are you the dev ?
if you are, you should mention it, soo peoples can talk directly with you.
lots of critics... yup.. i got shit tons too for my entire life ( sinze my father wanted to kill me when i was born because he wanted a girl instead of a boy).
dont ignore any critic, even rude one. they all have usefull.
if someone say "its shit!", then you know the game is not good for everybody. if everybody say "its shit", then that mean the game is bad and you should think about modify some parts of it.
game dev is hard, yup, we all start from the bottom of the pyramid. cant jump directly to the top.
if the game start shit, its up to you to make it become great or not. dont under-estimate the power of random peoples. they can be futur patrons or fan or ennemies or whatever ( slaves, wife/husband, whore or else.. how know ? XD )
they are 2 problem in the game for now.
1- MC body. as you can see lots of peoples not like. mean you can keep her, but you can also add a new char playable with a different body ( or some setting to set breast/butt size )
2- the gameplay. based on title, its supposed to be a creepy/scary game. but for now, its not. you need to find a wayto change that into real creepy/scary ( you can simply add some random jumpscare .png that happen from time to time... as shit as this idea is, its always a nice surprise in horror game and it help a bit)
but whatever.. good luck with your project