
Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 21, 2019
There is no way to rewatch the sex scenes. You will just have to create a save file before each of your favorite scenes. My game will be primarily lesbian focused, but there will be hetero scenes included as well.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
@mkrudesign I'm glad about the lesbian answer, but I'm personally not really interested if there isn't a better way to review the scenes. For the save option, there isn't any thumbnail so finding what save is which scene is frustrating, and then you have to actually lose the fight or meet whatever condition. To my knowledge, for a simple scene recollection room, you would have to just create an area somewhere, and then start copying the event pages from the game overs and pasting them in there (removing the part where you are taken back to the title screen, and where any variables are changed). If you wanted to not put this room at the end of the version with all scenes automatically viewable, you could have a global variable ( ) for each game over scene that gets set to "1" after the scene is viewed, and for the events in this scene recollection room, have a simple check on whether that specific variable is "1" or not, the "1" option showing the scene, while the other option says "You haven't unlocked this scene yet". I haven't done much with RPG maker, but I assume this would work if you wanted to include it. It's up to you whether you do this or not; hopefully it was helpful advice, and good luck with the game.


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Hello all! I am the developer of Crimson Veil. I had no idea the game was being hosted on this site, but I'm happy to see all the reactions so far! Also, if you would like to contribute to the game ( like an idea or scenario or something) check out the VampYou link provided at the top. I'm taking ideas from there to add as side quests and I will credit you as well. Keep in mind you need to register to comment, but the site itself is free. For now, I am mainly posting all future update information on there, but I am also posting info on, so look there if you want to see the progress of the game! Thanks again everyone!
Hi, and welcome to f95zone! I knew you'd find your way here eventually. Happened a bit faster than expected though ^^

I found your game yesterday, and thought it was good, so I wanted to share it with this community. We're not exactly known for asking developers if we're allowed to share games over here... But! Compared to most other websites doing this, we always give credit to the developers, and we provide free high quality download mirrors for all registered members (no affiliation with file hosts) Feel free to send me a private message on the forums if you have any questions about us.

Is there anything you'd like me to add or edit in OP? Do you have a Patreon account, or would you like to be credited as "mkrudesign" instead, with a link to your Deviantart account?


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 21, 2019
Im perfectly okay with the game being hosted on here as well. Im happy that it has gotten more views than I expected it to. I thought it would remain a pretty niche and obscure game. Its always great to hear the responses of the players, so it was an unexpected surprise. I appreciate you crediting me, but I would certainly appreciate it if you updated my name to MKRUdesign along with my deviantart link. Thanks again!


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Updated OP with the correct name and deviantart link.

We're all about adult games on these forums. With ~15.000 views in less than 24 hours, I'd say that your game fits perfectly in here! I enjoyed what I've played so far, and are definitely looking forward to the next release.

If you decide to stick around, be sure to contact a staff member to get a shiny "Game Developer" badge under your name.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
This is a pretty cool game for a demo. @mkrudesign How about progressive clothing damage while fighting vampires? That's always popular. :)


May 13, 2017
Really nice demo, love all the characters. I hope to see an update soon. Keep this way.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2017
Just finished playing (actually, now that I've defeated all enemies, I should go back to the tavern and order a drink), and I enjoyed this a lot.
@mkrudesign I just posted a review of your game, too. Keep up the good work, I'll keep watching this thread for sure


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 21, 2019
This is a pretty cool game for a demo. @mkrudesign How about progressive clothing damage while fighting vampires? That's always popular. :)
Do you mean like on the overworld sprite or in battle? Im not sure how I could implement that in the battle. Personally, I wouldnt want Mila running into important cutscenes half naked because i just nearly lost a battle ( and no I wouldnt write seperate dialogue for npcs to acknowledge that shes partially naked because it would be a coding nightmare.

Really nice demo, love all the characters. I hope to see an update soon. Keep this way.
Thank you! Im well into making chapter 2! Its all mostly written and programmed in rpg maker. The time sink is creating all the new art assets. Im trying for late May to release the next update!
Just finished playing (actually, now that I've defeated all enemies, I should go back to the tavern and order a drink), and I enjoyed this a lot.
@mkrudesign I just posted a review of your game, too. Keep up the good work, I'll keep watching this thread for sure
Yes, thank you! I just read your lengthy review and I very much appreciate it! I’m glad you are enjoying the game so much! I hope you too will enjoy the next update!


