he two new "diversion quests" as I will call them are nearly complete. By diversion, I of course am referring to the new slime cave area and casino area. technically, they don't have any quests attached to them, but them, but they can both be accessed soon after reaching the new area and played in any order you like. Both areas have rewards worth getting.
The new slime cave is an excellent place to farm gold if you find yourself short at any point. Slimes and Slimegirls will continually respawn after a few seconds, so grind to your heart's content. The bad ending is already written and scripted. All it's missing is the final illustration at the end.
Similarly, the casino area's script is about 80% done. The art is all done for the event, but the scripting for the event still needs some tweaking. I'm pretty happy with how the casino area has come out so far!
Completing the quest associated with it will net you a unique and likely unexpected reward! A new ability type is waiting at the end of this quest for you to grab! It will surely be useful against the main boss of Chapter 3!
Both the casino area's and slimegirl's bad endings will have extended bad ending areas where you will be able to play as either a slimegirl (In 3 different flavors) or a bunny girl. The type of slimegirl Mila becomes is based on the one that defeats her (Normal, Rare, Liquid Metal)
One last quick quality of life update before the end, completed contracts will now have a light shimmering above them in the contracts room. This change should make it easier to see which contracts you have completed at a glance and know which contracts you haven't started/completed yet.
Thats all for now! Until next week!
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