VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game drags on and on. I hit spacebar repeatedly just to see the graphics and scenes. Boring exposition after boring exposition. Storytelling quality has gone downhill massively and becomes less engaging and unbelievable.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    TM | Twisted Games

    A very solid game. Not every chapter or update is perfect, but it generally delivers on what it promises. Also the main character female is one of the better looking characters created in her time. Also extra points to the developer for not entirely bowing to peer pressure.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I started supporting the dev in the first season of the game everything was going good and you started to have good relation with your daughter and her hot friends then season 2 came along and it started to go to shit the dev made a poll about the sharing rout and it was 98% against the sharing people wanted the girls for them self but he made it anyway to please the 2%.
    Then the Dev started to get woke and hiring woke artist that started to advertise NFT in the discord and then it all went wrong with Blackend crap that no one wanted that everyone voted against.
    I left when he said he make sharing anyway what the community wanted.
    Then he reassured people there only will be 1 scene in season 3 but now we are at season 4 and its all sharing now with even more blacken and he said people could just disable or not play the game.
    So you like getting cucked by a black man this game is for you.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Game should focus on Elena. The damn daughter looks like Steve Atwater, she's a very annoying character and not very good looking. super needy. plus this game has way too much NTR type stuff. Not a fan at all. Game has become a super draggy mess. Too many random characters, no focus on the good ones.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I've started playing this game when it first came out, which was a long time ago, it was fun, enjoyable and the story was great.

    The game got a lot of changes and until chapter 3 it was very good, and it still is up to a certain point/path, however they started adding sharing, which means you share your daughter with other guys, in this case Martin or Ryan(if there is content for them).

    Yes it is optional, but it is noticeable now that there is more content made for the sharing path than the non-sharing path which is disappointing, I rather would've seen more content for the other characters like Jennifer, Elena, Georgina, or even Cassandra, I think most people want to see your daughter with girls than with guys, this is of course my own opinion.

    All with all, the game is still good and enjoyable to play, until you get to the sharing with other guys path/part of the game, it changes drastically.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3452155

    Well, I don't think there's much to say about this game, everyone has already noticed the direction it took.
    The story started well, captivating, made us look forward to the new update. But unfortunately died in chapter two, where everything should have ended, would have been perfect.
    The sharing part was supposed to be completed in chapter 3 (words from the developer), chapter 4 would focus on finishing all the girls' remaining routes, but that's not what's happening.
    The game is only focused on sharing, leaving only crumbs for those who still expect romance from this game. Crumbs that are just repurposed, recycled scenes, just changing the background and the clothes (although not even the clothes are being changed lately)
    The question remains, why doesn't this developer just focus on sharing and NTR? It's practically in the game now. Why do anything related to romance if it's been dead for a long time?
    This sudden script change was clearly money coming out of these NTRs and sharing lovers, so why not give these people what they want?
    If practically 90% of the comments are from these people?
    Why masking an NTR with words (I bless you) makes a fucking NTR right.
    History: He died a long time ago, leaving only boring and meaningless conversations.
    Romance: He Died in Chapter Two.
    Images (Renders): Time is showing its face.
    Animations: Bad as always, robotics.
    Characters: They look like cartoons, disproportionate body and head.
    MC: It became a big cuckold.
    Female MC: No brain.
    If anyone is looking for great romance, an engaging story, intelligent and captivating characters, stay away from this game.
    Not to mention that he is dragging the main route, just to make the share route.
    And don't be surprised if there's an ending where the girl stays with Martin.
    My last comment about this game that I loved so much and I saw him die because of the money, a shame, but life goes on.
    Anyway, I've already wasted my time writing something that this game doesn't deserve. Good luck to whoever will continue.

    To edit:
    A tip for the developer, maybe it is a good option to put a brothel, he has already turned his daughter into a whore, maybe opening a brothel and inviting the other girls, with a lot of sharing and NTR, I believe it will rain money in his pocket.
    He's practically his daughter's pimp (all that's left is to charge for her fucks).
    Something to think about, developer.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    i really enjoyed playing this game at first. the renders were nice and the girls were cute. in the beginning when it was just a the MC falling for D and having the majority of the games other females offering to have sex with him it was great! then somewhere along the way the whole thing got turned upside down and became a sharing game where D started getting nailed by every male in the game sometimes with the MC and sometimes not! im not a sharing type of guy! i dont like for other people to play with my things (all joking aside i wouldnt even share with my best friend let alone some due i barely know! if other dudes wanna get laid so bad then go find your own pussy cause this ones mine!). some people may like to share their things with other people but i just dont care for it. its really a shame that this game went down this road. if this was what the devs were gonna do to D, they could have made the first part of the game and the second half of the game, with all the sharing and all that, a separate game or a spinoff or something.

    anyway ive wanted to state my opinion on this for a while now but dont think it will make any difference as whats done is done and D is forever changed from the sweet young girl we were introduced to at the beginning of the game into (for lack of a better term) a proustite or slut. i could rant more about how displeased i am with the way this game has turned out but im not a contributor, just someone who was a fan of the game since way back at the beginning. once again this is only my opinion and it probably doesnt mean anything as im only one voice in a sea of voices on the internet and those that are paying to fund this game are probably fans of sharing content. thanks for reading and i hope my rant didnt waste too much of your time but i think im done with this game.

