5.00 star(s) 7 Votes


May 28, 2020
Whats new in new update?
(from kemono)
Anaringu – v1.6

Finished! Thank you so much for all your support and suggestions that have helped greatly in the production of this project.

I managed to fix some more bugs I came across, the ones I remember where; audio lines stopping animations from progressing, and some animation loops weren’t looping properly.

Also, the static on her genits would show up sometimes only after you pulled out. There was also an ahegao situation where she would still say lines and stop the progress of going from one speed to the other.

Overall I added:

Insεmination / fεrtility button

Prεgnant belly option (only after insεmination)
An animated prεg belly bouncing with each animation

An ɑnɑl gape animation that happens only after you c∪m into her ɑss
C∪m leaks out her ɑnɑl gape right after pull out from c∪mming into her ɑss.
Futɑnari jɑcking animation that also makes her c∪m during oral orgɑsm animation.

Other Projects:
(I will be expanding on these topics with images and animations in a later Work In Progress post)


May 31, 2020
(from kemono)
Anaringu – v1.6

Finished! Thank you so much for all your support and suggestions that have helped greatly in the production of this project.

I managed to fix some more bugs I came across, the ones I remember where; audio lines stopping animations from progressing, and some animation loops weren’t looping properly.

Also, the static on her genits would show up sometimes only after you pulled out. There was also an ahegao situation where she would still say lines and stop the progress of going from one speed to the other.

Overall I added:

Insεmination / fεrtility button

Prεgnant belly option (only after insεmination)
An animated prεg belly bouncing with each animation

An ɑnɑl gape animation that happens only after you c∪m into her ɑss
C∪m leaks out her ɑnɑl gape right after pull out from c∪mming into her ɑss.
Futɑnari jɑcking animation that also makes her c∪m during oral orgɑsm animation.

Other Projects:
(I will be expanding on these topics with images and animations in a later Work In Progress post)
Insεmination / fεrtility button

Prεgnant belly option (only after insεmination)
An animated prεg belly bouncing with each animation

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Mar 25, 2018
as much as I love creambee and teams work....I really hate when a seasonal project spans multiple months. they've been running with Sadako for damn near a quarter of the year while Cybergirl has been in stasis. the Lucoa project looks amazing though.
some1 pls tell creambee make lucoa voice japanese or give option for mute.. wont let me comment for some reason on his page, french sadako ruins it for me, just started watching that anime, lucoa has a pretty nice professional VA mature japanese voice in the subbed anime, gonna be rlly weird to see it change to a completely random english/french voice


May 27, 2021
some1 pls tell creambee make lucoa voice japanese or give option for mute.. wont let me comment for some reason on his page, french sadako ruins it for me, just started watching that anime, lucoa has a pretty nice professional VA mature japanese voice in the subbed anime, gonna be rlly weird to see it change to a completely random english/french voice
Sighs, moans, and snippets are fine, but wordy dialogue always seems odd to me for something that is basically purely porn. Use it for intros and 'plot beat' type stuff like the opening of Halloween Girl which was fairly creative, but mid-scene just seems a waste.


Active Member
Sep 23, 2017
some1 pls tell creambee make lucoa voice japanese or give option for mute.. wont let me comment for some reason on his page, french sadako ruins it for me, just started watching that anime, lucoa has a pretty nice professional VA mature japanese voice in the subbed anime, gonna be rlly weird to see it change to a completely random english/french voice
removing stuff is easy job....
you can delete all her sounds inside the .swf
using an editor like JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler.....

aniway i an going to edit some of the creambee stuff....
because i am also doing edits of mofu mofu musume in the meanwhile.....

Creambee Edits Start here: the others are Below These:

Creambee - Bangin' Talent Show v4.0_NoSideCamera
finally i have undetstood how to deal with these situations......


Creambee - 2B OpenBar v1.0_NoFrame_DressedSex
Creambee - 2B OpenBar v1.0_NoFrame_NakedSex
is there a way to make her naked ??? if NOPE.....then this is a good edit mhhh??
completed i checked all the sprite and no more clothing glitch appear....
adden bonus dressed edited


Creambee - Bangin' Talent Show v4.0_NoSide_Wide_NoHand
why nobody never tryed this BEFORE?????
well finally somebody discover a new GAME CHANGER........
i also removed the hand...but i have keep a version with that in case of need......

well as a surprised myself this edit can be done in every flash than has been released.....
also is not that complicated...just a matter of find the variables and play with it........

there is a problem on the 2nd loop of the blowjob than make the arms glitch and need a BIG FIX.......also the hand.........
for the hand i can rotate and make it longer..... but the rest need to be edited by frame manually.......
until i fix these this will no get released........!!!!!
Workupload (wen is finished) no ETA lol
Pixeldrain (wen is finished) no ETA lol

Creambee - SplootoonV2.2_Wide
she need some love too...finally is decent looking now.....


