What you see in the Gallery is what you get "in Game" as well. No scenes per se, only the Images and Animations that are already in the Gallery.No scene gallery? Seems like there's only an image gallery.
"Ackchyually" users are dropping links to full versions in the request section threads fyi. a Demo thread in the release section is not mandatory to get a full version here.
You've been around for longer than me and you didn't know this ? You say you don't see a issue , yet the request thread was "magically" moved from Completed Game Requests back to game requests and also edited for update thread request. FIXED.
Let's forget the drama around the reputation system and how we ended up with a dailly limit..i wonder why and how that happened... /s Surely not because people were abusing it.
"Reserving" threads using demo versions is a pitiful practice and unfair towards the rest of the uploaders that make threads and upload full games.
But to use the logic of exposure... there are plenty of English titles on Dlsite with a downloadable demo that do not have a thread here.. what are you waiting for ? chop chop let the rain of full games begin /s Without the reputation system will you still do it tho ?
TheRequestor facepalm counts as +1 , the intent and effect are opposite in the event you didin't know... gratz m8
I moved that request thread back - and edited it personally - so for that you are correct.The irony of jumping the gun and speaking to soon , the OP/Uploader found the game themselves so how does that prove me wrong in any way ? They just redeemed themselves , the threads have not produced any results , nobody posted the full game because of extra exposure in release section.
That does not change a thing i said untill now , a solution to a created problem that coul'd have been avoided in the first place.
The problem on how the request was handled , treated as completed when was not even remotely close to be fullfiled ; reserving a thread just because without any real contribution/merit.
If you still think that i got "proven wrong" or shit you have cognitive problems , mind you that headache you have must be because you're malding that theres no MAC build for you also thanks for another one of your daily rep quota. Much appreciated newbie also late welcome.
Nothing personal , gratz on finding the full game. Credits where is due so +1.
Next time if you can't fulfill a request skip it