The game does seem to feature some heavy RNG. There is a clear "perfect" pattern to follow for all the fights, but if you miss, or get an especially bad whiff due to wasted hits from the Hard Knocks.
Add to that the way some enemies might, seemingly at random, at the start of a a given round (except roudn 1) use a move that stuns you. At that moment you -can- make it through, unless they grin at you, which is again random.
Currently on a bossfight where the game took away my razz, and the whole fight is again heavily RNG dependent. Even having fought every fight for XP, and having a PLETHORA of items at my disposal, I have no way to avoid the submission game over if the boss happens to choose those attacks enough times.
Aside from these minor gripes, I -love- this game and my only other complaint is taht there's not more of it <3
This -feels- like a prologue to a bigger game, and I really hope the fact that the credits play at the "end" does not mean that's all the content there will ever be...