VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    So one of the longest running adult VN's finally ends

    3 years and 2 chapters late

    Dev's changed direction halfway through development and what once was a great game winded up in a slow dying husk of its potential where the same poses and infomercial dialog dragged on interminably culminating with the dev taking a break on finishing the game for a few months to work on their other game without pausing subscriptions (cough milking much) culminating in a final episode of 15 minutes "gameplay" half of which is flashback reused images.

    Worth playing for the 1st 2 chapters before the phoning in insipidness takes over in the final 2 chapters.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I believe this is one of those games that will be better for those who followed all or most of it's development then it will be for those who pick it up for the first time after its completion. This game is dense with tons of content, but it will also at times seem repetitive with its content. That feeling of repetitiveness is lessened when you are only playing the game once every few months compared to taking it all in one go. I liked the story, the characters, and the scenes. However, it was slightly over padded with things that ultimately weren't important or relative. That being said, if you are a fan of the daddy/daughter dynameic (espescially if your tastes are closer to the wholesome side of the scale) then there are few if any games better than this one. It was a long labor of love and for the most part I think the game succeeds on everything it wanted to accomplish. Maybe not amongst the greatest but more than a solid game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    DMD is a massive game with tons of content. But because it's VN with 3d models i can't really rate it more than slightly above average. After some time all scenes just looked the same to me wanked 1 and deleted forever.
    Art 3/5
    Story - 3/5
    Gameplay VN/5
    Fapability 2.5/5
    Originality 3/5
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Teens (too many games with MILFs)
    DP (very few games with this)
    Sexy characters
    Animated scenes with sound
    Corruption built up over time and was naturally inserted into the story

    I would have liked to see more NTR/sharing/swing scenes with more male characters
    Gallery missing
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Firstly I want to clarify that I've been playing this game since Chapter 1, and am completely biased towards this game.

    The game starts off with an organic relationship between the MC and Dee, as you slowly corrupt her, and grow and foster your relationship.

    I committed to the Dee and Elena storyline, and Elena is one of my favorite characters in these types of games. I just love her design and personality.

    Unfortunately, as the game went on, more characters have been added, and the MC can enter into multiple side relationships that I fear MrDots invested too much time on. I wish the game focused on the main relationship between MC and Dee, and the small nucleus of characters rather than getting sidetracked.
    Likes: DKft
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Loved the first two chapters despite not being a fan of the main girl at all. The slow burning story is fantastic and there's quite a few other girls to really keep one motivated as well.

    But as the story goes on, I found it becoming repetitive. In season 3 there's just not enough excitement. You've already had the pay-offs with the main girl and on top of that she's just really boring. No personality at all.
    Endless droning about the uninteresting and completely unrealistic modelling career and every conversation is starting to sound the same. I dropped the game and tried to pick it up again but I just don't have it in me.

    All in all it's a very well-made game that IMO didn't pan out in the end. It's a bit too aimless and there's a lack of content after a while. The slow burning story, which was the best part about it, becomes a curse.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game was released in 2016 and I started playing this game in 2018, 4 yrs later (total 6 yrs if counting from release date), still no ending, plus the writing and dialogue getting worse and worse as time goes by. Plot gone, story gone, writing gone, it feels like I'm getting nowhere when playing this game now compared to when I first started playing this game. And no, it doesn't have to do with the "experience", this game basically went downhill and turned into a generic porn game. What's the point of the story now when it's going down the sharing route, if you're going down that route, at least create a new story arc that keeps players interested and invested. I know DMD earns the dev/author lots of $$$, basically your passive income now, but it's time to give it a good ending and make something new instead of this burning garbage.

    Art + Tits = 2 stars

    Update (24/12/2022)
    P. S. Thank gawd this finally ended after 6 agonizing long years.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    if there were ever a dead horse we need to stop beating and just bury already, it would probably be this game.

    the character writing and dialogue is downright infuriating and made me -for lack of a better term rage quit- certain parts which i had to pause and come back to just to stay calm and away from objects i might’ve hurt myself with. 6 years now in the making, keeps getting worse each and every update, as if that's not bad enough nearly 2.5k patrons still supporting + wanting more of this pile of hot garbage, making this torture still present. just go play something else please
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Let me start with saying that in my opinion D model is worse by texture quality wise than other characters.

