RPGM - Cyberslayers [v0.4.2 Patch 2] [Maelion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is very nice, simple and makes you curious to continue, there are not many twists for now, but the setting, graphics and music are very good and help to create life in the game. The characters are very well done, I have nothing to complain about, the male characters are creative and unique. The sex scenes are well-placed but don't have a lot of variety, but they don't leave you feeling bored. Combat is unique and creative but at the same time simple. You can play for several hours and never get bored, the game has a lot of content and it's not even finished yet, I highly recommend it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played. Such a unique play on submissiveness and it feels like there is never a dull moment. Would love to see some more variety and a few more steps in the corruption process.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I realize this game deserves 5 stars or at the very least 4.9 stars as I can't seem to stop playing it. Each time I start wishing their was a little bit more their is a little bit more of some story line that hasn't fully been completed yet.

    This is a true corruption story without the forced corruption, if you don't feel like corrupting then don't. Jeez just when I taker an annoying path, I find that you can take a completely different path to get the same but better result! Awesome!

    1) The art style is good and different, a little cartoony but it seems to serve the story well enough. Its good, it's not up to the level of Fashion Business or Being a Dik but I also know what 3D rendering software their using and its kinda expensive.

    2) The Writing is good and the premise of the story is interesting and keeps you wondering where all of this is headed. I am highly anticipating the next update and hopefully getting some answers to the different areas and people. I'm praying that the update is a nice size, advances a few storylines and doesn't just add 10 minutes of content. Fingers crossed. I always decide to keep or cancel my Patreon memberships based on updates. I have no reason to believe the update wont be substantial but their are a lot of storylines here.

    I am loving this game and I highly recommend it if you are into this genre of game. It definitely ranks in my top 5 adult games of all time.

    It takes a great game to convince me to sign up for a producers Patreon and Cyberslayers their wasn't a seconds pause to support or not. I signed up to Patreon and I highly suggest if you like this game sign up and show your support.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Version 0.4, Cyberslayers is an extremely good porn game with high quality presentation, extensively variable RPG dialogue, and a strong focus on its specific niche.

    Despite not liking the fat ugly bastard, rape or male-dom kinks, the presentation and focus on the stars of the game, the girls, won me over.

    + Earnest, lighthearted, and comedic in its smutty presentation, every element of the game is designed to be an exaggerated fantasy.

    + If you enjoy hyper-femininity or the bimbo aesthetic; high heels, make-up, curvaceous figure, slutty outfits, the works. Then this game is a great experience for that kink.

    + Gorgeous renders for the girls. Every camera angle and scene emphasises them in a sexual and fantastical way. Despite the FUBs being an intentional eyesore, they are usually just props for the games focus on the women.

    + Extensive writing to enhance the erotic scenes, rather than depending solely on renders.

    + Hot scenes focusing on rough sex, rape-play, extreme stamina, light-masochism, gang-bangs, bukkakes, exhibitionism, fem-sub, overwhelming pleasure, you get the gist.

    + Extensive role-playing mechanics with an impressive amount of dialogue variation. Choices made and scenes encountered can provide emergent traits that alter dialogue, similar to CRPGS. Progressing in various sex scenes, quests, encounters or battles provides unique types of XP to spend on multiple trees that unlock new role-playing or combat options.
    Fans of corruption will find the progression system extensive.

    + Replaying scenes provides unique dialogue
    , as does multiple stages of story/quest progression. As well as for winning, losing, or submitting during fights (and the order you do this), during repeat encounters.

    + A completely unique usage of the RPG maker engine, designed as a user friendly point and click game rather than using its base assets.

    + Significant effort has been put in to make the game accessible. The consequences of significant choices or mechanics are well telegraphed, and save points are provided in the middle of long cut-scenes.
    Comprehensive tutorials for the games systems.
    There are no game-overs (some alternate early ends will be selectable in future updates) and lots of scenes are easily replayable to see new content.
    No walkthrough required.

    Despite ostensibly being a game about fantasy rape (the heart eyes kind), a majority of the games content is accessible without being forced, and the other content includes insinuated subtext or choices that allow you to role-play the girls as losing on purpose or letting themselves be controlled due to their depravity.

    Every battle in the game lets you willingly submit rather than lose, and the game has custom dialogue that acknowledges these choices during the story.

