VN - Ren'Py - Cybernetic Seduction [Ep.4 Part 2] [1Thousand]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just two episodes in and it has a good amount of playthrough content... amazing renders.. hope this one keeps getting updates regularly. The Dev's previous game had a good story and game time.. expecting the same on this one
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with very hot girls/women. The game has an engaging and very different story which is different from 95% of the other games. I'm pretty sure future updates will give you even better sexy time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's FINE.
    There is an interesting but barebones story, with mostly obvious choices(this is a good thing).
    Visuals are decent sci-fi neon, with some unintentionally funny poses, at least I think they aren't funny on purpose.
    But there is also poor coding. The Main Menu has a typo "Setttings", and music volume resets every time you reload/exit the software. These are simple things just ONE tester would find.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    1Thousand has done it again! His previous game, Deliverance, was great but Cybernetic Seduction takes it to another level of greatness. The plot is very fresh and takes a new perspective of the sci-fi genre that hasn't been explored in any other games. All of the characters are unique in their own way and are more than just conquests for the main character to pursue. The sandbox element is very minimal since they play out as free roam events. I personally think the game should be classified as a visual novel because the majority of the events play out in the visual novel format. The renders and animations are also great and bring this game to the next level. Overall, I highly recommend Cybernetic Seduction and I look forward to seeing more.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks like another totally awesome Game. There is nearly no flaw with this game.
    The setting is amazing and the story seems super interesting. Crime, Gangs infiltration and undercover work. That makes for an awesome plot and so far its executed perfectly. There is suspense action and friendly banter and of course beautiful women. The Renders look absolutely amazing and i really cant wait to see more of this game. The only flaw i found is that one or two scenes seemed kinda alien to me. The characters reacted kinda weird and the interaction felt off, like there were no reason for the characters to react like they did. But letting those incidents beside the game is totally awesome, the choices seem to matter and there is some feedback on stats when you choose something which i personally really like. The soundtrack is also very very good.

    In conclusion i can only recommend this game to everyone its definetly worth checking out and im excited to see where this is going.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very impressive first release. If it is anything like the dev's previous game Deliverance, which received constant updates and had a very dramatic story, it will be a successful game. The pros and cons I personally saw in the first release:
    1)Great renders and models
    2)Girls with different personalities. Hopefully they don't build up to be shallow characters with too many girls.
    3)Story seems to be heading in a direction
    4)An MC that isn't a fresh 18 year old creep, hallelujah!
    1)The logic of the plot feels off. But maybe the holes in the plot will be filled later.
    2)Image transitions are buggy sometimes. When an animation ends, it shows a flash of the previous image that was on the screen. It's not a big deal but shouldn't it be a smooth transition like your previous game?
    3) Sometimes dialogues are attributed to the wrong character as of episode 2. Hopefully bug fixes are in order.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Lots of potential and I think I prefer the overall writing and character development of the girls and characters in this game than in Deliverance. Dev has clearly improved whch is always nice to see.

    If I had issues the entire idea of the simulation or the AI is difficult to understand. I dont realy quite get it, cause if it's a simulation that these super soldiers are put into which basically takes their mind into the simulation then how is it there are also other characters and people who are in the simulation? Are all these other people in the simulation or Zhine city people who have bought or have gained access to the simulation through membership like a video game? Do they all have the same resources a big corporation like the one the MC is part of to be able to sustain themselves in the sim world? Or are they fake characters that are just made by the AI. A lot more clarity would be appreciated on that aspect.

    Also as much as I love the girls models sometimes, like Nina, Kathy and Ms Deloney already personal favourites I feel like the dev, 1Thousand, always makes these weirdly over-voluptuous female character models, I dont mind that sometimes but sometimes like when Nina is sitting in her chair whilst wearing the white tee, her body structure especially hips look so weird.

