VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Cutie & Her Uncle [v1.1.0] [Freakbunny]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Big clickbait, don't bother.
    Sounds and looks like another game where you play an uncle that "cohabits" with his niece, but that's as far as it goes.
    There is no corruption (rape is not corruption) and there is no meaningful choices (small line changes and you can miss a scene on one occasion).
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    If you are coming here, looking for another Cohabitation, uncle corrupting their niece into a fuckpet, then run away. If you are here to experience 1 okay sex scene and half of a good blowjob scene, and then have psychological mind fuckery thrown at you, then this might be the game for you? Developer claims meaningful choices; Nothing outside of changing a few lines of dialogue or missing out on the only penetrative sex scene. Developer suggests a corruption arc that turns your niece into some sort of sex slave; not present, the developers definition of corruption is more of sullying something that is pure. The only thing that keeps this from being a troll game in my eyes is the obvious time and effort in creating these models and renders.
    As far as the substance of the piece itself: The dialogue between the brothers doesn't feel like how people, especially siblings, talk to each other. I found the nieces dialogue pretty good. A little stereotypical teenage girl, but the big scene with her dad was well written. The renders are gorgeous, and while the character models might not be everyone's cup of tea, they are masterfully created. The animations are smooth and feel like they are meant to be there, instead of hodge-podged in at the last minute. And the absolute piece-de-resistance of this is the sound design. If the game was presented as what is actually was, I would probably give this 4 stars, but the bait-and-switch that I felt makes this a 1-star.