    Aline is described as smart and academically esteemed, but naive. Despite this, if you have the correct skills she is generally incredibly perceptive and aware of the men around her and how they are trying to take advantage of her, providing the choice to let Aline voluntarily participate.

    Amusingly all of the girls appear extremely aware of power imbalances and how they are objectified, but are usually accepting of it due to how hot they find it.

    The role-playing system has a tonne of versatility to dictate how willing Aline and Kassiah are, and their reactions during sex.

    Despite the games sex scenes focusing on women who are turbo-sub masochists with rape fetishes, there is a lot of player freedom in how you approach the content that the game will acknowledge in dialogue.

    + A large amount of content despite the early version, and apparently a lot more coming.

    + A large emphasis on smutty world building, background lore, and fantastical context for the porn. Generally quite silly, but I quite enjoy erotica that does this.

    +/- The writing is of that specific hentai style, heart symbols and all. There is a lot of self-narration and inner monologues during smut, and the narration will often spend time describing how sexy the girls look (breasted boobily), or how enticingly they move or behave during scenes.
    It doesn't necessarily sound very authentic, but I personally find it quite hot. Down to personal preference.

    Due to not being in native english, there is sometimes awkward sounding phrasing or word usage that seems inappropriate or confusing. Fairly common, but not a debilitating issue, and it generally doesn't impact the erotic writing much.

    +/- Gaining xp to unlock new attributes in the progression system can sometimes be quite grindy, but it's usually an eventful grind. Generally worse for gaining combat and confidence xp since that mostly requires repeating battles as of this update.
    The various types of erotic xp are usually more eventful and less tedious to gain due to the significant number of erotic scenes and varying dialogue.

    +/- Lots of SFX and good audio lines for the girls during sex scenes. The issue being that the volume mix is quite uneven, and some sounds or lines are significantly louder than others, including the games music and UI sound effects. I'm generally not a fan of adult games being loud, and whilst you can adjust the volume using the RPG maker settings, the experience may vary.

    +/- Generally very polished, but the game froze in a repeating dialogue loop a handful of times, which thankfully resolved after reloading. I have been soft-locked in a scene during the latest update, but that will almost definitely be patched. *Fixed as of the latest update.

    +/- The fights are more focused on providing player choices rather than being a complex battle system. The RNG during the current boss fight in the game can make winning a bit of an obnoxious roulette of save-scumming, which is an obstacle since you get a unique sex scene for winning after submitting.

    +/- While most of the sex scenes in the game are replayable, there are notable exceptions such as Kassiah's mutant battles.

    +/- The game presents the girls as expert martial artists and ass kicking badasses, but this content is limited if you want to get most of the sex scenes. I've never personally understood the "pure" play-through in adult games, or winning through losing mechanics. I would personally love some more opportunities to let the girls be badass on the slutty route. Perhaps having them win fights, avoid manipulation and outsmart opponents, but then immediately submitting anyway due to being such subby sluts.

    +/- Lesbian content and romance between the girls is teased a lot as of this current version, but isn't available or present. I'm not sure whether this will be a part of the game or not. It's actually quite funny how much of a slow burn it is, considering how quickly you can have sex in the game.

    +/- Being on RPG maker means the game isn't especially high resolution, I didn't have any issues with this, but opinions may vary.

    +/- The Honey Select engine the games renders are built on impacts the strengths and weaknesses of the visuals. The girls look fantastic, and some of the environments extensively push what the engine is capable of. One of the major weaknesses of the engine, modelling male characters, actually aligns with the FUB kink. Whether you'll like the aesthetic will depend on your preference.

    Overall the game is incredibly well made, and does an excellent job focusing on its specific niche. I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in its kinks, or, like me, is able to enjoy the gorgeous girls and sex scenes despite a distaste for some of the fetishes.

    Incredibly polished and showing lots of potential, I hope that Maelion gets lots of support!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is absurdly skewed towards old fat muscular dudes beating up young bimbos (so if you don't like this turn away but if you like it then get on board), but the real, glaring issue with this game is the dialogue.