    Promising start but always room for improvement, will be keeping an eye on this one for sure.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    After Deliverance I had high hopes with CS. Unfortunately the futuristic story already has gaps in it and suspension of disbelief kickstarts from the outset. None of the models are particularly appealing and the MC is a Chad that I cannot associate with even in fiction. He's the unpleasant cocky kind of douche that makes women cringe but apparently scores well in this game. Sorry to say I did not find it as interesting as Deliverance although the writing has improved. Images are still very good but the animations are subpar. Playable but not essential to my collection.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated Review for Ep.4 Part 1

    I think the premise of infiltrating a crime family as a secret agent and seducing all the women within is pretty good for an AVN. The renders and character models are pretty solid, and the writing isn't super slacked on either. Given choices on how to respond in dialogue is always nice as well.

    Here's the problem. The game has you in a simulation. Almost all of the women you romance are essentially AI generated I suppose? They are based on real life counterparts, but exist completely separate in this simulation. Now this is a huge matter of preference, but that alone kind of killed my enthusiasm for playing this. I don't find the concept of romancing simulated women very enticing. Which is pretty ironic since that's what you do in most porn games. But here it's almost like you're playing a porn game within a porn game?

    Maybe there's some twist down the line that ends up with you interacting with the real women that all the AI are based on, and even still a couple of the love interests are real, but for now I just find it hard to get invested personally. I should mention I didn't play all available content because of this. One of those cases where I think the game is just not necessarily for me rather than having objective problems with it. Hence the four star rating.

    To touch on the game itself more, one element that felt missing was tension. Quite frankly, this big crime family boss feels like a chump. I don't find him that interesting or intimidating. Two random lackeys from off the street took him hostage like it was nothing in one of the first scenes we see him in. Bottom line: he doesn't give off a strong impression as a character, and I think it's taking away from the game because of that with how much of the story revolves around him so far.

    Again I don't think this is bad, but the simulation aspect is something I'm just not super into. I'm keeping an eye on this for potential plot twists and such, but this is not a game I'm actively playing.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating for Episode 1 - 10/10
    I think this game is better than its predecessor (i.e. the previous game of the same dev). 1Thousand really overdid himself this time. Be the story, the characters, renders, actions and most of all, the options/choices in game. Also, the GUI/UI is better (from my pov). Great game and a must try.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    very good start, already feel like it is going to be much better than the dev's first game, deliverance.
    I like the plot although at times it feels confusing sometimes, we will be given more details.
    I love nina, mama zhine especially.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Asdf Fdsa

    Excellent first episode. Plenty of playtime and amazing renders. The dialogue feels alive and well thought out as well.

    An easy addition to the list of games I'm going to be following the progress of very closely. Here's hoping the updates are fast because I genuinely look forward to the second episode and more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall Rating:807per 1000Great(after Episode 1)
    1. Graphic10%98100Almost perfect renders (the bodies look a bit unrealistic).
    2. Female characters20%95100Many hot female characters with interesting personality.
    3. Plot20%58100Despite the crappy simulation idea which doesn't make any sense to me, it's quite interesting and well written. It would be perfect if the author omit the silly science fiction theme.
    4. Mechanics40%82100There is large number of decisions and they impact MC's perception by others (you score some relation points). The choices seem meaningful. You can behave in a different way depening on how you feel but there's no any character building points. You can choose which girls you are interested in. Unfoftunately it's not a Point of View game (spoils the immersion).
    5. Sex10%76100Good pacing with the relations building, 1 sex scene so far.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    WOW, this is just the initial release BUT I love it!!
    Lots of content, good writing, interesting settings/plot and characters..
    Renders are greate as well as the animations.
    I suggest to give it a try, and if you like the game leave a review and support 1Thousand!!
    I'm alread waiting for the nex release.

    Good Luck :D
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1096322

    Easily the best sci-fi VN I've come across. It's cool that it's the same dev who made Deliverance. Although it's just the first episode, the characters and the story are already very intriguing and I'm sure that the rest of the VN will be epic.