Sorry for the bad trans, it'd be better in CA II, wish you come back to health soon.
No need to apologize, translation is super hard, context and readability is so much more than just what words are chosen. This is doubly true to English and any eastern languages, the core of the two languages are just so different that I really think any quality translation requires a lot of hours of someone translating and re-writing who's near native or native of the language it's going to, which is just impossible to do on a budget most of these games are made on.
Heck, some of the cleaver word play in major shows / games have to be tossed because they just don't make sense in a different language, either because the words just don't ryhme or have the same subtext, or the culture just understands the ideas differently. I pulled open CA I to fiddle around with translation (I had been using it test out a concept it already featured, but to subtally shift phrasing and choices based on personality developed by use of the traits CA I already implmenented for use else where), I'll give whats available for CA 2 a try some time.
Edit; Well maybe I won't get back to CA I's retranslation, apparently RPGMaker MV updated in the intervening months, and broke a shit load of the plugin's used, no idea which, likely Yanfly's, perhaps yours as well, but I'd have to figure out what needs updating. Game won't display any of the custom images put in post extraction.