
I'm trying to get Rolex and Aristoles, I read in another page
" When first attacking Helman, You get a choice to side with one of the three forces; 'falls together' refers to the situation when You don't side with ANY of them and destroy them all. Destroying all 3 Helman factions is also required to recruit Sheila into Your army, so if You have her, then You've done everything right. Then after one of the demon factions conquers Lang Bau, event will trigger immediately, battle with NPC armies will commence and upon winning Rolex and Aristrex will be taken prisoner by You. I saw Sheila during recruiting these two as well as their events, so You may have to have her still in Your army to recruit and character clear them? "
I Destroyed all 3 Helman faction and I have Sheila
Is that mean i need to wait and let Hornet faction going until Lang Bau ? Or i don't understand something ? (becoz its look like i didnt understand :3 )
Again thank you so much for the traduction, love you so much