
Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
Please, my LEWD is only 10 and I can not work in the mansion or anywhere else ... Any tips? Thank you.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
After the events at the bar in Falrow town, I can not work in the harbor or in Dahl town, LEWD 81 ... Anyone got a tip? Thank you.
Feb 6, 2018
im stuck at 70 lewd and 31 guilt, how do i drop 1 more guilt, pretty sure ive done everything but there has to be something im missing?


New Member
Oct 4, 2016
I am stuck in the 2nd maid job. The other maid is telling me to clean the windows, but nothing happens when I use action on the windows.
Edit: oh nvm , you just have to start on the 2nd floor.
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Apr 20, 2018
modded the recollection room so that it works. Should work fine, but let me know if there are any problems.

EDIT: In case anyone is wondering, here are the differences between the original and my mod.

-Can't access recollection room (English version, only, apparently)
-Once inside the recollection room, you can't leave unless you view an event
-There's no indication of which event you are looking at
-Activating events played through the event as if you were playing them in the game (they changed your stats)
-Recollection event icons all look the same

-You can now access the recollection room
-You can leave the recollection room
-When you activate an event, a very basic description will pop up, and you can choose to view the event or not
-Activating events no longer change your stats
-Recollection events icons were changed to character sprites
This doesn't work at all for me, I can't even access the recollection room.
On the other hand this one posted by someone else works:
put these in www/data folder and that should fix the recollection room. which is at the tree stump in the starting town in the bottom right corner
but it has all the issues you've mentioned since it's the original one.


Nov 30, 2018
I don't get it. I got to lewd 100 and Guilt 0. Did both of the events in Dahl Town. Just for shits and giggles, near the end, I tried to have sex with Rudy, thinking it would reset since the debt was low enough to pay off easily with any job. But, Rudy wasn't interested in sex at the end and with her stats.

So, complete the game under these circumstances and Sofia and Rudy still get married and live happily ever after. Doesn't make any sense. She loves having sex with random strangers by the end . . . and has 3 bastard kids, so where exactly is the NTR content re Rudy. I was hoping for "they get married but she insists on having sex with random strangers at home and/or forces Rudy to watch" kind of ending.

In the end, the corruption just kind of went out the window. Using a save game I got the debt down to 1000 and didn't pay it off just to see the game-over ending, and even that was kind of weird. Honestly, I was hoping for a "they insist to Rudy and her parents that Sofia work at the brothel until she works off the family's debt" ending. That way her corruption is revealed to the family.
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