VN Ren'Py Abandoned Craving Curses Reloaded [v0.06.1] [HAG]

3.20 star(s) 9 Votes

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
To each their own ... kinks and all ... but this needs some bells sand whistles ...
I mean ... it should be art, not some cut out of anatomy 101, don't you think;)?!?

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Best choice would be a button ... a quick time event that ends the happy scene ...
Either in the arms of MC's beloved ... or in the anatomy dictionary of ... cravings, I guess;)!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
There is something wrong when you don't drink at Willy's bar after the talk with Gillian.
You don't meet the cop but when you arrive home you are thinking about her with her decoy thingy. That's not correct.

Edit: Later, the Cop doesn't know you. So that's fine there.
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Sep 15, 2017
Yep he messed something up on this part ...

Xray if we can disable/hide this shit i would be ok with that ... what the vn really need is Option menue with the standart setting so we can disable the sound and skip the boring text if we have no save from the old version ... i just hate it when dev´s disable the options

The Story could be finally get into more detail ... it get a little boring now
Yeah, I also find it annoying that you can't skip to the end of the previous part. But at least dev left the function for skipping the dialogues inside, the little button in the bottom right corner. And you can turn off the sound, I think. The menu is there when you press esc, isn't it?

RWaites Jnr

Dec 6, 2018

TLDR: The main story is growing again. There will be new characters for side story. A progress graphic now shows you at first glance the status of the current update.
Hey, my friends.
After the last tech update, the next update is about more story. I'm busy writing right now. The next update will be exciting.
(small spoiler:) Vanny finds something out and goes on a daring way. Jasmin brings light into the darkness and goes more into what she needs the MC for and what its purpose is. You can also learn about the MC's early past.
And that's not all: The game is now growing next to the main story. There will be more and more characters you can meet in the whole city and in the country. Some require special skills. For others only some luck. There will be a lot to explore in the future. And lots of fun ;)
On the Patreon main page you will now find a progress graphic where you can see the current status of the development.

Thanks for your support and I hope you will have a lot of fun with CRAVING CURSES in the future. It is my pleasure to offer you this game.

RWaites Jnr

Dec 6, 2018

I take it as good news that the story for V0.06.2 has grown unexpectedly. So we stay at 90% for now, because there are still some details missing while writing the story.
As always, there will be a little delay here as well, but I try to keep the time as minimal as possible. I still hope for a release in october!
What else is there to say?
There are some exciting story-twist's planned, which you can already experience in the upcoming release.
Furthermore some people of you told me that there should be more S*x in the game. This will also be implemented in the upcoming updates.
The new concept for the Sidequestst in the game also makes it possible to have more fun retroactively from the beginning.
So, let's go on! Let's write the rest :)

RWaites Jnr

Dec 6, 2018

Hey, fellas. The TLDR first:
Development is progressing, but as always slower than I planned. Release of V0.6.2 will come in November!
You will play more with Vanny in the future. Depending on what you do with her, you get bitch-level points. The higher the bitch level is, the hornier Vanny can act in the game. More info below in the text.

The bitch level is new in the game. In the game, which now gets more Open World elements, you will be able to play other charaters from time to time. At the beginning it will be Vanny who will do some things on her own. So Vanny will increasingly become a playable character. Vanny is able to collect BITCH LEVEL points through various decisions. She will get into situations in the course of the game where you will clearly feel whether you are playing her like a bitch or not.
Sure: It is already hornier to play her like this and one or the other possibility opens up. But it will also have disadvantages. Your decisions and your BITCH LEVEL will have a lasting influence on the game. Partly good, partly bad.

I won't say too much about it, except it's taking too long again. I do everything on my own, the hardest time in our life is largely over and I am still working on finding a good workflow.
Long story short: It goes on and I think that a release in November is very realistic!

As always, thanks for your support and loyalty.
I listen to your feedback, adapt the game to your wishes and am grateful for hints, help and last but not least for the paid memberships. You are great, because thanks to you, it goes on and on here. And hopefully soon again faster ;

RWaites Jnr

Dec 6, 2018

I know it.

My Real Life still hasn't adjusted as it should have after the tragedy in our marriage. Far too often I still sit in front of the texts, pictures and the script and can't get any further.
Things are getting better and better and the ideas are coming back. But it's still the case that I can't keep my own deadlines.
For this I would like to apologize honestly!
Also today I cannot deliver the finished update, although I promised it in November. All the more I thank you, the patrons who are loyal to me, for your support. I would also like to thank the followers, who keep telling me about new things in the game, that the interest doesn't diminish.
I don't want to disappoint you any further and promise that it will go on and on! The game continues to grow and I'm not giving up!
Nevertheless, I can understand that many don't want to support this slow development any longer. If you are dissatisfied, please delete your donation. I know that it is my fault.
For those, which donate further, in addition, in the past donated, I want to express my thanks and promise that it was not in vain.
The next update will be released this year!
In the future I will also look for help to push the development. I will hire people to work with me. It's an enormous amount of work for a single Person alone, who has an intense private life. But also that is solvable. You will see ;-)

With best regards,


Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
I had wondered what was going on with this sounds like the dev has had a rough patch never nice to hear and hopefully, he pushes through, sounds like the workload for him with this is getting too much. Here's hoping he gets the help with his game would be a shame to see this one get abandoned.
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
O.K. ... this is clear now .. we are dealing with Norman Osborne level of freak + kink+ experimentation + fetish concoction + serious matal steel cage of horrors with the Goblin trappe inside the longest dream of all said above. We all hope Norman pushes through and does look in the mirror sometimes ... whenever he feels like waking up from the Goblin sleep and gaming;)!

RWaites Jnr

Dec 6, 2018

TLDR; I'm looking for people to build a team and take development to a whole new level. Current work is delayed and restructured.

Dear friends,
recently I told you that I can hardly manage the development of CRAVING CURSES on my own. There is too much to do and more and more time passes until an update is ready.
So I decided that I don't want to and can't work alone anymore. I put together a small team! I need fresh wind in our sails and energetic support.
There are already the first person who want to join in and want to build a nice game.
This whole thing raises 3 questions at the end:
  • 1. when is the team ready?
    - I hope very soon! The first work in the team should begin in January.
  • 2. will there be a new game?
    - Due to new people in the project, it is not absurd that we will start a completely new game together and CRAVING CURSES will "take a break".
  • 3. Which positions in the team do you still need?
    - ALL! I need writers, translators, 3D artists or better still draughtsmen, scripting and coding junkies....
You want to be part of the team too? Just contact me by e-mail.
Just write me informally what you are interested in and if you have any previous knowledge.
The first work with the new team and possibly a new project should already start in January.
CRAVING CURSES will be paused until this orientation phase!
I will announce exactly how it will continue in January.
I will now keep you up to date regularly.
As always I am grateful for any support.
I would like to point out at this point that you can of course stop your donation if you want to wait for the new orientation in the team and information.
Thanks for your attention.


Sep 15, 2017
I have also paused my donation for the time being. I have supported HAG the whole time, but now I want to wait and see what happens next.
A team sounds good, but I doubt he will continue craving curses. On the other hand, I'm curious what he will probably do with a team. I will definitely continue to follow what is happening there and I will continue to donate if craving curses continues or if I like the new game.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017

So much for regular updates ... they must be running tatto communicator and holo decks
in theyr brand new danger room ... they got so absorbed coming out of it should be a miracle at this point.

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3.20 star(s) 9 Votes