taste off that".
Cosy just keeps on cooking, now a little while later(some updates) you start to smell something,a whiff here there from the kitchen while you're eating other dishes.

That smell has gotten me at least curious about the meal. but cosy isn't done cooking yet so we've got no idea how its going to taste.
now i won't bitch about anyone who actually will try it and say they don't like it, i might even agree with them.
but anyone who gets up and leaves restaurant before trying a bite is a bitch in my books.
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Mar 9, 2023
Cosy cafe being kinetic novel isn't a problem at all. its a problem for you!
If i walk into a a restaurant with 9 meals that i like and 1 that i found absolutely awful, should i not be allowed to be there?

But alright fair enough. Maybe it was put in a clumsy or in a bad way to express what i was trying to say but i can assure you that it's is not a problem for me. My english is a disaster no matter how hard i'm trying so it probably doesn’t help.

Maybe he should not cook that much with a shit ingredient(Rachel). Vicky was never anyway near as extreme as Rachel is and the way she was is much more easier to accept and understand than Rachel, it's not even close.

Staying in the metaphor: i don't like mushrooms or oysters but i have no problems imagining that some people would like it. But someone cooking and eating a cockroach for example.... probably not, definitively not. My point is: cooking shit end into cooked shit.

Also i never said i was not gonna try it. I said it felt likely that i will drop the game after it or kinda skip her screen time to some extent (because i don't think it's possible to redeem her at all and i know that i don't like cockroach, even cooked) or something like that. I would not be following this thread if i don't plan continuing playing it, at least for now.

I also said "maybe Cosy will pull it off...we'll see". I'm not here to hate or trash talk the game, who truly know maybe i'll find out that actually like "cooked cockroach", like you said. I was just giving my opinion about Rachel. That post you quoted was a clumsy tangent, reacting to the guy reacting to some of my rachel posts earlier, i guess...

Anyway i spent to much time talking about a character i don't like which is very much against my beliefs (cf: Don't waste time talking about anything gaming you don't like on internet forums, it's useless. Better talk about things you like) so i'm gonna stop here and drop a fat: Hannah and Cath best girls bye !

edit: I forgot ! Saying that we are not allowed to criticize her because MC isn't involved with her yet is pretty dumb if you ask me. And of course if she was hidden LI nobody would "bitch" about her (to much) because nobody, in their right mind, would believe for a second she should/would become one ever.
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2021
Cosy just is cooking a meal with the ingredient called rachel, some people (myself included) go like :"shit i don't really like the taste off that".
Cosy just keeps on cooking, now a little while later(some updates) you start to smell something,a whiff here there from the kitchen while you're eating other dishes.

That smell has gotten me at least curious about the meal. but cosy isn't done cooking yet so we've got no idea how its going to taste.
now i won't bitch about anyone who actually will try it and say they don't like it, i might even agree with them.
but anyone who gets up and leaves restaurant before trying a bite is a bitch in my books.
Yeah, well.... I´m smelling something aswell. A character that, at least for me, is already burned to a crisp with no way to save it. Sure, you might be interested in the taste, but it´s going to stay burned, no matter what you do. You can glaze it, you can put spices on it, but it´s definitely not going to change the taste.
It would´ve been one thing if all the stuff would´ve been solved in one of the previous updates. Maybe then some of us would be fine with her, i don´t know. But with all the public accusations, trying to gaslight MC etc. the current Rachel meal has been cooked for so long, it´s beyond saving. And that´s never going to change for me.

Am i going to cancel my subscription because of it? Hell no. I´m just going to do everything in my power to simply avoid or skip her scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
If i walk into a a restaurant with 9 meals that i like and 1 that i found absolutely awful, should i not be allowed to be there?

My english is a disaster no matter how hard i'm trying so it probably doesn’t help.
how nice off you to not address the point again but just dance around it whilst playing a classic victim card.

