VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2394691

    While a good introduction to the world of incest VN's it is of its time back in the dark ages of 2018 and it shows. The models aren't that attractive now, the genitalia is of poor quality compared to more moden vn's and the the environments are tired.

    The plot has gone stale since the corruption of chapter 1 of the daughter and the sexual conquest of her friends. Chapter 4 has the pregnancy retconed in favour of always pulling out and the actual sex is not very exciting especially given that there's no bringing the ex back into the corruption. She shows up and does not much before vanishing again. Meanwhile we also get this multiple sharing options with different other men which deprive from continuing the main story in favour of adding more renders.

    After all the MC and D have done together why they have him gift her to other men is strange.

    In short, the graphics are the game are tired and re-used and the whole game isn't as interesting as it once was.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is one of those that is highly rated but in all honesty fails to deliver, much like Man of the House.

    The story at its core is the one thing that sort of sets itself apart from the other incest themed games on the site. You're not a brother/step brother but a father and this creates a different dynamic. However, as the story progress and the game updates, you start to see that beyond that, there is nothing really special here at all. It's a very predictable story that has parts that you might think will be important, only to be retconned entirely. This alone is what really kills the game.

    The renders and models are just fine. Nothing too special. Your daughter is easily one of the most iconic ones in the entire game, as she's everyone's sister in other games at one point or another.

    Gameplay, its a straight up visual novel. No grinding or anything. But like I said earlier, not all the choices you make will be relevant as it progresses.

    Honestly, just pass on it unless you want the renders. And in that case, use UnRen to extract them.
  3. C
    2.00 star(s)


    What used to be a fantastic game with plenty of choices that mattered (my favourite on f95 for a time), turned out into a boring, repeatable adventure with amount of choices (the ones that actually matter) that you can count on your fingers.

    I guess the devs are trying to rush to the end ASAP so they can start a new project or something, making tons of unpopular decisions on the way..

    Such a pitty.. :(

    to be honest, I'm tempted to stop playing this game and just keep the great memories of it from when it used to be fantastic.. :(
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This was one of the first games i found here and due to the nostalgia factor I played it way longer than I should have. I'll try to highlight some of the flaws in the game.

    Chapters one and two were a easy 4/5 (with the nostalgia goggles).

    Then a new "Writer" joined the team and started to implement his ideas of "equality" or how I call it "beta stuff".

    The focus switched from Dee and the other possible Love interests to sharing Dee with whoever was ready and willing.

    The facial expressions also seem to be recycled and reused frequently. It seems as if the developer is recycling between the same few expressions for all his characters.

    Another weakpoint is the very mediocre writing. It often feels as if you reading from an encyclopedia or a university textbook. The writer has failed to properly 'excite' and engage the player into the game as he relies too heavily on a formal manner of speech.

    These wikipedia levels of snooze fest writing were also a big reason why my enjoyment went further down the drain or who here did always wanna know how the mc learned to fly a hot-air balloon for 5 to 10 minutes before the actual story progresses?

    So yeah it went downhill hard in chapter 3 to a 3 (goggles still on) since most of the sharing stuff was avoidable when there wasn't a "Bug".
    When they retconned the pregnancy in chapter4 and made mc pull out every time he and Dee had sex that was the last straw for me.

    And here we are now, nostalgia goggles off and a one star rating.

    If you never played it then play chapters one and two, skip the rest and pretend they married and lived happy ever after or just skip it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I thought the game was going pretty well until the moron daughter blurted out about their relationship (to her mother) and goes downhill from there. I'm having extreme doubts of finishing this game from that point.
    The many mock one button choice pressings is absolutely annoying, please for the love of GOD stop the single choice box in if you don't have another choice to take.
    Well, you know his daughter doesn't exactly have his or his ex wife's brains. So being a model is pretty much in her future, or porn star. What a dumb ass.
    The rest of the game is passable like his daughter's friends, everybody else can get violently catapulted into the sun fror all I care. Seriously, make that an episode especially the other father/daughter couple to get killed in a befitting way.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    So, I've been playing this game since I first made my account on here. Decided it's time to review.

    The Good:

    - The plot (as far as the idea of it) is good.
    - I think the renders are solid for an older game. The facial expressions are overused though.
    - The animations are solid and there are a lot of them.

    The "Meh":

    - Personally, I think there are too many characters. I'll get more into this below. Putting this here since some people really do like the "extra" characters.

    The Bad:

    - As I said above, I think the general idea of the plot is good. This game is probably the originator of the " long lost daughter" genre but I think it could've been done a lot better. The story is discombobulated and doesn't follow a logical timeline.
    - Continuing from above, the game is 4 chapters as of now, but a lot of the plot-lines that technically started in CH1 are just now, literal years later, getting developed. The most notable of these is Martin, who way back in Ch1 we had the option to start the path with but he literally disappeared the entire Ch2 and most of Ch3. We also have others facing similar issue. That brings me to this....
    - Too many characters. When you have characters getting sidelined for multiple updates, if not entire chapters, that means you have too many of them. Martin vanishing for most of the game, Olivia and Graham, even Elena and Jennifer ( D's two best pals) disappear for long stretches. Especially Jennifer. This also leads to illogical and wonky character development, they don't have enough screen time to be properly developed. We're years into the game and the situation with D's mom still isn't resolved. Things that should've already happened and were hinted long ago are just now getting started. Again, poor planning and development.