    But for the rest of review:

    I have a feeling that the first chapter was meant to be played with a walkthrough because it was more of a points game when maintaining relations with D than real immersive story. Not to mention that if You are playing this chapter for the sake of incest relationship then You would be dissapointed as there is no sex with D in this one.
    Which is understandable from the story pov, but not that much from the genre of the game. Because when You play this as standalone and focus on just D route, then You won't have sexual relations with anybody in this chapter. On the other hand You can start with the goal of being exclusive with D, but after a hour of playtime being blueballed you would be really tempted to accept anything from any NPC to just get your dick wet.

    Chapter 2 - At last you get to have sex with D, and it is quite an achievement after long time playing. I guess this game peaks in this chapter because I feel that following ones are filled with uninteresting storylines with plenty of POV swaps.

    Chapter 3 - The one where You can't import the save from second chapter, which means that You can basically just put what points You want your relationship to be. So basically all the effort put into grinding points is made meaningless. This chapter is I guess most focused on sex, but it seems like the scenes are just made to fill the void in the boring story. Basically having sex all the time, but it feels meaningless as the animations and buildup seem like copypasted.

    Chapter 4 - WiP right now, but I feel that storywise it won't be exciting and in my opinion it is not worth it to even wait for updates. From what I've played it is the same events from 2 and 3 chapters but with different people. Sex is plentiful but unimaginative at this point and follows a rule of quantity over quality.

    Overall graphics quality was good at the moment of the release of first chapter. It got slightly better over time, but considering the quality of other games it seems like it got stuck in place because it seemed to be too much hastle for the author to take a chance and redo it for the further chapters.

    My last thought when I've finished last chapter was "It was not worth it"
    So basically this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played over the couple of weeks from the beginning to end of Ch 4.
    I really liked the story and even felt an emotion or two while reading.
    I also liked that not every character had massive balloon breasts, but more realistic sizes, but that's just my personal opinion.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I somehow seem to remember that I had actually enjoyed this game when I previously played it. How? I just downloaded all 4 chapters. That is itself was one star docked. Not because of it being broken up into 4 downloads but in each chapter this game progressively became worse and worse. The game starts off with a very good concept that is only slightly ruined by the very shitty tactic of one wrong decision is instant game over. That leads to constant saves that have to constantly be named as well each time. Guess the Dev never learned the KISS concept. Keep It Simple Stupid. Ok so a mistake was made. Make me know it and then let me roll back and fix it or move on from it. By the end of Chapter 1 you should have sufficient points built up to be able to navigate through one maybe two screwups without an issue. Some of these game over killer items happen way back in the story and don't kill it until much later when the don't touch my pussy that you just licked 5 minutes ago in the storyline (??????) daughter character gets nosy and finds a photo of her friends tits in your phone that the friend herself did not actually send but your horny ass kept. WTF? Some conversation can easily get around that issue. But daughter making out with another guy is just peachy. The storyline gets all out of sync and takes a very shitty turn. She does not want to share but the MC is expected to share? Nope not for me. I can either be in all the way or I am out completely. The story began to show that it was just being dragged out needlessly as well. The writing got progressively more and more boring. Hey the characters in this game are well drawn out and uniquely interesting to look at. Aside from a tendency to lean towards too many shaved vaginas. This is not so bad except when it is shown on a girl who barely looks over 13 and not the 18 she is being portrayed as. Elena and Jennifer. The tedious nature of I gon't want to fuck my dad just make out with him but oh no he better not get with someone else that will put out is downright infuriating at times especially when the decisions don't make a lick of sense.

    But hey if a long overly drawn out game that has an increasingly boring and pointless storyline that will eventually lead to your character having to share the girl you were forced to bust your ass for 3 chapters to get to have sex with regular into sharing that girl with every Tom, Dick, and Harry of every age and race in the game, then this is the game for you. Sadly it was certainly not for me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my firts and still one of my favorites, a little slow at the start but I got invested in the story before long xd, also after this one I found the new projects and they all ended up being so good. At least give it a try and hopefully more people will enjoy it.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Started out good with subtle touches that eases into a relationship. Daugther seemed innocent and naive, requiring tender caring and attention.