Creambee - SunShineGal v3.5_NoFrame_Wide
just evolved in wide and clean....now is finished....ohh i forgot the futa-ball ok now is fixed too!!!


Creambee - Zelda After Party v3.1_NoFrame_Wide
now is perfect!!!! also found a very nice hidden button to instant wake up the girl....AWESOME!!!!!


Creambee - MakiOzeShort_v2_Wide
a nice and wide beach!!! light effect edited for widesceen.....


Creambee - CyberGalStreet v0.6.3_NoFrame_HalfWide
just an half complete work.....BECAUSE....the game internal strurcture is HUGE!!!!!!
the game have serparated story and freeplay frames!!!!
freeplay is from 37 to 46.....the rest is just for the story.....wen they finished it....
and each scene have also his own "UNIQUE" background ANIMATED with SMOKE......
for a nice 6 or 9 total backgrounds to edits.....
cosideating this is a WIP i wont' waste too much of my time on an unfinished flash edit.....

this is just an old version get the new one here:

Creambee - CyberGalStreet v0.8.8_NoFrame_Wide

Creambee - Miss Lucoas Summer Fun_V1_Wide
she need some improvement too......
as usual the classic stuff: no black bar, zoom out,background & effects wide.......
a black vs white difference.......this only take me like 30 min to edit/testing....
why these dev dont make themselves a proper PC only wide version is incomprehensible.......


Other Flash Edit i have worked on:

Zone - Reiko1_Edit_Draenei_eyes
yeah is zone but don't want make another topic just for some extra edits......
never like her eyes so i fixed it somehow......
more human but still retain the draeney look for me......


EroPharaoh - Summer's Birthday v0.6.2_NoFrame
why do they add these stupid frames i dunno.......


Boogie - Lana_v1.0_NoBorder_Clean
cleaned all the mess....now a true widescreen......removed red filter......


TheLustyLizard_Cookie Scout_v1.2_White
i always wanted to do that ...well i managed to finished it......
even if is just .png import wen zoomed very little pixelation appear.....

the prob is i cannot figure how to correctly converting png_to_svg in a mode compatible with JPEXS Free
i can convert somehow everything but then it will become trasparent wen loaded back inside the shape......go figure.....


what a waste of a potencials.....fixed....different scene rotate and zoom FIX also......
native zoomed/crop is much better!!!!


Beachside Bunnies - Bandicoot Buddy v1.4_NoHUD_Wide
now is clean and sexy! just wow!
yeah i know the background is a not perfect but is a little price to pay for it......

v1.5 released more info here:


HighwayToTartarus_Raven Lets Loose_NoBlur_NoFilter_Wide
wow looks like a different game.........clean and sexy as usual......optional blur/noblur


EroPharaoh - Ty Lee - Fun in the Sun_Wide_PoVmode
always wanted to fix this since i have played for the first time...it's very nice to make an old wish come true......
this is on medium because there is a Lots of Edited Stuffs....clean all the messy assets behind these black bars....
and making wide EVERYTHING!!!! fade and cum effects included.....


just a small edit with only pov scene cutted from frame with editor.......


TVComrade_Ghost Wife from TV_OnlyPoV_HairMod_DualEye
original>hair mod>dual eye mod
now she is Pretty and Sexy......all 3 included.....


wtf is that ugly nose?


just a small edit with only pov scene cutted from frame with editor.......
also i flipped the 1st blowjob sequence.....


TVComrade_RiKa-chan attack_NoBorder_Flipped
Snap1.jpg Snap7.jpg
no more rec crap.....and i flipped the doggy


she's Super Sexy......need so bad a wide edit.....


TVComrade_Spooky Nurse_OnlyPoV
just a small edit with only pov scene cutted from frame with editor.......


just a small edit with only pov scene cutted from frame with editor.......


flash edits still alive and well....i am gonna unlock their true potencials.....the only limit is the sky.....
never see anything like that on swfchan....

mhh all these edits add at least X2 more fap power!!!!! and on some even MORE!
still not have finished looking for games than need QoL edits so maybe there will be more in the future.....
Last edited:

Dixen Chix

May 13, 2019
removing stuff is easy job....
you can delete all her sounds inside the .swf
using an editor like JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler.....

aniway i an going to edit some of the creambee stuff....
because i am also doing edits of mofu mofu musume in the meanwhile.....

current working on :


SunShineGal v3.5_NoFrame
View attachment 2562676
mhh not too bad......i think is perfect now....

Bangin' Talent Show v4.0_NoSideCamera
View attachment 2562587
finally i have undetstood how to deal with these situations......

