Unity Abandoned Darkmorrow Arena [v0.5] [Acac]

2.50 star(s) 2 Votes


Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
I am a sucker for a gladiator (gladiatrix?) game, though I have to wonder how much of this is me and how much is RNG because I played through, was double training trying to buy stuff and just got to a early fight with a mercenary that basically one shot'ed me. I can can't tell if I wasn't prepared or if that was just a bad draw.
Sorry to hear that. That fact that you made it to the mercenaries is actually really good! This game is designed to be like a rogue-like, and it does challenge you. But it's okay to die, because you can always start again. Try new training. Buy new stock of items. Face new random enemies. And, each death makes the next success more satisfying.

Don't give up! Try some new strategies. Maybe play on easy for a while. The difficulty level doesn't change the strength of the enemy. It just ramps up your power faster or slower.
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Jun 26, 2019
Sorry to hear that. That fact that you made it to a mercenaries is actually really good! This game is designed to be like a rogue-like, and it does challenge you. But it's okay to die, because you can always start again. And, each death makes the next success more satisfying.

Don't give up! Try some new strategies. Maybe play on easy for a while. The difficulty level doesn't change the strength of the enemy. It just ramps up your power faster or slower.
Oh I do like the rogue-like aspect of it and I will give it a go on easy just to see if I can get a bit farther as I want to try more, I just wasn't sure at the place where I did die I could have done much different up to that point.
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Mar 26, 2018
have you considered adding some metaprogression? could gain points every run to buy permanent boosts with. dying bc of bad rolls in combat is one thing, but dying to somebody that one shots you bc they hard counter the only armor type youve been able to afford is a littttle extreme, even by rogue-like n rogue-lite standards.
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Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
have you considered adding some metaprogression? could gain points every run to buy permanent boosts with. dying bc of bad rolls in combat is one thing, but dying to somebody that one shots you bc they hard counter the only armor type youve been able to afford is a littttle extreme, even by rogue-like n rogue-lite standards.
Yeah, I like that idea a lot. I've thought about it before, but I haven't been able to come up with an elegant system, yet. I'm always open to ideas.

Another thing is, in this version, I changed the store. Previously, everyday the list of items are wiped and brand new items are presented. This made finding the item you need a lot easier. Now, only a few random items are removed everyday, and a small number of new items are added. I thought this would be cool in a persistence kind of way, but it looks like it's doing bad things to the game balance.


Jul 18, 2019
have you considered adding some metaprogression? could gain points every run to buy permanent boosts with. dying bc of bad rolls in combat is one thing, but dying to somebody that one shots you bc they hard counter the only armor type youve been able to afford is a littttle extreme, even by rogue-like n rogue-lite standards.
This. Just thought of that and then I read it. It'll skyrocket replay-ability. Also, indeed, the shop refreshing completely every day might help with waiting for 60 days for an item that you no longer need when it appears.

Another thing that popped in my head just now, perhaps that metaprogression could be something really really minor, like letting the player choose between 1% more health (or even 0,5% for that matter) or 1% store discount or the visit to a lover also replenishes health by a tiny percentage. Something that minimally affects the game, but you eventually feel the difference when it starts piling up to reward you for replaying. To stop the "false" feeling that you wasted all that time and effort for nothing after dying. (False feeling, cause you've actually had fun, so no time wasted in reality, but you know what I mean).
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Jan 27, 2018
Sigh........ Rougelikes. Nothing like playing a game just to get crushed, again and again, until finally you are really doing well and make serious progress - then get crushed. I've played this one twice on normal and got crushed by the first veteran I come across each time.
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Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
This. Just thought of that and then I read it. It'll skyrocket replay-ability. Also, indeed, the shop refreshing completely every day might help with waiting for 60 days for an item that you no longer need when it appears.

Another thing that popped in my head just now, perhaps that metaprogression could be something really really minor, like letting the player choose between 1% more health (or even 0,5% for that matter) or 1% store discount or the visit to a lover also replenishes health by a tiny percentage. Something that minimally affects the game, but you eventually feel the difference when it starts piling up to reward you for replaying. To stop the "false" feeling that you wasted all that time and effort for nothing after dying. (False feeling, cause you've actually had fun, so no time wasted in reality, but you know what I mean).
Yeah, good idea. I thought about it some more. I was thinking, maybe each 10 days (as example) that goes by in a game, you accumulate (say) 1 "Fate" point. So, if you get 34 days in and then die, you will have 3 Fate points. After death, those Fate points are saved into a global pool. You can spend these points to get straight stat bonuses, which then apply to all new characters created. These bonuses are progressively more expensive, so you can get +5% health for 5 points, then the next +5% health costs 10 points, then 15 points, etc. Also, Easy accumulates 1 Fate Point every 10 days, Medium accumulates 2 every 10 days, and Hard accumulates 3.