    There has not been a single other game in this forum that I have seen such D-tier porn writing. The girls will actually say, outloud, phrases like "Oh no! This old fat fuck is JUBILATING over bending over my tight young perky bottom and spanking it with his rugged hands!". This might work PASSABLY, sometimes even well depending on the moment, but MIGHT work coming from a narrator, but definitely does not work as a character line, much less from the female protagonist, and what the fuck is jubilating and why do I keep reading this word so much in this damn game?! I don't think I've ever even heard this word out loud, ever. You know that feeling right after you bust where you sit there thinking "holy shit only a horny mf'er could tolerate this thing what was I thinking"? This game is that, but for all the scenes. Yet sometimes, I am that horny motherfucker, and the fetishes on this tick my boxes, so it ends up working in the first two scenes, but when you're reading it for the fifth time that she's "so dominated" the novelty kind of goes away and you just start feeling like that all the time.

    Other than that, the game has decent depth that is immediately challenged by a really long intro and the "different ways to play" are, while interesting, absolutely separate and WILL require you to make different saves. The "skill system" in this game can determine what scenes you can get and sometimes you can lock yourself out of a scene variant because you have no idea that you needed it and now your last save with enough points to get it is too fucking long ago and you don't want to go through all that shit again. This makes the game have some replayability value but also to be absolutely infuriating. This wouldn't be a problem if free roam started just a bit earlier, to be fair. If the dev reads this, the scene that bothered me specifically was the first mission which actually has dialogue variance depending on whether you surrender, but I had to replay near 2 hours of gameplay just to be able to activate surrender skill.

    Still, if you like the models and the fetishes (as I am guilty of) there's probably enough here for you to like a first run, despite how mindnumbing the dialogue and skill trees get at times. However, I'd recommend coming back when this is either abandoned or finished, because I'm not sure I want to keep this in my PC until 0.5 comes to port my saves that may or may not work and I'm definitely not down to replay the beginning over and over again. The game got me off, some points of the story actually felt kind of interesting, and I absolutely love the content differences and all small dialogue changes and additions depending on your skill system or what you're currently doing in your run, but the sheer amount of annoyance I had over the long intro with the skill system and the dialogue in some sex scenes lower this to about a 3.5, that I rounded up to a 4 because I like the fetishes and it's clear to me that this game receives quite some care from the developer.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll echo another review and say that for your first playthrough, this game is 5-star level of content, atmosphere and player choices. Once you start coming back after a few updates however, things start to show cracks :

    1) No way to skip content and dialogues (too much clicking)
    2) Myst-like exploration system with not enough shortcuts (too much clicking)
    3) What starts as a really inventive setup about scifi heroines with a bespoke NSFW combat system devolves into standard VN fare with less and less gameplay as the updates tick by
    4) Not enough noncon for my liking : the character are transformed into willing slaves at the drop of a hat

    Then again, try it for a first playthrough!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice story and premise, interesting noar (similar to Blade Runner) vibe. However, everything else is mediocre or even bad. First, the RPGM is not the correct platform for this kind of game. Graphics are low res and look bad on a 4K monitor. Characters are made with HoneySelect which I don't really like. The MC girl likes "fat ugly bastards" by default (wtf?). The introduction on how to play is too long and complex, due to using RPGM. It could have be much more intuitive with a browser based HTML or RenPy.
    THe only thing on it I really liked is the atmosphere.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I find this game difficult to rate because I thoroughly enjoyed it when I first played it, but find it to be losing value as new updates come.

    What you're getting: a corny (but the good kind of corny) story about girls fighting and losing to muscular male enemies, either finding that they enjoy submitting in the process of being beaten and raped, or approaching with an aura of arrogance that's quickly shattered as they're forced to submit. The corruption unfolds in the sense repeated losses make the girls develop new kinks or realize they enjoy losing more than winning.

    And it's a good concept! I mean let's not kid ourselves: god this is a corny and ridiculous concept, but I don't think people look for realism in this style of porn game, so anything that functions as an excuse to put them in positions where they get defeated, corrupted and raped is great.

    Now for the critique:

    I want to preface this by saying that if you're playing this for the first time...? 5 Stars, absolutely worth the download.

    My critique arises because as the updates continue and more content is added, it's becoming increasingly obvious this is a one-trick pony in terms of content available.

    Every single situation basically unfolds the same: the girls get defeated, either respond with arrogant defiance or giving into submission, then the dialog is all about how they're barely 18 or how hard they're getting dominated. There is no variation, there aren't really different stories; they're only different on the surface.

