Oh right, completely forgot to say anything about it here after playing it

Well, I'd say the models have improved, Addison and MC twin sister look better now than in SSS and renders generally look better in comparison and the story indeed has some great promise, it's a pretty interesting setting, but that's to be expected after SSS

But, I don't know if it was just me, or did the game function pretty slow, it seemed to take several seconds to jump from scene to scene, and I think a couple of times the game just crashed when I picked whatever option. And when the first class starts, when the first set of options there came about, whatever I chose, nothing happened. The game didn't free, I could still go to save/load slots or return to main menu, but the choices didn't function. Either they are bugs, the game works slow at times, or the game runs slow on my computer, I don't know, haha, might be just me, haven't seen anyone else complaining