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
o you mean like on the overworld sprite or in battle? Im not sure how I could implement that in the battle. Personally, I wouldnt want Mila running into important cutscenes half naked because i just nearly lost a battle ( and no I wouldnt write seperate dialogue for npcs to acknowledge that shes partially naked because it would be a coding nightmare.
I didn't make it clear, I guess. but I meant for the vampires, not Mila. You wouldn't need to write any different dialog options cuz they all ending up ded. :p


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
MKRUdesign, I noted down some stuff at vampyou last week, but I visit f95 more often, so I’ll provide additional feedback here.

Things you should keep in mind:

- Level ups being handled via random drops will bite you in the ass. Ideally, the game should be challenging, but not too hard, if the player progresses through the locations and kill a couple of mobs here and there, but doesn’t bother with clearing out every room. You will always find some completionists who will murder everything on their way, but it’s unwise to balance things around them.
Consider switching to a normal exp system. The current one is a both a bit weird in universe (I believe the NPCs even acknowledge that?), and a bit of a ticking bomb, as it has a very small chance of fucking the player over. If the LevelUp drops are random, what happens if none of the zombies drop them? Sure, the odds are infinitely small – but as your player base increases, it becomes statistically more probable you’ll find at least one person who experiences this.

- It’s a bit of a pain in the ass to walk balk to the castle for a level up. If you intend to keep this, I’d advise a teleportation system. The statues the player finds in the castle and in front of the library could serve as TP points.

- People are lazy and will ask for a recollection room. It’s a nice little thing to have, but don’t invest too much time into it if you don’t know how to make it work. It’s not that important.

- Artworks can be both time and money consuming. Don’t overindulge on them.

And last but not least.

-Get a god damn patreon account man. You’re doing good work. Even a small backing would allow you to commission for art, which would speed up updates. The sooner you do it the better.


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 21, 2019
Rein, I have heard multiple people voicing their concerns over the leveling system. It is a choice I plan to continue with moving
forward, but I feel that leveling will be much less of an issue as the game grows and the player is given more options on how they want to improve their character and prepare for battles. The demo, being as small as it was, doesn't give a good impression of how I want the whole game to feel. It gives a sparse amount of leveling items and that may end up affecting some players, but this only affects the "mob" enemies in the game. Main bosses and side bosses will always provide leveling items. As more quests are added, their will be more opportunities to make your character stronger. Difficulty is a tricky thing to balance and I also understand that many people do not care for the battle system at all and just want to get to the porn. I personally want to make a game that I find fun, but I have plans to include an option that allow players the choice to bypass battles completely if they want. It will be an option that will not be shoved in players faces from the start and you will be able to toggle it on or off.

To your second point, a warp system has already been planned for the next update. I didn't include it in the demo, but there is a hint of it coming (Check with Bridgette after defeating Faye and you will see her teasing "something convenient")

A recollection room is not something I have plans to work on at the moment.

Thank you so much for mentioning Patreon! I have just created an account, but it is completely bare at this time. I plan to have all the patron tier rewards and information up for the next story update. I'm aiming for late May on the release date of ver 2.0. Please look for me on Patreon at that time if you would like to support the project! :)
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Rein, I have heard multiple people voicing their concerns over the leveling system. It is a choice I plan to continue with moving
forward, but I feel that leveling will be much less of an issue as the game grows and the player is given more options on how they want to improve their character and prepare for battles. The demo, being as small as it was, doesn't give a good impression of how I want the whole game to feel. It gives a sparse amount of leveling items and that may end up affecting some players, but this only affects the "mob" enemies in the game. Main bosses and side bosses will always provide leveling items. As more quests are added, their will be more opportunities to make your character stronger. Difficulty is a tricky thing to balance and I also understand that many people do not care for the battle system at all and just want to get to the porn. I personally want to make a game that I find fun, but I have plans to include an option that allow players the choice to bypass battles completely if they want. It will be an option that will not be shoved in players faces from the start and you will be able to toggle it on or off.
I believe the leveling system, while interesting, has a bit of a “Innovation for innovation’s sake” vibe to it. You can make it work, no doubt, but consider twice if it’s worth the effort.