    A great example is that currently, there's a scenario where the main character is told to dress up like a schoolgirl and submit to a guy, a currently unfinished path where she will wear only an apron, and a scenario where she loses a fight to mutants while dressed up in her "hero" outfit seen in the main preview image.

    My beef with these is...they all seem to unfold the same. She wears something different, then the dialog is still about how she's barely 18 and how dominated she is. Where's the schoolgirl roleplay? Where's the acting naive and innocent when some drug dealers catch her in the bad part of town? (initially does this but drops it very quickly to revert back to the same old) Where's the eager subservient slave? They ALL have similar dialog.

    And that's my problem: I feel like what this game desperately needs for future updates is varying paths and kinks. And I don't mean varying paths for who she hooks up with and who has their dick in her while she screams about being barely 18 and so dominated, I mean she needs to actually act different.

    Give branching paths for her corruption where she begins to like acting naive and innocent, or develops an exhibitionist streak and flashes people around town (with risks of consequences), or hell let her become a stripper and that she feels so at home there she neglects her duties as a cop. Let her get addicted to oral or anal or other varying outcomes. Let us decide if she embraces being submissive, stays in denial about it or likes to feign innocence. (and to be fair to the dev, it looks like perhaps the latter is in the works)

    What I'm saying is, this game needs variety. As much as I would praise it on an initial play, it's starting to feel like if you've seen one sex scene, you've seen them all. The writing and dialog is always incredibly similar and there's just not enough variety to keep me interested in checking all the content. This last update is the first time I found myself simply not caring, because I already know what the unseen content is: she moans about how she's barely 18 and how dominated she is, using the same preset sex animations devs like to use from that one Illusion game I forget the name of.

    If the dev does that, this game is easily capable of climbing back up to 5 stars. Until then: I'd recommend a download for sure, but I think most people will get bored of seeing the same dialog over and over at some point during the game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving this one 5 starts for being unique and innovative
    Edit: Added more specific rating

    Scenes are animated and voiced
    Some dialogues are voiced
    Create your own story
    Non linear character development
    RPGM but diff

    The quality is kinda blurry
    Wonky fight
    Somewhat laggy animations during fights
    Travelling from one place to another can take a lot of time
    Annoying "press to next" sex phases
    No option to speed up text
    Male voice

    (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) :coffee:
    I liked the game and will continue playing this one for sure
    Edit: 8 hours spent in game and there are a lot of content for .4 demo
    and it's been decent
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Discovered the game due to it's high average weighted rating and wow it did not dissapoint. The game is extremely ambitious with the level of character influence you have and pulls it off really well, furthermore the story and game kept me immersed into the game for hours on end most likely due to the control over the character you have.

    Enough rambling, the game for me is a must play and I would highly reccomend it. Enough so for me to make my first review after many many games played.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    An extremely ambitious project that manages to deliver on almost every aspect for 20 hours (personal exp). I'm dumbfounded as to how this is not ranked amongst the highest on the general first page. The only negative is the repetition that occurs post interaction but this exists for most free-roam projects. An extra mild neg is pubic hair (personal not pref). Pace and immersion definitely drops when full free roam starts and manual control of story becomes required resulting in encountering repetition more often but still def better than most. 9/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I cannot believe how awesome this game is. 5/5 stars. It is so much fun, I love the animations. I have put in an easy ~15 hours, there is just that much content as far as 0.3.3. Moreover, I love the story and how you can choose to corrupt heroines, try to stay pure or go deviant route for juicy content. This game has so much potential.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Unbelievably amazing game with tons of depth with a very early version. Characters are all gorgeous, dialogue is genius, traits are perfect what more can I say. Love it! Keep up the amazing work and looking forward to seeing more of this in the future. 0.4 is going to be amazing and I know it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Cyberslayers [v0.3.3] review

    Man, I would never in a million years have guessed that I would really enjoy this game, judging from the preview pics and the introduction. But I read the glowing reviews and decided to give it a shot anyway. I'm happy that I did.
    Looks can really be deceiving!

    Just get a load of this:
    - It's got a ridiculous story setting that makes absolutely no sense. You need to collect "dark matter" by jerking monster creatures off. Yea, it's that ridiculous.
    - The world building in general is really weird. You're a day time cop and a night time super heroine in a slut costume.
    - The map is confusing and difficult to navigate. And so is the UI.
    - Our protagonist looks like a turbo slut from the start.
    - The art is kinda crude when compared to modern DAZ rendered games.
    - The engine is RPGM.
    - It's kinda grindy and repetitive.