Zelda After Party v3.2_NoFrame
View attachment 2562843
found a very nice hidden button to instant wake up the girl....

Zone - Reiko1_Edit_Draenei_eyes
View attachment 2565584
yeah is zone but don't want make another topic just for some extra edits......
never like her eyes so i fixed it somehow......
more human but still retain the draeney look for me......

EroPharaoh - Summer's Birthday v0.6.2_NoFrame
View attachment 2565978
why do they add these stupid frames i dunno.......

Boogie - Lana_v1.0_NoBorder_Clean
View attachment 2567440
cleaned all the mess....now a true widescreen......

RKN-chan attack_NoBorder
View attachment 2567492
no more rec crap.....


OpenBar v1.0_NoFrame_NakedSex
View attachment 2562245
is there a way to make her naked ??? if NOPE.....then this is a good edit mhhh??
completed i checked all the sprite and no more clothing glitch appear..... take a lot of trial and error.....

TheLustyLizard_Cookie Scout_v1.2_White
View attachment 2571551
i always wanted to do that ...well i managed to finished it......
even if is just .png import wen zoomed very little pixelation appear.....

the prob is i cannot figure how to correctly converting png_to_svg in a mode compatible with JPEXS Free
i can convert somehow everything but then it will become trasparent wen loaded back inside the shape......go figure.....

well still have lots of new ideas.....the new series WideScreen.....i will come wen ready.......

mhh all these edits add at least X2 more fap power!!!!!
still not have finished looking for games than need QoL edits so maybe there will be more in the future.....

Is the "Boogie - Lana" one CreamBee's? I've never seen it until now. Some of the others too, but I'm not interested.


Active Member
Sep 23, 2017
Is the "Boogie - Lana" one CreamBee's? I've never seen it until now. Some of the others too, but I'm not interested.
1st name is the creator
2nd name is the name of flash
3rd is the version
4rt is the edit variant
_ mean more than a single edit

more flash from boogie here

or just go at his official gallery......

atm i am just edit whatever flash i like than need adjustment....
so i use that just for having all in one place.....
because this guy is the last one active than make new flash releases......
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  • Heart
Reactions: Dixen Chix
Sep 23, 2021
Is the "Boogie - Lana" one CreamBee's? I've never seen it until now. Some of the others too, but I'm not interested.
TheBoogie is the name of the maker for that one. they have some....interesting releases (as well as horrifying alternate versions of their still images. god damn eldritch abominations in fact).
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Active Member
Sep 23, 2017
good day boys!
today i want to start another project on the FLASH groups than i am working for....

......Total Destruction Edits......

some rules about it.....
1)No Rules!
2)No Backup!
4)No Limits!
3)Just for FUN!

these will be all the flash i broke on purpose for getting what i want or i need.....
damaging everything in the process....for becoming a fap mode edits....

Creambee - Private Prescription_Hacked_NoMiniGame
i cut the minigames off complitely by deleting frames....dunno if is a good method ??? but it worked so who cares....!!!!
cannot figure how to hack the minigames with script code so i skipped that part lol
i tested and worked....even sex afterwards the first "cut" work with no problems...original with frame numbers included......


GameofPorns Series_ PoV_OnLy_Mod
no previews because i just deleted all the questions and just make a gallery click to watch and fap.....
i tested it and worked....use originals if you need the boring parts.....


[Stanbrough Ag Refinery] Honorable Video Collection A_v2018_PoVMoDeV3
well this is a nice story.....
i wanted these games and i got them all.....after a long search for download sources....
but then the amount of fap power fo each game SUCKS.....just 3-4 scenes each one....

so why not MERGING everyscene in ONE MEGA GAME for happy fapping?
here is what happen....i found a very nice & moddable structure in one and i edited everything.....
this is just my copy/paste...so you maybe don't like it......
because is all and only pov scenes i deleted almost everything not sexy/useless........use the original for that!!!!!

the best scenes from 4 games all in one easy click and watch gallery mode!!!!
i also edited some scene.....and yes dont' worry there is not futa!!!! also the order is inverted.....

also because of the moddabble structure we can just add more STUFF from OTHERs GAMES!!!
but there is some compatibilty problems....
i hope i can found something to add to this....because there are many SLOTS to FILL in.....

edit v2:
i forgot to add the 2nd game....lol
total upgrade is from 663mb to 952mb...get it if you like twins......!!!

edit v3:
i found some nice game loops to add to this....
v3 all done!!!!! upgraded from 952mb to 1,57gb....2 games adden!!!!! alone they sucks as usual........
My Best Work so Far!!! still have slots to fill inn.....
the main prerequisite is:
the .swf must loop and have audio included inside.....you can add whatever you want than have these feature.....!!!!!!


that's all for now....who knows who's next.....
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5.00 star(s) 7 Votes