VN - Ren'Py - Culture Shock [Ch. 3 v0.1] [King of lust]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Legit Review. No false flagging please!

    While the opening scenes talk a big game, there is very little action going on in the protagonists life until much later in the game, I get story driven games but when the scenes always have a predictable outcome, either a BJ, HJ or the protag masturbating over a dream sequence, when you take all that out that is pretty much it for the sexual content of this game

    -Very god animations (Hence the 2 stars)
    -Likable protagonist

    -Very little adult content besides the actions mentioned in review
    -Everyone else gets laid but the protag
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Sorry about my English but my mother tongue is Spanish. The game has good renders but really if you are not a fan of ntr you should leave it since the author leaves aside the NO NTR route and only gives content to the ntr routes.
    The story is mediocre the Mc is an idiot and in general the secondary characters and female beginners are all subnormal: v
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is the Non NTR path only. This game has been in development for 2 years, yet if you play the so called "alpha" route you'd be hard pressed to tell. The only real progress in that route is with a side character no one actually cares about. As for the main 2 girls,well Tracy touched MC's pens. Briefly,when he was asleep.

    If your not into NTR,give this game a miss.

    As to pros: I guess the English is ok.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Alpha (Non Ntr route) Review:

    Upto now, MC had only slept with 3 side characters, but little to no scenes for main lead Tracy & Sunny. With slut girl maude as she is a "easy girl" who sends explicit images immediately after MC asks for her number. Another Big Slut, His Aunt (who is ready to give bj even if MC is a beta cuck) .

    But only Karla is the one who got actual story & perfect pace at right moment. Looms like Karla is only created for love route (although we can sex with her in beta route if we want, there is no ntr content for her). I love her character.

    And I'm hopeful for some "actual sex" with one of the two main lead girl Tracy after recent update's cliff hanger.

    But the problem is, even if things progress in love route & we finally get to enjoy sexual sessions with all of them, we can't match the level of ntr, becauss it is also pacing from 2 years and will pace more in coming updates.

    So, at the end of story, the kinky type of sexual content in love route will be level 10 & ntr level will be 100. So, yeah non ntr route fans (especailly the ones who love kinky hardcore stuff) are bound to be disappointed anyway.

    So, Just decide what type of content you want. Are you happy with romantic slow progression with little sex? Then play this game. Otherwise, ignore.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: 8/10
    The plot is really good and progresses at a good pace as far as visual novels are concerned. It keeps you engaged, keeps your expectations intact.

    Renders: 8/10
    The renders are very well done (especially for the mother and the sister characters) I like the originality of them. However, the relationship of the renders of some characters and their background can be improved.

    The amount of content with each update is good enough to keep you engaged until the next one.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Spoiler, I quote some things from the game that I used ex in the first part so I recommend that I look at the second has a number indicating it.
    1-plus one in the game list, where there are two routes, which put most of the entire content in the ntr. i have nothing against ntr, but i wanted a game in which mc had the same things as his rivals, ex Sunny and Tracy, if you did the ntr route on the 10th marcus Weiku go to your house, Sunny is in the room her with Marcus, she kisses him and takes off her shirt. Weiku sleeps there. You don't progress with kisses or anything. on the 11th day of the gym, on the alpha route, you lean against Sunny's ass and just, on the ntr route, marcus invades the locker room, she does nothing, goes shirtless and doesn't ask for help and even offers a handjob. 16th day at the beach where she proves that this game is for the end, Mc on the alpha route goes to the beach with Sunny, she loses her bikini and you, your breasts, are without them, because there is no one on the beaches - you, ntr
    you, Marcus and Sunny, have a marcus drink and a kiss from Sunny, stay on top of each other and she does blowjob and handjob.
    you had nothing. then the story ends with Sunny on the alpha, on the 21st of the last day. Sunny has sex with Marcus, when mc masturbates watching. other than that, Tracy's alpha route is the same, with no relevant scene at the beginning and with a blind ending, on the 20th you go to the restaurant with Tracy when they arrive at night, she asks to sleep with him, but kisses him and is this, nothing happens. Then the 21st comes and she sees that he has the wrong penis, she touches the tip and leaves. no blowjob or wank, NOTHING.

