
VN - HTML - Completed - Cult of Corruption: The Summoning [Anaximanes]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Firstly I would like to preface this by saying that the first part of this review is about the "Anaxverse" in general, with the second portion being dedicated to whichever VN this review is found on.

    Part One:

    The Anaxverse is a competently (though not seamlessly) interconnected group of VNs with varying amounts of mechanical complexity and flavour that share the same setting, characters, and lore. This universe has a sort of weird fantasy vibe that mixes and mashes high fantasy elements with witches, wizards, demons, etc with sci-fi elements aliens, metahumans. etc. One moment you could be reading about lake monsters or dark gods and the next superheroes might be fighting a mad German scientist who likes to lobotomize people for kicks. The setting is novel, to say the least.

    When it comes to the sexual content of the Anaxverse the fetishes are usually centered around corruption through dark forces (the nature of those dark forces are however varied as is their method of corrupting people), however, that's not to say that the setting is completely incapable of producing more light and vanilla content (just that it is in the extreme minority). The other facet of the sexual content is the medium in which it is communicated, some VNs in this series will use photoshopped images (usually the older entries in the series) while others will use CG images, I prefer the former. However, the nature of the scenes and the fact the images at least used photoshop make the older entries still worthwhile if you're on the fence about them.

    Part Two:

    Cult of Corruption: The Summoning is by far my favourite non-CG entry into the Anaxverse. In this VN you play as Bo Wyatt trying to combat the dark forces of Nergal both internally within his soul and externally as Nergal's corruption functions much like an STD, degrading anyone who exchanges' bodily fluids with the infected.

    The sexual content of the game is obviously about corruption, not just of the mind but also of the soul and body of the various characters. You will see women and perhaps Wyatt (depending on how you play your cards) get extremely deformed. So if that is not your cup of tea I would recommend skipping this entry.

    My two issues with The Cult of Corruption that lead me to knock a star off of this VN are the use of real porn (I'm not a huge fan of real porn in my H-games) and the lack of mechanics when I play a "game" I like there to be gameplay. However, outside of those two issues I cannot recommend Cult of Corruption enough.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is insanely fucked up. That said if youre looking for something insanely fucked up, its really good. Make no mistake, this isn't vanilla by any stretch of the word.
    It has bugs and rot and cockroaches, i have never been so uncomfortable while masturbating to something.I still did, but i felt weird all the way.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I simply fell in love with Anax's work upon launching "Cult of Corruption" and it didn't take long for me to search for his other games only to find that the quality of his work persists throughout all of his games. Simply brilliant lore, excellent photoshop which matches the themes of corruption, a storyline that is simple and yet interesting. Great work Anax, we praise thy name!

    Looking forward to your future games.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Remake coming, so if you can't live through normal human wrinkles like normal people you can wait and/or speed up the process of it's creation by supporting author on his patreon.

    So what Is all the fuzz about?

    The plot is that you're a loser nerd that find out or rather... was found out that he can use magic. Something goes really wrong with that and a dark god wants to enslave everyone including you.
    I won't write more on plot because it's too good and large to spoil and explain it.

    All and all it's a CYOA that's focused on text rather than images, but they're also great... well, as long as you skip sex with that old lady and just ignore them when you fuck that fat girl. They're pretty good, most important thanks to editing which is elite level.

    When it comes to porn it's focus is on hardcore mind-control. Permanently lasting, destroying the personality and replacing everything with a desire and need to serve. Such a wonderful deviation.

    The game is horror, but it lacks any jump-scares (because how?) so you won't get scared with those cheap tricks, you will have spine chill thanks to the climate of the story, and how bad it goes... oh, and it goes bad for you...
    Bo Wyatt of Earth...
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    My slight dissatisfaction with the story progression and some bugs notwithstanding, it is still a strong entry in the Anaxiverse series with hot sex, (disgustingly) erotic character transformations, and like always a great visual representation. As long as the subject matter is up to your palate, you will probably not be disappointed.

    The full review is available here.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem with creatures from different dimension wonderful! xD I enjoyed this as well, people with dark humor should try the game Anaximanes don't disappoint I enjoyed every game that I tried :) the thing that every work has a connection between the other projects and you can play them even if you don't follow in chronological order.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    The Anax

    I like all of my titles I create... so I may be just slightly biased! MWA HA HA HA! Each of my eight visual novels are erotic and revolve around mind control and corruption themes, yet the run the gamut from squick to robotization. Right now, Cult of Corruption is but an introduction. Though my novel, The Anax (creative title, right?) is 227,000 words long! Just find me out there, TF Games, YouTube, Hypnopics, we dark entities do get around!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the final release. It's not so short anymore with +200,000 words. This is by far Anax's best work and one of the best MC novels IMO. Also the soundtrack is unexpectadly banging which is awesome. The manips are also HQ as F. Give it a try for sure.