Unity Abandoned Darkmorrow Arena [v0.5] [Acac]

2.50 star(s) 2 Votes


Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
Awesome game (for its content), just a few ideas.

1. Change "Main Menu" to "Menu" (or something else), less confusing in my opinion, thought Main Menu ment to go back to starting screen, no idea if anyone else does this.

2. During the first night time with the Arena Master the text reads, "He tells you a few more things, nothing anything really important." So yeah, remove the anything.

3. Equipping a Giant Axe (I guess anything that uses both hands) ment I couldn't change to a shield (one handed) without first unequipping the Axe. Equipping a shield first however let me equip the Giant Axe (ofc removing the shield). In short, can swap from shield to two handed, can't change the other way.
Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated!

1. Good point! I'll change that.
2. Thanks! I'll change that, too.
3. Good point. I think I did that intentionally. The reason was, I didn't want you to switch to a shield and then accidentally go on without having a weapon equipped, if that makes sense.

Thank you for trying out my game! :)
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Oct 26, 2017
That's really helpful feedback on glory. I kind of want to keep it pretty fast. That way, a) each playthrough is a bit more different from each other, and b) you're less likely to die to a RNG fluke monster of an opponent.
I'm only downloading this game right now, haven't played it yet, but given the complaint and response here's my two bits: It'd be nice if once you gain enough glory to take your freedom you get the choice to continue playing ("sandbox") where you can quit at any time, or that there's some "endless" or "hardcore" mode where you only gain like, 1 glory per fight or something. Just something where you can keep playing the same iteration of character, really build them up to become a proper monstrous Champion of the Pit, sorta thing.
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Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
I'm only downloading this game right now, haven't played it yet, but given the complaint and response here's my two bits: It'd be nice if once you gain enough glory to take your freedom you get the choice to continue playing ("sandbox") where you can quit at any time, or that there's some "endless" or "hardcore" mode where you only gain like, 1 glory per fight or something. Just something where you can keep playing the same iteration of character, really build them up to become a proper monstrous Champion of the Pit, sorta thing.
Thanks, that's a great idea! After reading your comment, I had some shower thoughts. It can definitely be done, and I think it will make the game a lot better, too. I can't promise it, but I'll see if I can add this to the next release, version 0.4 . :)
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Oct 26, 2017
Thanks, that's a great idea! After reading your comment, I had some shower thoughts. It can definitely be done, and I think it will make the game a lot better, too. I can't promise it, but I'll see if I can add this to the next release, version 0.4 . :)
Cool, glad to have helped with my pre-play feedback. :D If you've ever played Slay The Spire, it's actually exactly that which inspired this train of thought. Each new run is fun to do where you play out new scenarios with new randomized stuff and randomized opponents and events, but sometimes you just wanna kick back and do an endless run and see just how terrifyingly powerful you can really get, heh.
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Aug 31, 2017
I really enjoy the training system, and it feels like it makes different builds more viable by being able to boost relevant skills, though I admit I haven't tried that many different builds lol.

I like the idea of an endless run type system too, though another option depending on how much work you want to sink into this would be option to go to another arena somewhere else with a different theme (elves, orcs, greco-roman humans or whatever) and then you need 200 glory to earn your freedom. That would require more art assets though, obviously.
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Active Member
Aug 24, 2017
Hang on I'm sure everything listed for Ver 0.3 was in the last time I played this game. Is this update old?


Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
Cool, glad to have helped with my pre-play feedback. :D If you've ever played Slay The Spire, it's actually exactly that which inspired this train of thought. Each new run is fun to do where you play out new scenarios with new randomized stuff and randomized opponents and events, but sometimes you just wanna kick back and do an endless run and see just how terrifyingly powerful you can really get, heh.
I really enjoy the training system, and it feels like it makes different builds more viable by being able to boost relevant skills, though I admit I haven't tried that many different builds lol.

I like the idea of an endless run type system too, though another option depending on how much work you want to sink into this would be option to go to another arena somewhere else with a different theme (elves, orcs, greco-roman humans or whatever) and then you need 200 glory to earn your freedom. That would require more art assets though, obviously.
I really dig the idea of letting the player continue the run for as long as they want, especially since the game is in Iron Woman mode (dying = save is lost). This way, it really is the player's decision. You really don't have to continue. Continuing will just result in more risk and almost certain death. But you could do it. I want to reward that. I'll see what I can do.

Kinda reminds me of Gantz. :D

Keep an eye out! There's lots of great ideas out here that I like!

Some of these ideas, I might not put them in this game, because this game is already designed, and I want to finish it. But ideas here that I like will almost certain show up in future games. :)
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Reactions: Amariithynar


New Member
Aug 12, 2019
I don't know, the story is good actually, but there are no scenes to picture what is told on the story, so it kinda a bit complicated playing the game while creating the image of situation in your head.

But nevertheless, the story is great, you can still imagining what happen after you close the game.

Just need sounds, scenes.
Feb 1, 2018
Imo this would be something to deal with later, if they are intending on making a text-based game. A lot of those don't have images. But yes, after the story and coding is done, adding images to help picture the scenes would be a fine addition
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Eggtree McGee

Jan 1, 2018
Nice so far, though there is a lot of clicking through text. Would recommend giving an option to skip through text like other games by holding down shift or at least now having to move the mouse down to continue from next every dialog.
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New Member
Mar 25, 2017
Glad to see this is still alive, played 0.1 and enjoying 0.4 although I think at day 100 I've more or less ran out of content.

Some feedback/thoughts:

1. The menus and navigation even with the skip option is a bit slow, lots of clicking required especially since skip ends the scene but you need to click continue afterwards anyway.

2. Combat could also use speeding up.
Currently doing a 2H spear build and if I get one good attack on weaker enemies they die in one hit. Problem is my pike has all 3 elemental damage types, so even if the physical damage kills them, I still need to press forward 3 more times for all the damage types to play out. Maybe make all damage one screen or an option to immediately end the battle after the opponent dies?

Same applies to the earnings - if I've won, there's no need to show my pot and the enemy pot on two separate screens.

Lack of art and whatnot is understandable, got to say the core of the game is really nice. Hope you flesh it out with more content and some more QoL improvements!
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Nov 21, 2017
I really like the game Idea, but after playing 2 hours the Legendary Woman Opponent hits twice with under 20% hit chance whilest I miss twice with 50% hit chance and it is game over. The one who hits first starts snowballing due to wounding debuff. Therefor even if you are really high leveled your opponent might win. Now this is might be a nice David vs Goliath hommage and also realistic, but from a game design point of you, where I just want to see the last scenes with NPCs and won most other fights with either taking no hit at all or slight health losses, this is pretty annoying.
One might play a really tanky character and succeed, I never tried that, but I visisted the arena master 4 nights in a row and had the feeling that I made sensible buying choices. Obviously the opponent might be especially good against the weapon type I use, but even with 2 k gold at hand, the merchant didnt want to sell me another weapon that was even close to the one I was using.

TLDR: From the game design perspective, either make it less RNG based or allow some kind of comeback - maybe something like buying a revival Item or lose Items, Skills and Glory and defeated and rerun from a lower ranking again.


Jun 26, 2019
I am a sucker for a gladiator (gladiatrix?) game, though I have to wonder how much of this is me and how much is RNG because I played through, was double training trying to buy stuff and just got to a early fight with a mercenary that basically one shot'ed me. I can can't tell if I wasn't prepared or if that was just a bad draw.
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2.50 star(s) 2 Votes