And never add a button to skip battles. It reeks of self-doubt. Instead, I’d advice adding a Backer-Only item that will allow the player to level Mira up to a level that allows them to take whatever boss they’re about to face. That way they can skip the mob-grinding and simply jump from boss to boss without concerning themselves about being underleveled.

Thank you so much for mentioning Patreon! I have just created an account, but it is completely bare at this time. I plan to have all the patron tier rewards and information up for the next story update. I'm aiming for late May on the release date of ver 2.0. Please look for me on Patreon at that time if you would like to support the project! :)
Good. If you want advice on how to structure the brackets, feel free to contact me over PM.
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Mar 2, 2018
Go back to the starting castle and talk with one of the main NPCs to level up.
aah didnt know that was how you leveled up, alright i'll have to start over then as she blocks my exit xD luckily its not that far in hehe :3 nice game otherwise so far ^^


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
I really like this game. Hope you still working on it
The dev have posted the folllowing updates on the Vampyou forums in April:

I have a small update today! Im sharing a bit of art for the next update! I’m adding a few more expressions to existing characters in the game. I have a big majority of the story already programmed into the game! The new area you will be exploring is all built and I can’t wait to show you more! There is a lot of dialogue that has been written for several scenes and many characters! Multi choice branches for some alternate bad endings will be implemented too. Its a bit of a nightmare writing all these branching stories, but I think you all are really going to enjoy it! I keep getting so many ideas of things I want to add in, its very exciting for me!
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I've got a bit more to show you all today! The game is still on track for a late May release! Right now I would say I am about 70-75% done with it! I still have a few more CGs that need to be drawn, I need to tweak a few more battles and skills a bit, finish the hunting contracts I'm adding, and I'm putting in a short extra route that I'm sure many of you all will be looking forward to! After I'm done with that I still need to revise it, check the spelling, grammar, bugs, etc... I know you all will be helping with this too, but I still want it to be presentable upon release.
This is shaping up to be a pretty sizable update! I would say over an hour or close to an hour at least!
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Jan 10, 2018
To make a minor suggestion... When talking about the vampire vaccine, could we be given an option to ask about the side effects before refusing? It kind of makes me feel like an unreasonable heel to just flat-out refuse and kill her when a vampire vaccine would be a huge boon to the world, and she knows it. Or possibly include some kind of hint as to the side effects or the scientist's ultimate goal in the observation records she found earlier, which she could reference in her refusal - something that suggests that she considers it a trap.

Also, a couple of questions...

First, it looks like a fair portion of character advancement will be in how we spend money, between buying stat-increasing flowers and extra SP, and that we're going to have a limited amount of money; do I understand that correctly? It sounds fun from a player-side perspective, but it also seems like the kind of thing that could be a nightmare to balance...

Second, do you have any plans to change the dialogue of the NPC who explains the basic game mechanics and background in the future? The fourth-wall breaking and such were a bit jarring, especially as she was one of the first people you spoke to.

(On an unrelated note, I rather wish we didn't have to kill the bookworm, librarian, and the scientist, but, well... That's my own fault for playing a vampire hunting game rather than some kind of pro-vampire game XD . It's not as though it isn't made abundantly clear that they're evil and will eat any humans they come across, no matter how much one might otherwise sympathize with the bookworm!)


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Another update for those who only follows the game on F95zone:

Hey all! Progress on Crimson Veil’s new update is going smoothly. I am about 90% done with it. Most of the art is done and I’m now testing the game to tweak balance and look for bugs! Regarding the Mac errors people have been having, would someone who uses Mac OS be able to check something for me? I found a forum post that seems to resolve the issue, but I have no way of testing it. Here is the link:

As far as I can tell, Mac has a difficult time playing rpg maker games exported from a windows machine. Could someone try the methods posted here on the current version of the game? It would be greatly appreciated!
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