    However, increasingly dragged out dialogs along with daughter being described as just a dumb blonde in chapter 3 is getting unbearable to the point that I find it very hard to continue the story.
    Played both Melody and SuLo, and while both games do have the same tendency to stall, DMD is at another level. Stalling feels just too blatant.
    I just madly click through the dialogs, and while I do realize I'm missing the essential ones, I don't much care anymore.

    I can't shake the feeling that this whole thing could have been a one or two chapter story
    Likes: Kxire
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Derek Lamperouge

    This game is the biggest waste of time
    Excellent review by "Deleted member 3452155".

    This game has become one big sewer.

    The Dev did a lot of disrespect to those who liked D from chapter three onwards.

    Could have added some character at the end of chapter 2. and made this story about the model with another girl that was not D. Or if Dev was already planning this for D, he should have made her more of a bitch in chapter 1 so that people who liked the character would not be disappointed.
    Or another solution was to make Elena this slut who likes public sex and sharing, not D.
    A huge game played in the trash. Biggest waste of time
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5171759

    A great shame to see a game that was a landmark of its generation, dragged to the state in which it is.
    The main route was dragged to the extreme, in order to be able to do the "sharing" route. Reuse of old animations. It became unbearable to play, the plot of the game was lost, they are just putting random things in order to complete the game. Game that was supposed to end a long time ago, but how to abandon the goose that lays golden eggs, right?
    The dialogues are boring, you don't even want to read every line, but that's a chronic defect of this developer, a lot of boring and tedious conversations.
    A game that was marked by its slow and pleasurable corruption, being turned into a simple and generic porn game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    It started good but then it started to drag a bit. You are essentially going through dialogues and choices. Pretty basic gameplay stuff but I can see it be amusing for some. I liked it but then it felt like it was just being padded as the game story went on after Chapter 2
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    D, one of the most recognizable and most copied girls in the genre. I'm quite fond of the little blonde with the big hooters.
    However, I'd consider changing the name to 'Tediously Dating my Daughter'. The game seems to drag on forever, the slow corruption or romancing, activity after activity, date after date; one more tedious than the other. At some point you just want to shove it in there.
    After the daughter is finally conquered, the dev needed to introduce other elements to keep the D train going. Enter the dreaded NTR and sharing content. Personally I don't mind it one bit, plenty of D to go around, double entendre intended.
    What else are we to do with her? Simply end the game or perhaps expand the harem, are valid options. Anyhow, to each his own. One of the ten commandments should be: "Thou shalt not kink shame".
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    play all chapter with a french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    First of all I want to clarify that I played it a while ago now, I just restarted it quickly in order to write this review

    story: 4/5 The story is pretty well written. With perhaps certain lengths, but which ultimately did not disturb me more than that

    characters: 3/5 The game really focuses around 3 characters, very similar (both physically and mentally) a little more diversity would have been good

    sex scene: 4/5 They are very good, I don't remember having felt any frustration, which is however often the case in this kind of story which deserves a lot of time to be put in place.

    renders: 5/5 I find the game really beautiful

    animation: 4/5 At the time I found them superb, now I must say that since then I have seen much better ones

    sound: I believe that apart from some noise there is nothing...

    gameplay: 4/5 I had a good sense of importance over my choices

    This game is starting to date now, at the time, I really loved it. But if I had to do it today, I'm really afraid I wouldn't have as much fun
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This was one of the top game here, the story, the sex animation everything was top notch but way too much kinks and dragging the story instead of ending it ruined it for me. I no longer enjoy this game like I used to. The story became medicore and the game became a typical porn game. Atleast the dev other game Melody didn't became a disappointment like this one.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game drags on and on. I hit spacebar repeatedly just to see the graphics and scenes. Boring exposition after boring exposition. Storytelling quality has gone downhill massively and becomes less engaging and unbelievable.