I find it a bit funny/sad how literally nobody claiming milda uses AI is able to present any form of proof, it's all just "trust me bro it looks weird it must be AI".
On a different note, the supersuit scene is the most unsexy thing I've ever seen. I'm honestly confused as to who gets off to it.
To be fair, proof is ultimately irrelevant. If it looks like AI, the person who is going to suffer is always going to be the artist. That goes for anything, if someone accuses your art of being too much like old Disney or Akira Toriyama, you're going to get reactions based off of that whether or not it was your intention. Sorry, but that shouldn't be a big-brain surprise.
While I do agree his art is too good and too structured to be pure AI, the newer pieces definitely have that weird plastic-y look that AI art very often ends up with. People didn't wake up randomly and decide to start calling it AI for no reason you know.
And regardless of whether it is or isn't, it's a concern that the artist needs to be aware of. Like I said, if you mimic a famous artist's style, even if you did just naturally arrive there, don't be shocked if people accuse you of tracing or copying or whatever. That's just the reality.
And the new art could easily be mistaken for AI and probably will be on par with it by the end of the year, it's advancing like crazy.