The idea is, you can get some early stat ups from doing easy, but later boosts become really expensive for easy. You can do it if you really wanted to. But at some point, it becomes more efficient to get fate points in medium, and you'll start getting stat ups frequently, again.

Another thing I was thinking about is what the boosts should be. Should they be percent boosts or static boosts? If they are percent boosts, it will augment equipment mods really well. If you get say +10 evasion in an armour, that will get a +X% boost, from your fate bonus. Or, should they be static boosts? This works well with training. If the fate bonus gives you +5 accuracy, it won't multiply with armour, but it will reward you for training in swords (for example). The percent system seems to work well with everything, equipment stats and training, but it's downside is that if you have low stats to begin with, it's not going to boost you up much. That's not good, if the goal of these boosts is to get you going early.

Lastly, I wonder how much control I should give the player for what boosts they get. Should it be straight stat boosts, like +health or +evasion? Or, should it be situational, like the training is (+damage with swords)? Also, should players pick and choose from a big board of options? Or, should they be given like 4 random options to choose from (like when crafting or training) ? My thoughts are "straight stat boosts" and "let the player choose from a big board of all the options". There are times when randomness is fun and it gives chance and luck, and there are times when you want a lot of agency. I think this is a time when you want agency for the player.

Thank you for your kind reply and feedback!


Mar 26, 2018
i think random options but with one from each type of benefit. a defensive one with things like health and evasion, offensive with accuracy and damage, social that can add health regained from visiting npcs at night and shop discounts, and then utility with stuff like there being a chance you get two fate stones or two extra training.

that way theres still enough consistency that if you want survival you still get it, but arent overwhelmed with all the options youd have in something more spreadsheet-y.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Here's what I'll say about this. The game is designed like a rogue-like, but the same level of thought has not gone into the narrative design.

1. The fact that the player character is always exactly the same is really poorly thought out and implemented here. What the dev is going for is some kind of blank slate type character. But, that just means they're an underwritten character. This is poorly thought out.


This should be obvious the more you think about it. To a male-identifying audience member playing a female-protaganist game, they don't identify with the protaganist sexually. Instead she's the main focal point of sexual content. That is, she should be desirable in of herself. This is true, btw, for games that target men and women both. In such a case, you just have to actually do the work of creating a female protagonist who is both easy to identify with but also erotic from an external standpoint.

The way the game is built right now, the main charachter IS the target of the sexual content, but she is much to boring to eke any eroticism out of.

2. Sex games are narrative games. This is because sex, as it exists in most video games, is a narrative (art and writing) reward for unrelated mechanics in most games. The way the player gets sex isn't through a core system, but basically a "reward" for surviving another round.

This is a problem because Roguelikes explicitly are not designed around persistent-relationships. Your charachter lives. They die. Life moves on. Yadda yadda. So you get this weird effect where you see these static NPCs, who are also slightly underdefined, go through the same motions of the same relationships over and over again.

3. This game appears to be a narrative game with the narrative mechanics of a roguelike. In a roguelike, the objective is to live, die, try again, etc. You're not building a dynamic with the cast in a single playthrough. But, the narrative and dynamics here appear to be aimed at building relationships with a core staff who are meant to help you reach an endgame.

The game is a story game with no story, so to speak.

The Consequence: A story game with no story. A relationships game with repeating impersonal relationships. A growth story about no one. A sex story with no erotic focus.

It is. In a word. An amateurishly clumsy and ill designed sex game.

How Would I Fix It: The answer I'd give might actually annoy a segment of the player base whose looking for completionist porn, but the ultimate effect would be good.

I would make three primary changes:

Change 1: I would intro a "Tag" system for the protagonist. She might start with "Cheery" or "Introverted" or some combination of 2-3 tags at start. If possible, I'd have that effect her visual appearance, but that's less important. Tags should have some kind of mechanical effect, but it should mostly result in conditional changes to the dialogue.

