I would encourage you, the reader, to try making your own edits. Obviously, I don't enjoy making edits anymore, but, when I first started, which must be at least 5 years ago, maybe even 6 years ago, making edits was enjoyable. This was the first image I ever edited:
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A 'badcompzero' drawing, which honestly Isn't great quality. But I like thigh-highs and the short skirts. Anyway, PLEASE try and make your own .xcf things. You can literally make any changes you want. I've gotten to the point where I can do most things I want if I have enough time. Although, maybe the time spent learning to make edits could be better spent learning to make my own art? It probably would have been more fulfilling if I learnt to make my own art, but I would never have gotten to the level of dandon or the GOAT sciamano. So I'd just end up making cursed images like the one above.
As much as I like it when people use my .xcfs, I think it would be way more interesting if people made their own edits using gimp and post them here. I find that there are many tweaks I would make to artwork published by the likes of dandonfuga and sciamano. For instance, in the image above, I might want to make the skirt longer. There must surely be some things you would like to add to artworks you enjoy? So go and add those things! I made a tutorial a while ago, but it is out dated now, so some of the techniques are irrelevant or have been superseded, and there are simply some techniques that I didn't know about at the time. I would love to assist anyone who wants any tips or needs help or whatever.
Anyway, have a nice day.