how to correct this error ?
View attachment 3174735
You can't (easily) fix that error, it's something the project Developer needs to do!
macro is used to include the contents of another Passage (known as the "child") inside the contents of the Passage currently being visited (known as the parent), so the two Passages involved have what's known as a parent-child relationship. This results in a stack size of 2.
Library (Passage)
<- Book Case (Passage)
A "child" Passage can also use a
macro to include the content of other Passages in its own content, which would result in a stack size of 3.
Library (Passage)
<- Book Case (Passage)
<- Top Shelf of Book Case (Passage)
...and so forth...
Maximum call stack size exceeded part of that error message indicates that the Developer has too many levels of Passages including the content of other Passages that in turn are including the content of other Passages.... repeat...
Library (Passage)
<- Book Case (Passage)
<- Top Shelf of Book Case (Passage)
<- Left Side of Top Shelf of Book Case (Passage)
<- First Book in Left Side of Top Shelf of Book Case (Passage)
<- First Book in Left Side of Top Shelf of Book Case (Passage)
<- First Chapter of First Book (Passage)
<- First Page of First Chapter of First Book (Passage)
<- etc....
1. The names I've given the Passage in the above examples have no meaning, it's the structure of one Passage including the contents of another that is important.
2. I don't recall how many levers are allowed before the error happens, and I'm being too lazy to look at the SugarCube source code to find out.