Yeah this is kinda the problem with this game, everyone is mandatory... girls you don't care about and even the ones you really don't like.
translates to "9 meals that i like and 1 that i found absolutely awful" so the entire menu is awful.
its not a language barrier here, its a concept off idea's barrier that you seem be having.

It's not hard. It's just that you don't like it, doesn't mean other people don't. No need to make it complicated.
well in simplest terms: he said the game has a problem because he(and some others) can't deny playing through rachel content.
how to solve that problem? make it a choice!, aka make this kinetic novel a non-kinetic novel so i don't have to see something i don't want to see,

Yeah, well.... I´m smelling something aswell. A character that, at least for me, is already burned to a crisp with no way to save it. Sure, you might be interested in the taste, but it´s going to stay burned, no matter what you do. You can glaze it, you can put spices on it, but it´s definitely not going to change the taste.
It would´ve been one thing if all the stuff would´ve been solved in one of the previous updates. Maybe then some of us would be fine with her, i don´t know. But with all the public accusations, trying to gaslight MC etc. the current Rachel meal has been cooked for so long, it´s beyond saving. And that´s never going to change for me.

Am i going to cancel my subscription because of it? Hell no. I´m just going to do everything in my power to simply avoid or skip her scenes.
yeah this all good, you're not saying there is problem with the game because its on the menu and being served, you're just saying you won't like it,but will let it be served to enjoy the rest off the menu (y)


Mar 9, 2023
edit: removed line (sorry about that, i got pissed off for a second, i should have not said that)

What i meant (or tied to) by : "The problem with this game" is : it's really hard to pull off, to make all the girls that the MC is involved with, really likeable. Because it's kinetic and they are no choices, as seen at what i said after it :

"To be able to really pull it off you would need to be insanely good at it, writing i mean (i'm not saying cosy is bad by any means)."

(then yes i tangented on saying some games that would be perfectly fine, in that department,as a kinetic aren't...which might i have been just a bit dumb from me here i agree, maybe)

Like i said earlier it was just wrote it in a bad and clumsy way. But i never meant to say this game shouldn't be kinetic or should be something else... as i also tried to explaining to you earlier.

I also adresed every single things you freaking said what are you talking about.

And top of that you are saying i'm playing the victim card (i'm not) when you clearly white knighting the game. (i can do it too see).
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Active Member
Oct 11, 2021
well in simplest terms: he said the game has a problem because he(and some others) can't deny playing through rachel content.
how to solve that problem? make it a choice!, aka make this kinetic novel a non-kinetic novel so i don't have to see something i don't want to see,
you completely missed My point. I don't care about that at all. Both You and he doesn't like Rachel, etc... other people Do. I don't care about that "kinetic" $%^& in the first place because I don't have a problem with the content.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Gosh your dense dude.

What i meant (or tied to) by : "The problem with this game" is : it's really hard to pull off, to make all the girls that the MC is involved with, really likeable. Because it's kinetic and they are no choices, as seen at what i said after it :

"To be able to really pull it off you would need to be insanely good at it, writing i mean (i'm not saying cosy is bad by any means)."

(then yes i tangented on saying some games that would be perfectly fine, in that department,as a kinetic aren't...which might i have been just a bit dumb from me here i agree, maybe)

Like i said earlier it was just wrote it in a bad and clumsy way. But i never meant to say this game shouldn't be kinetic or should be something else... as i also tried to explaining to you earlier.

I also adresed every single things you freaking said what are you talking about.

