As a concept, a take on the Alien vs Predator game would've been a refreshing experience.
But the game itself I can't help but find boring. Its a shame to because the core mechanics themselves would've made for a better game. The main objective is to capture or kill girls in order to earn xp and gain skills. Killing is quick but you only earn 1 xp, while rape takes longer but you gain 100 (as well as health if you unlock a specific skill), incentivizing risk vs reward.
My main gripe is that the capturing process gets repetitive and tedious rather quickly, and the animations don't justify shaking your mouse every time you want to capture. There is a skill that makes the process quicker, but not quick enough to justify it. Adding to the fact that a lot of the assets and animations are recycled form the devs previous game Sargasso, it gives a cheap sequel feel that rubs me the wrong way.
There's only 4 different poses, and the camera is a forced POV and requiring mouse movement to piston. If your looking for a quick fap then this game ain't for you.
This would've been a great concept, but the game feels more like a demo than anything. Still, its polished enough to be a playable so if playing as a sentient tentacle monster sounds fun, then give this game a go.