VN - Ren'Py - Croft Adventures [v0.6.5a] [PixDES]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I played Tomb Raider back when she had triangle tits so this is a big step up.
    A few things that could be improved, Lara is a bit of a "butter face" and could have more natural looking breasts instead of the round implant looking ones.
    Didn't mind the story so far, ignore all the wah wah wah bad story comments, some people you'll never please.
    Animations are fantastic, would like some more winking.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game for sure. Would have given it 4.5 stars if i could, but i cannot so i went for 5. Lara is obviously onw of the hottest characters from gaming industry and is nice we got a game with quality renders and gameplay. Really fun playthrough.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6297007

    I almost gave this a '5'...but I don't want the developers to get lazy... for 700mb, there is an impressive amount of content...with animations! Seriously! It captures enough of Lara to make it feel authentic...I have to say I was impressed with this. I am looking forward to the evolution of this's a tremendous beginning!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with detailed, realistic and very high-quality renders and animations.
    The story is interesting too, although it is not the strong point of this game.
    Good variety of NPCs.
    Congratulations to the developers.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review up to version 0.6.4a

    Easy 5 stars.

    Found it, played from start to finish in one sitting, want more of it. Probably one of the best VN's I've played, and that means alot coming from me as I'm usually super critical.

    Top notch writing, great renders, insane animations... Everything about it is right up my alley, and I'm normally not even into supernatural (speaking of the artifact) stuff. But everything just works well together, and it's super hot.

    Absolutely recommend playing this game. Damn!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic renders, beautiful and sexy MC. The story is obviously fantasy with magical powers, but there is a real sense of being pulled into the 'darkness'. You do not have to wait long for the 'action' to start, but what you do is in your control. I look forward to future updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphic novel's Lara renders are truly exceptional, captivating readers with their stunning quality. While the current content is limited, the story is masterfully crafted, allowing readers to follow along effortlessly.

    The intimate scenes within the novel are undeniably steamy, adding an extra layer of excitement to the narrative.

    Anticipation builds for future releases from the developer, as readers eagerly await more captivating content from their talented work.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Dude Lebowski

    Rating v0.6.4a (edit: I did finish all available content):
    Summary: 55/100. Exhausted plot tweaked again to publish more porn art of breast-implant Lara Croft taking on magically-sized dongs. Storytelling could use a good editor.

    Story: 50. Given the fairly developed world of Lara Croft, the writing does little to explain exactly when this story takes place in the timeline of the existing publications. Some references are made to a character here, or a place there, but the most solid method of determining when this particular story takes place is by determining the size of Lara's chest (see below for more critique on that). As for the plot itself, a possessed talisman wielding the power to corrupt any individual touching it isn't exactly a new concept, but I suppose such an idea is fitting in a world of dungeon raiders and tomb delvers.
    Originality: 20. Lara doesn't currently reside at her ancestral mansion; there's a change from the original story line. That's all I've got, though. Using a sentient artifact of corruption is a common theme in adult games, and even the characters are trope-heavy and lack unique qualities.
    Characters: 60. Lara herself doesn't seem to hold much individuality in this title. Other characters include: a strict librarian with a BDSM fetish; an evil deity seemingly locked within an ancient handheld object (but not a genie!); a 2,000+-year-old boy toy who, given his age, seems to lack personality and is too obviously only there for plot porn purposes; and a fellow one-percenter who possesses more knowledge on Lara's mission than she does herself and will use that knowledge as a weapon against her.
    Renders: 75. Mostly well done, though facial expressions are distractingly off at times. And, as mentioned earlier, Lara's breast size (and most of the penises) are ridiculously proportioned, detracting from my immersion and appreciation of the H-scenes.
    Sound: 70. Music plays throughout and sound effects (mostly non-communicative vocal sounds like heavy breathing, grunting, and moaning) add some flavor to many scenes.
    Gameplay: 30. Completely choice-based, but not completely binary; although some "choices" merely determine the sequence the available options play out, none of which affects any follow-on story elements, rendering the sequencing options moot to begin with.
    Performance: 100. No observed issues performing on my 6-year-old laptop.
    Bugs: 100. No observed glitches or app-crashing issues.
    Animations: 40. During H-scenes, an attempt was made; short, GIF-style animations run for a second or so before reversing on themselves back to their original position and replaying on loop. Otherwise, some transitions show minimal animation such as one-time eye or hand movement.
    Voice Acting: 10. Does heavy breathing count? Dialogue throughout is not voiced, but vocal sound effects here and there contribute to some scenes.
    Grammar: 40. Passable English storytelling, but many phrases and sentences could be tweaked for better flow. Highly recommend recruiting a capable editor.
    Amount of content: 64. Arbitrary amount solely based on the version reviewed.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I ture love it and its very amazing.. I thought this is a another cheap lara croft or tomb raider game but the story base is good and the graphics is good and this will very good game I am sure of it but I feel its missing quite few things ... I hope future update brings more
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The story of the game is good and the renders are also good, maybe it can't satisfy everyone because some people only want sex and some people only care about the story. Perhaps the only drawback of this game is the late updates and low game content. And I hope that orcs, tentacles and monsters will be added to the game
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Really looks great, graphics very good, true Lara Croft.
    But the game insults my intelligence. No sensible story,
    which naturally, not in forced way, would led to lewd action and sex.
    All in all, I am not delighted.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Croft Adventures (0.6.2a version) is looking really great. The story is interesting even if a bit basic, but is told in a relatively good way and has some options that are important even though there is little content so far so it is yet to be seen how far those choices really impact the game.