And top of that you are saying i'm playing the victim card (i'm not) when you clearly white knighting the game. (i can do it too see).
right so.. were in a kinetic novel where choices don't change the story

a guy says "i wish i could avoid rachel and change the story"

you say "this a problem with this game"(you don't have a choice to change the story) "i could be ok with it if written
perfectly in way i like"

i say "you're told upfront that story changing choices aren't possible"

you go "bro you're not helping my narrative""i'm actually ok with not having choices in the story, i just want the choice to not see stuff i don't like"

i go "then why say not having a choice to change the story is a problem" "also rachels story isn't done yet,i didn't like her myself initially now im curious due to developments"

you say " i like 90% off the game , i just don't like 10% off this game am i now a bad person""maybe cosy will make like the 10% later on i'm not sure"

i ask again "stop being stupid and answer:why say not having a choice to change the story is a problem"

you say "you're dense. i never said i have a issue with not having a story changing choice" "i clearly ment you have to be a good writer to make unlikeable character into a likeable one" "you're just being mean because i said something negative about a character in game you like"

somebody (not meabe) please tell me i got trolled and actually am dense.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
you completely missed My point. I don't care about that at all. Both You and he doesn't like Rachel, etc... other people Do. I don't care about that "kinetic" $%^& in the first place because I don't have a problem with the content.
tbh im on the fence with rachel since last few updates, cosy teased a few possible scenario's that caught my curiosity.
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Konrad Simon

Game Developer
May 12, 2021
There is something about the types of fans you get in a game.
* The casual player: They are looking for an experience, an escape, a quick fap, whatever, then they go away.
* The niche player: They are looking for a specific kink or type of game which to get off.
* The story player: They are looking for a deep, meaningful story, which triggers their imagination.
* The fan player: They are looking to dissect every word to try and figure out what is going to happen next. This is a subset of the story player, as they get hooked by a specific story and game, and will debate endlessly.

I am more of a story player, but will play games as a casual/niche player at times to suit a mood/purpose. I try not to become too much of a fan player, but have for a few games, because of the story.
Very good and useful distinctions.
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Active Member
Oct 11, 2021
somebody (not meabe) please tell me i got trolled and actually am dense.
okay. People generally don't like every, single thing about a product. There's usually some things that they wished were different. Meabe is expressing what they don't like. But there's a difference between thinking about it, and asking for it. Meabe is expressing that they internally wished some things were different, but he is not actually Asking for the option. Yes, you picked up that they wanted something different, but the difference is that they are not trying to demand it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
okay. People generally don't like every, single thing about a product. There's usually some things that they wished were different. Meabe is expressing what they don't like. But there's a difference between thinking about it, and asking for it. Meabe is expressing that they internally wished some things were different, but he is not actually Asking for the option. Yes, you picked up that they wanted something different, but the difference is that they are not trying to demand it.
thanks i was really convinced that not having a option to change the story in a kinetic novel was a common accepted fact. when one plays one.

now i know im dense and its actually pretty normal to say its a problem that you don't have to option to change a story in a kinetic novel. and everyone understands that means they don't actually want what they say,they just wish it wasn't so.

the next time a game won't start i won't address it as a problem because for dense guys like me "problem = issue that should(needs) be resolved".

thanks packor & Meabe37 now i learned that "problem = i wish it wasn't so,no need to do anything about it".
this has been educational :sneaky:


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2023
the problem with this game
No. The problem is with you.

The story is an artistic work by someone creative enough and dedicated enough to produce it. If you don't like it that's fine (although nobody cares but you) - go play something else that you like better because you'll probably be happier. There are lots of games out there for everybody to find ones they like - certainly more than enough to make whinging about one's you don't like pointless and unnecessary (and in very poor taste).

It's not a "problem with this game" that the way the creator tells HIS story isn't exactly.what you want. Feel free to go make your own game if what you want is different. Art is subjective. You can go to the Louvre and decide you like this painting and dislike another, but you don't ever hear anyone say "This artist was wrong to paint his painting this way - I know better how he/she should have done it." Because that's just dumb.
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Jun 8, 2021
Now thats out of everyones systems, who else is excited for the lunch date with Misaki? you guys think they will go straight to bone town? or is that reserved for date two?

Also, who do you guys think got number 5 in the kings game? my guess is Lucy, and because she doesn't have a phone yet she is going to have to get creative to complete the dare, like leaving class during the day to find MC then stripping for him, or using someone else' phone.
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