    2-So, what's on the alpha route
    Maude, your (original?) Girlfriend That you have out of nowhere, yes, follow the alpha route and she will become your girlfriend, even if you let Marcus talk to her and he gets a handjob. and acts like years of courtship.
    you have several sex scenes with her
    it is as if the author made her a woman to be won over and changed to his girlfriend to get lost on the ntr route.
    however, it is very good as it characterizes.

    your aunt (the person the author decided to give you as a tray)
    in the first appearance, she already shows her breasts in the second when she hugs her topless and in the third she gives a blowjob after some appearances that she has sex with you.

    Karla, your teacher / girlfriend (no ntr)
    is one of the women in games where you already want to make your journey, if you have one, only here does she take Tracy's place, because she has everything
    good scenes, she becomes his girlfriend and on the 21st she does what tracy didn't do.

    so 4 of note, if Tracy had decent scenes on the 21st day, it would be 5 or Sunny had scenes with MC because they are all with Marcus. I would give an alpha route around 3, but Maude, Liza, Karla can take away the feeling of "lack of progress" that the main two give.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Thought it started off rather good but has as the game progressed sunk in quality. I like the fact that youre forced to fight off pretenders which to me at the very least adds a certain aspect of realism. The updates are however rather short and at times annoyingly so. Two years have gone by since the game's initial release and the non- ntr version is a testament of that.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game but it isn't perfect. (It still deserve 5 stars though)

    -You have have control on what happens to who and the NTR is 100% avoidable.
    -Character models are great .
    -Scenes are good but some are really short.
    -Pacing of events/story developpement is good.
    -Devs are making updates pretty regularly.

    -This game has been in developpement for 2 years, which is great however for 2 years I find that the amount of scenes is lacking. (not sure but i think theres 18-24 at the moment).

    Other than that not many cons. I would recommend this game to anyone because if you don't like NTR you can 100% avoid it.
    I hope this dev continues with the great work!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Look if you go into this game upset about the NTR than it's your own fault because then you clearly can not read. The game has great models and great sex scenes. The problems mostly revolve around the MC being a little stupid and saying yes to just about everything. The pace is also slow and this can be seen as the NTR route is a little better developed than the nonNTR route.

    Still the game is fun and worth download, we aren't really playing these games for the plot just really the premise and the characters.
  10. H
    1.00 star(s)


    one of the worst games I've ever played. There are two paths but actually focused on NTR only. So bad story, bad writing and extremly slow burn with the girls and never worth the wait because of poor lewd scene. Animation is too short, not smooth with awful angle.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    THE best adult game I have ever played. Bar none.
    It is also still in development which is exciting. Hope the creator gets more funding and is able to expand his team to push updates faster and go on to create many more game from this! 5 Stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this is unique in that the story concept is new. The artwork is hit and miss but the plot itself more than makes up for it. This is a great time for any NTR lover and I'd place this in my top 5 NTR games because of it's originality. 10/10
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    While i like the story it is diminished by MCs character, he is stupid and sex obsessed so he will never say no even to people he knows he cant trust.

    The whole "alpha" "beta" thing totally messes up the game as it takes everything as either you are confident or not so rejecting a girl is taken as not confident when in reality the player might just not like her so you have to want every girl(like them or not) or you are a beta.

    Taking the alpha route translates as being the womans slave.

    With the other women in the game you dont get a choice alpha or beta the game just forces you along with it.

    The game is quite broken as i didnt take the maude route but suddenly she showed up one morning and the game acted as if MC was very involved and had been dating a while even through i had never spoken to her at all and there is no way to dump her.
    Other broken things include choices that send you to the main menu and MC going to sleep on the sofa and waking up in bed(possible choice error).

    I think whoever wrote this game dosent understand that guys can say no to women and still be confident, plus that doing everything a woman asks at all times still makes MC a "beta" just now to the woman.

    Art work is quite good both in character and backgrounds, sex scenes are ok but could be better.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Plot is strange and whole story goes so slow. Main haracter ugly before changes and after. Whole story near NTR and you try to be like a real MAN, but nothing happens. After several things you make with your aunt, but still, in chapter 2 you even dont touch your mom and sis. And only for that i come here and download, but you give me shit choices and nothing happens.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game you have variation to play and can experience ntr and dominant way this makes the game more interesting

    the graphics and the gameplay are nice and without any grinding
    the girls are amazing one hotter than the hotter and then dont resemble each other

    the story is also good and depending on the route you take it can change

    sex is plenty and trust me you cant play the game in one go its too exciting you need to make pause ;) if you understand what I mean

    For NTR lovers or not the game makes you exciting
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Only Alpha route review
    Renders are not bad. story's really bad
    and nothing to review because there are no contents in alpha route.
    For two years there has not been even a kiss with two main characters.
    If you're not an NTR fan, this game is not worth playing at all.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    name88 - King of Hearts

    I tried this because its N7`s thread but it was dissapointing.

