I'll treat this review with a pair of pincers because truthfully, I believe it should be a 2.5/5 as a hentai game but a 4/5 overall.
It has everything you're looking for in a semi-high production RPGMaker game. It has a cohesive story that stays on track, a likeable protagonist and overall really good ideas for an erotic game.
Now... the part that I seriously just can't stress enough: This game falls off, and it falls off hard. You'll get introduced to kinky fetishes and other fairly hot scenarios with the premise "Lose against an enemy, unlock scenes". It's really the same run of the mill stuff you see in other H-Games with RPGMaker, particularly OneOne1 stuff - but here's the twist; around Chapter 3 or 4, the game itself doesn't know anymore what it wants to be.
Almost every fight after Chapter 3 is 100% Story, zero erotica, it's like the dev forgot that they were making a hentai game because you can immediately tell at what point they felt like making the story more about action and chuuni "Power of friendship" lessons.
Where in earlier chapters they had nice defeat scenes, suddenly your character either goes "I luckily managed to escape" or it downright goes "And then Croix got her shit rocked, the end. GAME OVER."
The game itself explores ideas that it doesn't want to fully execute. There is a pregnancy system, you're introduced to it fairly early on into the story, but you only get... pregnant by getting bad ends(?). And those bad ends lock you inside your dorm with a "Reset your body to not pregnant and retry the fight?", which immediately just undoes it. You can't do anything with this pregnancy status either, you just have a rounded belly to look at for a solid 1 second before you get bored and redo the fight.
Really if I was being fair to this as a strict H-Game, I would give it 3 stars bordering on 2.5. There simply is an incredibly noticeable shift from Hentai focus to Story focus. My suggestion? If you want to give the story a go, play until you finish the True Love Cult. Afterwards, dump it. Hell, get bad ended by the Cult Leader and become his wife, then turn the game off and simply accept this as the true ending - you'll be much happier than playing through the game doing arduous, tedious and long dungeons only to find out the dev hasn't prepared a bad end for the dungeon, so you're just getting a "GAME OVER." for your efforts to even play this far.
Now, here are the positives:
The UI is fancy, the premise of the game is promising and the artwork is lovingly crafted to go along with the game and its aesthetics.
Many downright irrelevant gimmicks of this game that other games would simply brush over have their own artwork attached to them, cute little chibi animations of your character going to bed for example, loading screens with rough sketches of the main characters Aroma and Croix and a very dedicated, genuine affection for the characters. You can tell that the person who designed and drew the art at the very least cared about their creation, it's not a simple cash grab type of game.
That being said, what went wrong? Why do I think this isn't a 5/5?
Simply put because the creative juice just ran out around the midway point for the Dev. The True Love Cult was the pinnacle of this game's erotica and it was only barely in the middle of the game. After that point it degraded itself very poorly into trying to be a serious Story game which... IT SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK. You can't have the main character give a blowjob in a pissed down alley two chapters prior (which was not a choice by the way, it was forced on the character without a way to avoid it) and then act like your protagonist is going on a full purity route right afterwards.
Had his game kept me tied to it, I would've given it a solid 5/5. It has all the right signs and systems of a good H-Game, but it simply chooses not to use them correctly. Bad Ends lack impact, the scenes are too tame, too "Please merchandise Croix and turn her into a marketable plushie". There is no continuation of anything that happens to Croix, you're forced to imagine yourself how each Bad End would turn out for her - or in the worst case, it would drop you a 4-liner "She got killed lol" GAME OVER.