    Review scores: (on a scale of 1-5)
    renders- 4.5
    story- 4 (in first 2 chapters) 2.5-3 (content after that)
    erotic scenes- 3.5 overall
    (in the beginning of the game even though things started off slow i would have given the game a 4- 4.5 in erotic scenes since it took a while to have sex with D, but there were other girls that had sex with the MC pretty early on. in the second half of the game the sex turned into a game of how many different dicks can D take and that personally turned me off so the second half gets a 2.5 for erotic scenes)
    content- 4 (overall size of the game is rather large. for those that enjoy the sharing content that is available in the later portion of the game theres a lot of content for one to enjoy)
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    played the game was not a big fan of the story development and especially the sharing aspect. I Don't like sharing and NTR I know its optional kind of sad how if you opt out the content latterly becomes nothing. the characters I do admit look hot but they gave me hoe vibes and seem kind of retarded. she seem to want to jump into random guys hands almost like they want to be fucked by everyone. If you opt out the daughter still hangs out with them and if you dont opt out the daughter litterly falls in love with the other guys to the point she even says she loves them during sex. the Dev seems to be a big fan of BBC if you dont opt out see them fucking all the time. all in all not a game for me all the best to the dev and its fanbase.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A slow, but intense, burn in deed.
    Story-wise, it's pretty compelling and somewhat believable (as believable as such a story can be tho) and it can make you care for D, even if it can drag a bit at the beginning.
    Scene/kink-wise , it's pretty damn good: heavy on romance but with a lot of fappable material. A great work for fans of lolis and father + daughter stories.
    Over all, an absolute classic of the genre.
    Would recommend to family and friends.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games you'll find her, truly an icon in these VN games. The scenes are great (they get better with each update), but what I like most about DMD is clearly the relations between the characters. With the end of each update, you're eager to know what'll happen next and in which way the loving relationships will go.
    Really hope the ending will be great as the the first 3 seasons were absolutely good.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    the dev isn't good at pacing the story. story can be repetitive and then suddenly things happen. plot points that should be built up aren't and unimportant things are given too much focus. perhaps a smaller more focused story would be better than a larger sprawling story that gets muddled. sort or similar issues to another project by the same dev called "melody" i recall a playthrough of that game ending with how many times the main character and melody still had anal sex. surely that isn't the crux of the story. this same diffusion of focus, story and character arcs is present here. also, you know you are behind the curve when fan games beat you to the punch on your own story
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]
    Sure it's a good game, but Chapter 3 is getting worse ratings.
    While in the first two chapters, the relationship between the characters is very well described, and the characters are well characterized, the third chapter focuses more on the scenes than on the dialogue or the story.
    Excellent graphics and animations are acceptable.
    The first two chapters are really beautiful, you are happy to read all the dialogues, while in the third you will start skipping two or three scenes, since every day is identical to the previous one.
    (I dropped the game at the third chapter).
    Despite this, I recommend the game.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The promise is not bad but the game itself offers next to zero appeal : the head of the characters is so big they look like aliens, and then the daughter seems to be so little compared to MC it feels very weird as if MC was 2m high but he is not from other visuals.

    There is also no music or sound to go with the story, and nothing really capted my eyes : the backgrounds were "okay" but the dialogues were common lines, no peaks, no tension, no... nothing bad but nothing good too.

    So it's a poor game for me and a miss.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Big Rooster

    DMD is legendary! The developer is continuing to its finish, while so many others quit when the funding weather turned sour. The story was intended in the beginning it was a story of a naive teen that just turned the legal age, with epic tits, but was still in school. Her mother was a piece of work, with her own daddy issues, she was controlling, very strict, and selfish. During her time off of school, she traveled with he bestie to the town where her daddy lived, which she hadn't seen in ten years when she met him again.

    The story is well written though predictable, the dialog was realistic but kind of wooden, and the graphics were good throughout the chapters with a commendable consistent look. Play is easy enough, with many pathways to how the story develops and other characters influence the main character.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the titans of this community and also my favorite game. At the time of this review the game almost fell down to 3 stars overall rating and i cannot understand why, possibly just because of the mad people that the game is not how they want ( the sharing part ) which is absolutely avoidable by the way. Whatever you say you can't deny the quality. I played 90% of what this site has to offer and this is and will be one of the top adult VNs. I will not debate this.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience

    If I were to describe the DMD experience in 1 word, it would be "disjointed". The game can be divided into 2 halves: ch 1+2, and ch 3+4.