    Lara's model is a great one, even if it has been used quite often before. Render qualities, positions and faces are very good, and the game has a great number of animations even for non sexual things. There is very little voice acting but it's done well, yet it's strange that it only exists in very specific places and moments. Sound in general is a bit lackluster but it's also a matter of personal taste.

    So, all in all, the game is looking amazing and I look forward to see how it develops.
    Likes: dydvr
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely good graphics quality...but absolutely nothing else going for it. It's a pity, given that it seemed to have promise at first, but the reality is that this game amounts to either Lara being a mindless slut that submits to everything and anything...or there's no game. It gives the illusion that 'resisting' will do something, only for that path to basically end the game after a couple of rape scenes and no other development. This isn't a 'corruption' game, it's just a rape-fetish game trying to disguise itself as something else.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Production quality and visual quality are cool and all but this is not a typical Lara Croft. I expected capture-rape sort of stuff, not to be corrupted and molested by a supernatural being. This plot could work with every female archeologist MC, nothing special about having a Lara. If there were puzzles, stealth and badassery like in games, I would immediately give it 5 stars. Despite all, it works as a fap material.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks great, design is great it doesn't feel like renpy. Renders are top notch, the animation is good but a bit jerky. There is only ~30 mins of gameplay and most of the H is in the form of 2 dream sequences so there isn't much 'game' so far.

    Its a fairly straight forward VN no grind a few decisions but they pretty much boil down do you want to play a s horny or frigid. Sot the decisions are mostly pointless.

    Will look forward to playing this again, but the development pace is really slow. 1 year for 30 minutes of content... Its high quality but there isn't enough of it. I look forward to playing it again in xmas 2024.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The Lara renders in this Graphic novel are amazing! Though there is limited content so far the story is well written and easy to follow.

    The sex scenes are so some of the hottest you will find.

    Can't wait to see more from the Developer. (y)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent renders, stumming model Lara of course ;) very intuitive and player friendly interface,. Multiple choises but not too much, tattoo, corruption, etc

    A solid 9/10, juste needs some piercings and maybe somme tentacles to get 10/10 ;) Best of luck to the dev :) :) :)
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Generic female protag game featuring fan favorite lara croft. Bog standard stuff here, obligatory qos/cuck scenes, mc whoring herself out based on one choice. Hyper fast descent into corruption. Like basically every female protag game its all form no substance. Get your rocks off and go.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I was amazed at how detailed the images were . The story is ordinary but the game itself has great potential . It's a little disappointing that even though it says 0.5, it's still very early in development . Be worth the wait .
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good Lara Croft game, with a stunning MC, this is the best Lara I saw so far. The game has a slow pace but with excellent content. Story is okay, I am curios how it will evolve. Hardly can wait the next update. (review: V.0.5A)