More tags can be gained as a course of play "Lesbian" or "Submisive" or "Whore" are all simple examples of persistent tags that can be added via play. Same too with things from the Arena like "Merciless" or "Crowd Pleaser".

The end result would be to distinctify the protaganist and make them more enjoyable on their own terms as a charachter....BUT also to lean into the game's Rogue-like nature and make the consequences of dying and starting new playthroughs more meaningful.

Change 2: I would shift the pre-existing ill-defined NPCs presently in the game. And replace them with a rotating cast of possible shop keepers. On this playthrough, you might get "Sasha" the hard drinking ex-slave as a trainer, but in another you might get "Maria" the Dominatrix, or "Andrea" the Futanari hired mercanary. Each would produce diffrent traits from interactions.

To keep workload low, most of the scenes would be written to fit all of them. But, diffrent trainers would have diffrent conditionals, making each scene about 70% common and 30% unique for each vendor.

The combination of tags and vendors would allow each iteration to present itself as a unique sexual experience.

Change 3: Strengthen the core narrative with a series of "Rank Up" events. In these, as she advances to the next level of enemy, an event fires where she is recognized as a higher level gladiatrix. These events should be mod-able both to traits and player choice, and should represent a core narrative spine to the game, that helps mark level of advancement. THey ultimatly lead the way for a final fight against a champion, or else allow for the introduction of side endings, like the protaganist choosing being the shop keeper's whore instead of a fighter.

However, the nature of the game is that they cannot be repetative. That is, any individual playthrough must have substantively diffrent consequences as a result of choices and tags.

Final Conclusion: Not a fraction of the time has been spent considering how to integrate sex relative to how to integrate game play. This has the sexual-narrative content of a (not very good) linear game, but the gameplay structure of a roguelike. You need to lean in and make a sex-narrative system that matches your gameplay, or you need to not do gameplay the way you are.


Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
Hey, how is the update going?
Pretty good, but pretty slow. The good part is that I got all the art and story I need, and I did a lot of testing. But I kinda slowed down because I started having some work and visa related issues. It's not dire, but it kinda drains me, aye. Thanks for asking!

One thing I did that I'm happy about is expand how many items are for sale in the shop, and also gave a marker so you can quickly see if an item can be bought or not (due to price or lewdness). I also made the shop reroll items that cannot be bought, so that you're more likely to get items that you can actually use. I think it makes it a more fun experience. Other than that, all the outfits are already in the game, which I'm super happy about.

If I can dedicate some time, I think I can bang it out in about 2 weeks. =)
Feb 1, 2018
Pretty good, but pretty slow. The good part is that I got all the art and story I need, and I did a lot of testing. But I kinda slowed down because I started having some work and visa related issues. It's not dire, but it kinda drains me, aye. Thanks for asking!

One thing I did that I'm happy about is expand how many items are for sale in the shop, and also gave a marker so you can quickly see if an item can be bought or not (due to price or lewdness). I also made the shop reroll items that cannot be bought, so that you're more likely to get items that you can actually use. I think it makes it a more fun experience. Other than that, all the outfits are already in the game, which I'm super happy about.

If I can dedicate some time, I think I can bang it out in about 2 weeks. =)
Oh, thats great, thanks for the update!


Game Developer
Jun 22, 2018
Version 0.5 released. :)

Release Notes:
  1. Changes to the shop. The shop should now offer a lot more items for sale. Items generated are rerolled a couple of times, to help find items that the player can buy. This does not guarantee that all items will be purchasable, just that they are more likely. In the beginning, many items will still seem locked out, but this should reduce over the playthrough. A red X also marks items that you cannot buy or equip, to help spot them easier.
  2. Increased coin rewards from combat by about 30%.
  3. New outfits: Added 6 new outfits, with 6 pieces to each. Also added 6 new bra and panty sets, with 6 color variations, each. That’s over 100 new outfit pieces!
  4. Added 15 new H scenes, 5 for each of the important NPCs.
  5. Expanded on the outfit lewdness mechanic. Outfit pieces have a lewdness level. The main character will refuse to wear outfits that she is not comfortable with. However, her tolerance for outfits will change as her relationship level increases with the NPCs.
  6. General text and UI improvements.
  7. Minor bug fixes.
Please share with us your thoughts! We did our best to catch any bugs, but please let us know if you find any! Thanks!
2.50 star(s) 2 Votes