    All of the above should automatically disqualify any game from ever being considered "good".

    But damn. How wrong was I.

    What this game does right, it really fucking nails right on the (dick) head and it honestly completely makes up for everything I've listed above.

    + This game does an excellent take on corruption, with different personality traits and skills you can choose to invest in. The skill tree and progression is really varied and well thought out. There are actual high quality rewards for the grind.
    + Battle fuck mechanic is unique and fun. If you use your feminine charms on the monsters they will underestimate you and be easier to defeat. But you kinda have to put yourself in a precarious position to do this and if you fail, you'll probably get raped. Overconfidence can be costly. It actually kinda makes sense.
    + The sound design is freaking awesome! This game has the best sound design of any lewd title I've ever played.
    + If you're into non-consent sex scenes, this game has got you covered, with what are among the best written and executed lewd scenes available today for this particular category. They're steamy as fuck.

    This game is not perfect by any means, and it's got some serious flaws. It's a bit rough to get into at first, but once you get past the first hurdle it gets interesting and steamy fast. It also delivers some really unique things you won't find anywhere else.

    If the tags appeal to you, I definitely recommend you try this, even if you feel the art style and setting maybe isn't for you. And beware, the first hour or so is kinda boring and really confusing, so hang in there. It's woth it I promise!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    If your are fan of corruption games, it doesn't get much better than this one. The corruption element is not too slow or fast. With the current version [0.3.3] you easily have +8hr of immersive and deviant gameplay.

    This game, produced by one individual, can compete with top-tier games produced by Japanese companies.

    Give it a shot! Keep up the work Maelion
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice game. The rpg system is great. The cg and the animation are good
    I wait for the future update for the improvement of the story. They are a few minor bugs but it s not a problem. Just save regulary
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game so far. I like heroines in peril games and this is by far the best I’ve played. The world is well constructed and believable and I love me some sci-fi.

    Loads of content to say it’s only at 0.33. Looking forward to future updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    GG Jack

    I've played a significant number of games in the past years, since I found F95zone and I can confidently say that this is one of the very rare few which a genuinely good and it isn't even complete.

    The writing of the scenes is definitely 5 of 5.

    The gameplay, even though grindy rn, which is something easy to solve later as it is still early in development, is still a 4 out of 5 to be 5 of 5 with that solved.

    The amount of content is 5 of 5. Even for how early in development it is with being a 0.3 version it has a lot of content and hours of enjoyment with more than one route which even gives replayability, which is rare in adult games.

    But the absolute 11 out of 5 perk is the developer himself. Sincerely, I've joined many communities of adult games developers over the years and the developer of Cyberslayers definitely has the best communication with his player base than any other.
    Not only receptive to suggestions, but lets you know clearly of the current state of the game and know that not only it is being developped but makes it interesting to see any sneakpeek of what is currently underway without spoiling anything.

    A "must play", definitely.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Stumbling out from the cyber gutters and finding myself being absolutely pummeled by a Cyberslayer for being a deviant, I wake up from my coma to try and remember all that happened, and whether it was worth it or not.

    Overall I think it was, and I think it'll further be worth it the more the dev number goes up. Bias-wise, I've really only done one playthrough proper of the game, namely in consideration of it's noticeable grind. It's a sexy grind, yet, still a grind to get certain scenes, attributes and skills unlocked. I hear that the current version rewards those that go through it a second time, but I'm personally waiting for the next one to further flesh out the routes I want on my 2nd run. Another bias as well that you want to consider is that I do support Maelion as a patron, which if it's anything from some review schmuck you don't know about, I don't do that much to begin with.

    Anyways, onto the game.

    What is Cyberslayers? It's a game about essentially being a magical girl if you were in the dark future. You are Aline, you want to be a Cyberslayer which in this dark future means that you're essentially taking down beasts with either good old fashion fisticuffs with abilities as the lord intended, or go down the devil's path proper and become a total sloot to defeat them as such (or be willingly defeated, which in it's own way make sense gamewise). Either way, they're rampant within the world and need specialized sloots in denial Cyberslayers to keep a cap on the ugly bastard plague.