    Ch 1 & 2

    Dad receives a visit from his long-lost daughter, who got taken away by his ex-wife. After a hang out, she gives him a peck on the lips, and one thing leads to another...

    "Dating my daughter" is an accurate name because that’s pretty much all you'll be doing. The game has a few other support characters, but for the most part, it's all about slowly getting closer to your daughter, breaking the barriers between you, and going all the way. Not much of a story outside of that.

    The MC does talk her into normalizing them engaging in sexual acts, but to me it never came out as ill intent. They do genuinely fall in love, even while second guessing their actions, and he does make a great deal of sacrifices to be with her. But there are people who dislike the MC because he is somewhat manipulative given how naive his daughter is.

    When I said "slowly" before, I do mean it. This is the game with slowest sex development I've ever seen. But honestly, that’s what kept me going. The slow buildup generates hype and expectation, and you want to see them becoming a proper couple and getting down and dirty. That’s what chapters 1 and 2 are all about.

    Ch 3 & 4

    The main problem with the later chapters is that they lack the motivation the previous ones had. With father and daughter now a couple, they start fucking like rabbits. That’s great for a while, but eventually, the scenes start losing their appeal, and looking repetitive. In fact, I’m pretty sure some animations are straight up recycled. What’s more, without the relationship development, and expectation for sex, the bland and uninteresting story become much more noticeable, and start to get annoying.

    So, to give players scenes to look forward to, the devs added kinks. Light bondage, exhibitionism, swinging, threesomes with other women, and other men. To be fair, these scenes are very few, and you can avoid most of them. However, the buildup to those still take a big chunk of the game’s content.

    Let me explain. The threesomes with other dudes, for example, aren’t just a casual with strangers to spice things up. The game actually tries to build up attraction between the daughter and other guys, to the point she says “I love you” to one while he fucks her. In fact, the game becomes less about developing a relationship between F/D, and more about them building relationships with other people. Even if you turn down those paths as soon as possible, you will still hang out with these characters a fair bit. Declining them feels like you’re fighting the plot.


    This is an old game, but the renders hold up fairly well. Early on the animations are very rudimentary, but they do improve. However, neither goes beyond what would be considered “okay” by today’s standards. It’s a game that might have been visually stunning on release, but stuck around long enough to be far surpassed by many others.


    This is a game that has been around forever but lost its focus along the way. Could have comfortably ended in chapter 2 on a high note. The other chapters just feel like it’s spinning its wheels, not to mention targeting a different audience. If you get excited for the sharing stuff, you probably will have a better time than me with the later chapters. But will it be enough to carry the weak story and repetitive scenes regardless? And will you also enjoy the several hours of slow, vanilla buildup it will take you to get there?

    This game had its glory days, being one of the first of its kind, and got deservedly popular. However, nowadays, there are simply much better options, regardless of how you feel about the kinks. The lackluster story and ok visuals simply don’t support the bloated playtime this game has. It's really overstayed its welcome.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent characters and animations. Each chapter keeps getting better. Father-daughter storyline is great. Making choices between two or more decisions that will negatively or positively affect the outcome of the story is fun.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Love it, just love it! Here, let me explain:
    - The slowburn approach for winning over the daughter and slowly doing more and more lewd scens is really well thought out.
    - The render are decent, not amazing (why 4 stars). Still, the art is consistent
    - The characters are believable. Although the daughter turns into a real slut later in the game, she's hesitant at first.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Here it is; the game that got me into these types on VNs; DMD.

    At the time, it was the greatest thing I'd played, adult game wise.

    I loved the renders, the writing was cute and the plot was both steamy and charming.

    So, does it hold up many, many years later?

    Not quite...

    The adult game genre seems to have passed DMD by a bit. Compared to newer games that have come and been finished since the DMD dev cycle, it just doesn't hold up. And that hurts to type.

    The renders look dated, the daughter character looks a bit doll-like, and the slowburn, seduction aspect in the earlier parts of the game that got me so hooked long ago, has been done better in other VNs.

    I'll always have a soft spot (or a hard spot, maybe?) for DMD, it's a classic, but some classics are timeless, while others are just...classics, ya know?

    3* for nostalgia.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game/story started off fairly strong.
    The renders of good quality.
    The plot of the story was interesting.
    The two primary characters are father and daughter. They are not very well developed. In fact they are pretty much hollow shells throughout.
    The primary story is about Dad forming a relationship with his daughter. That's finished at this point and the author is basically milking the project dragging it out.
    Frankly the newer content isn't of my taste.
    I'd probably rate the story about a 4 if it wasn't for the content going beyond the primary story. It tends to just drag it down.
    If your only interest is to fap well then none of that matters to you.
    Most the content people tried to avoid the author made avoidable.