    The good - renders are decent,female characters look good,mother and daughter do look like they are related - visual aspect is ok.

    The not so good

    First - its another game about young teens having sex written by an adult...its becoming creepy...

    The characters and story - sadly are flat,nothing makes me feel anything,not the story not the characters.Some characters do have a potential but it never takes off.

    The paths - its nice there are choices to be made....but with 2 paths 1 being "alpha" and another being well...a cuck,there was only 1 path for me and I dont think the writter has a solid understanding of masculinity.Maybe the "alpha" path is not developed yet or something but the guy,actually the boy never came across as charismatic or strong or at the very least particularly likeable...
    Perhaps the being humiliated/demasculated path has better writter understanding and is better developed?Idk,not my thing,therefore cant really rate it,if you are into those things you might actually like the game,whos to say?Not me.

    I would advise to focus on the things that the writer or writers know,simple as that,its a bit of a waste of nice renders.

    I cant recomend it to anyone with similiar tastes to mine.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The old classic of try to fuck your mother, sister, aunt and everyone in sight, with the added twist of having to make sure other people don't get in there too.

    What really stood out for me with this one and why I'm giving it 5, is that choices didn't feel forced, it was more a balancing act. In a lot of games depending on the path you want to go down there's just the right choice or the wrong choice. But here choices can change multiple stats at once, so it doesn't feel like there's always a right answer ... maybe it'd increase corruption and confidence (which is great) but maybe it also increases sluttiness and you don't want to get that out of hand... there's probably a most efficient set of choices but it still felt more open ... I think I ultimately ended up playing a bit too safe and my sister had a minus amount of slutiness, haha.
    One thing here though is the devs really need to explain the stats much better at the start of the game. I had to search through the comments to find that love=how into you they are, sluttiness=how into others they are, corruption=how freaky they'll get with whoever they're into ... and I'm not even sure that's right, it's certainly not intuitive.

    But all the other stuff is fine. The renders are solid, characters decent (I especially like Maude), world somewhat interesting (I'm curious about the Aunt's job and the company your mom works for - so that's a good sign).

    It's fairly short, and I wizzed through it a second time making what felt like all the bad choices and there does seem to be a bit more fucking going on if you go down the NTR path, but in a way that makes sense. I have no idea what the 3rd, diplomat, route is all about though so can't comment on that.

    All in all it's decent and I'll obviously have to update my review whenever it's fully released but so far it was worth my time and I'm looking forward to more.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Ch. 2 v0.15 - Non NTR path

    I didn't play the NTR path but for me it seems that the dev focuses his attention more in the NTR content, i say this because on the non-NTR path the content is very short at each update.. the other choice is that both paths don't have much your pick.

    Some principal aspects:
    + The renders aren't triple A but they're good.
    + The majority of girls are hot.
    +/- Some ocasional bugs, but nothing to be concerned and they are fixed later.
    - Lack of content/progression with mom and sis (this game is from early 2018 if i'm not wrong and until now we dont have much of them)
    - "meh" writing/story.

    It's an avarage game at best. I don't know if i recommend this game or not, but give it a try and see for yourself, but don't have high expectations

    EDIT: Changed the rating from 2 to 1 star due the lack of progress with the 2 main girls. And at this point i cant recommed the game anymore.. its not worth the time.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Non ntr route:

    This game is pretty good. The renders are great; all the girls are hot. I wish the game had a bit more content, at times it feels like mc wakes up, goes to school, comes home, studies, sleeps. I think it gets a little dull and I wish there were more opportunities to meet some characters outside of classes.

    Anyways, in spite of that, it has been an enjoyable game. It is a bit slow going but don't let that stop you from trying it out.


    I don't like NTR but tried the route to see what else the game has to offer. It is really disappointing how much content and progression girls have in the NTR route and how little content there is in the alpha route. Feels like the alpha route is missing a real lot because of this.