Yes. That said, it is also true that some developers are CLEARLY too lazy (that or they're japanese salarymen). There's also those who work full time in a game and still expend months for a little update, like What a Legend, probably because their work isn't well organised.
I mean yeah, it's true some people are blatantly just either lazy or are clearly trying to milk the last bit of money they can despite actually having given up on the project, but I very much think this site massively over-uses the "the dev is lazy", especially since every person i've heard say this clearly have literally zero or near-zero experience in game development and art.
I don't particularly doubt there's a fair bit of laziness from the developers of the games on this site, but people are way too quick to conclude and way to sure of themselves whenever they suspect someone is being lazy. Especially considering many developers are struggling with tech problems (which can take a stupid amount of time to deal with) and often have fairly little experience in coding.
From my personal impression What a Legend outputs a whole lot per update and updates every half a year or so, so i'm not sure why they would be an example of blatant laziness. Don't they literally finish entire base character routes every update, plus some other stuff? I'll admit I would expect them to be able to do do a
little more considering it's full time, but I absolutely wouldn't call their updates small.