    But there's a twist also, you on the side also work with the police force as well that helps manage the regular ugly bastards. There you'll be going on patrol, fighting off muggers, small time monsters and gangsters alongside pushing papers by manning the desks. Here you'll meet both as a Cyberslayer and as an officer a plethora of ugly bastards, other gals waiting to be further corrupted, and/or actually good guys stuck in a hentai plot, probably waiting for a vanilla run to free them. Either way, varied cast on how you want Aline to go down that doesn't stick you on just one route, with a grand handful pretty well fleshed out scenes (and featuring a large amount of repeatable interactive ones!).

    You also get a partner named Kassiah, in which depending on your choices can already be a sloot by the time you meet her, a prideful warrior, or a little mix between both. There was a decent amount to her route when I played on .3.2, and with the recent version there's a lot more in regards to playing as her. She's also a Cyberslayer and is pretty much waiting for player input at this point to either join Aline in the path of debauchery or stay as a questionably dressed agent in dealing with the cock monsters through the power of fists.

    So that's the context out of the way, why is this game five stars? This...well, this completely drained me once it clicked. Which is tough considering that at this point my senses have grown dull in wading through the various games out there that might as well be fodder for the recycle bin.

    This game does corruption right, if you're alright with ugly bastard dominance being the driving force for the majority of content. This game reminds me of Karryn's Prison in terms of the many titles/kinks you can get that actually affect gameplay and dialogue, alongside featuring it's own corruption module that you see in a couple other games, in which you yourself progress Aline's corruption by spending points if you so desire. Hence, you'll be picking up passives from lewding up that'll affect dialogue, and spending points on the flip side to unlock more lewd choices for Aline.

    This then affects the many routes you'll taking on of course making Aline more susceptible to lewd situations, and having her react accordingly the more you do it. Either way, the lewd side of this game goes leagues beyond many corruption games in having these two systems work together, considering there really isn't that three step progression that JRPGS have. More so, it's unlocking and grinding for more passives and abilities that will naturally mold Aline to be the ultimate pervalicious gal you knew you were going to steer her to in a multitude of different ways (much like Karryn's Prison).

    However, I will say this, the game does have a grind and there is a teleport ball you can utilize to get around faster but the grind is significant enough to be a factor to warrant in this review. The grind in itself isn't about combat mainly, though you can make it as such, it's more so the curse of corruption rpgs in grinding out sexy events to get to the next tier, or cultivating points to then buy the next the tier. It will make up a large majority of the gameplay if you're truly chasing that sweet lewd.

    Alongside this, in spite of the game being made in RPGM, it plays more like a sandbox VN in point and click being the main overworld, with battles being a heavily done-up side of RPGM combat (very passable for that standard). Interesting choice for the game, and one that's rather welcome considering that you're more so just clicking through the world rather than mind-numbingly wandering through it.

    Overall, I think Cyberslayers is actually the gold standard in current corruption rpgs. Sure it has a grind, and it's got a little burn in, but God damn does it make it all the more rewarding once you get to the endgame (or more so end of version). Everything I've played so far up to the current point (7 hours~) has been developed, there's no worries on the MC only being stuck in the middle stages of corruption, no, at this point you can have her pretty much being an arch-perv magical girl Cyberslayer if you so want, with far more to come.

    Hell, the creator even made it to where once you essentially finish a corruption arch that could be a whole game, there's like a chapter 2 waiting with Hearts of Corruption that can further the route (in future versions). It's actually mind blowing how far this game is with it being on 0.3.3 currently. Take it from me, if you have an afternoon to spare, and have a passion for corruption games, this is something you don't want to pass up.

    5/5 easy, Maelion please give more Fred route I want that Heart of Corruption route please.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing through some of the regular content before you reach more than a sample dish of Lewd? Unheard of, truly, in an RPG. I feel certain you will never find another game on this site, or elsewhere, that has this feature.

    Graphics are different than the average game, which is a nice touch. The story has merit, especially given the approach to influencing the Personality and Behavior of the MC through her actions and skills you can unlock. The more you do, the more prominent certain things become. It's fun and enjoyable, and the Dev is actively working on this content and has promised a large content update by the end of the year, fresh on the heels of the most recent update. Which is a rare find, these days.