Original review, Nov 5: This game has two major issues.
1. It's boring as shit. I got about halfway through chapter 3 and I'm about ready to give up, mostly due to boredom.
It's fairly interesting in the first chapter. Okay in the second. The third really drives home the repetitive filler bullshit.
I might finish it, just to see the resolution, but I've already played through another game in the time since I've put it down, and I still don't feel like coming back to it.
2. The game really, REALLY wants you to share. It just won't stop bringing it up/alluding to it.
It's so bad in this regard that if I hadn't played Sunshine Love first, I wouldn't have given it a chance just because it's the same dev, and I would have assumed there would be just as much of it.
Don't get me wrong, it never forces you to share, but even after you've refused one character, it just introduces a new character to give you another chance to do so.
Another issue, that's not really as significant, but serves to accentuate the boredom, is the just okay renders and mediocre animations with just enough clipping to kill what little immersion you have left.
Like I said, I may get around to finishing this one, but I don't have high hopes for it. In fact, about the only thing I care to see for the end is pregnancy. Were it not for that possibility, I'd definitely be done with it.
Edit, Nov 20:
So, I finally got around to finishing it...Sort of. I wound up skipping through a lot of dialogue for chapter 4, since it was just a ton of meaningless filler crap.
This is by far my biggest complaint for the whole game.
It was okay. The pregnancy ending was fine, but nothing to write home about.
Chapter 3 picked up a bit during the competition but was still mostly filler dialogue.
They also ramped up the exhibitionism, which isn't a big deal, but it didn't feel like the buildup was what it needed to be for it to make sense. Especially given all the filler dialogue where it could have been discussed more prior to chapter 4.
That's about all I have to say that wasn't in my original review.
It's still pretty boring, and there's still way too much insistence on sharing. Literally all the way through until the end of the game.
I guess as a final note, I'd just have to say... "Aiiiiiiiii!"
No, but seriously. Where is the dev from that he thinks that's what a scream sounds like? Maybe a Latin country? English being a second language would explain some of the grammatical errors and weird phrases.
Anyway, I'm done with this game. Sunshine Love (same dev) was way better, and if my review turned you off of this game, I would suggest playing that instead. Or even if you still intend to play this.