    - Related to all that stuff, the writing ( not the plot or story, the actual writing itself) is poor. The MC constantly goes on these long inner monologues. The dialog is robotic and lack personality. A mark of good writing is saying what needs to be said in few words, this game doesn't have that. It over explains, like when you want to say something but you can't quite figure it out so you just keep on going and going until you finally figure out a long and overly wordy way to say what you want to say even though you could've just said something much easier and to the point. ;)
    - I personally, due to the way the characters act/talk, believe the writers don't or can't immerse themselves as the characters in the game. You can sometimes tell when the MC for example is talking in an unnatural way, because it's not the MC "talking" its one of the writers talking via the MC. It should be the opposite, the MC talking through the writers. I think this is the primary reason for what I said above, about the writing issues and monologues being robotic.
    - Certain fetishes ( you know what I'm talking about) that have been teased since the start have been strung along to the point that we really have no clue if the game will include them or not. Another example of poor plot development.

    TLDR: The game started solid, but steadily got worse as it progressed. Mostly due to poor writing and planning of the plot. I really want to give it a 4 simply due to it being one of the first games I played, but It's a 3.5 (above average) but you can't give .5 stars. I'll give it a 3.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Deth

    One of the best games I've played to date. I was skeptical at first. It starts off very slow and the style is somewhat saccharine. Ultimately, though, its sweetheartedness proves sincere and doesn't get in the way of raunch. In fact, it makes it better. Though the story is meticulously paced, that is to its benefit, as this is a very character-driven game, each one having their own fully developed personality. The result is a game that is surprisingly easy to get emotionally invested in, with more women to get involved with than you'd think based on the title, and a refreshing take on the taboo corruption trope. A must play!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's decent, although it's a little too linear. I like Elena a lot more than the daughter and would have preferred more of her. Even the interactions with some of the other girls would be better with some more choices.
    The main story gets boring at points
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Emma M

    The first 2 chapters were great 8/10 and all main sub npcs were part of the game,After that and if your a jennifer fan like me or prehaps your a fan of another main sub npc girl with the lowest parts of the game you know what I mean :(

    After the first 2 chapters the d went from a virgin 18 years old to a pure cum bucket boobie sexdoll with same scenes of the MC and D over and over again taking the big one like a pro and horny for every npc she can shake her titties at lol.

    I do agree the d should be the main focus of the game its about her and the MC,however shes the whole game period..While the rest of the main sub ncps gives a bj or quicky and gone from story leaving you to ask does my feelings as a fan towards them even matter?

    I do enjoy the very wee jennifer content,tho I feel it was rushed just to make it look she was part of the game, even elena got more action and I feel bad for her too..For a long time I wished and hope better for the sub npc girls,but it will end wrong for non d fans such as myself

    The focus of Mr Dots is solely on the d only and its his game I respect that, but I disagree with that being the case he chose..I do thank mr dots and Im greatful for the chance to play it free,but I also I have to be honest with myself as a fan and disappointment
    And you can only take so much of the same and pray and wait for the chance that the girl your a fan of since chapter 1,gets better than this, just to be thrown in the back

    Emma M
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The game that codified a genre, with all the problems baked in, and has been passed by many others. It's... fine. When you first saw it four and a half years ago, it blew a circuit in people's minds. The renders were so good, the daughter so hot, the prospects soooo tantalizing. But in the intervening years, it's strengths have stagnated and the problems have calcified and become more prominent.

    First, the models and scenes. At this point, I've seen these models and sets so many times, it's like seeing a silver Toyota Camry on the road. Like, I shouldn't burst out laughing every time I see that maple syrup object that looks like a black spider attacking a pancake. While that's not the fault of the OG game, it's100% a sign that it's time to move on.

    Second, the renders and animations have been mentioned a great deal by others, but bear a moment. They're exactly stuck in 2018. In the text and static image era, they blew our brains out the back of our skulls. But today, they look kinda sad in the face of the daily release of Blender-quality animation games.

    Third, the pace. Holy shit. Dust off every one of your sloth/glacier/molasses metaphors. And again, it was comparable to an earlier era's predominant Russian Grind. But compared to modern games where devs have figured out how to perfectly balance pacing a dozen girls such that you're into the dirty fap right away, it's painfully slow. Those games have long, slow progressing angel stories with a few quick bangs thrown in for balance and just work much much better.

    Fourth, the look and maturity of the daughter and her friends. Her friends all look 12, and mostly they act like it. No human in the modern, internet world acts this naïve at 18+. No one. And I've dated a couple women who "matured" early. They were relentlessly hit on at that age, and subsequently matured emotionally, very quickly. Every time one of DMD's characters opens their mouth with a wide-eyed, "What's an orgasm?" question, I'm creeped the hell out.

    I'll mention two other elements that don't bother me as much: Patreon milking and the plot. For Patreon, as a contractor myself, I have sympathies toward someone who is just getting paid, at whatever level, for the service he said he'd deliver. They put out an update every few months, haven't promised to do more and largely keeps delivering what his Patreon's ask for.

    For the writing, it's serialized, which can always be messy (Dickens legendarily would drop sub-plots in his novels, published as monthly serials in magazines) and he's catering to his paid subscribers. It is what it is.

    I started at a three star review, but as I wrote, dropped back to two. The game is good for a fap or two, but painfully behind the times, dragged forward solely as a paean for it's existing, paying fanbase.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Tyr Unchained

    Damn... I remember first seeing this game on /hgg so many years ago. Coming back to it now is like coming to your childhood playground. What you saw as a mighty castle is a run-down shed. That princess you were so enamored with? Is a scarecrow in a white sheet. And there are ntr cockroaches everywhere...

    It's been said before yet I can't but have to repeat it. The game has a great start. It has a nice corruption story-line. Then you hit Chapter 3 and things start going to hell.

    The good
    Renders are fine. Used to be great but that was years ago and standards are different in 2021.
    Some cute moments where you can forget the impending doom and just enjoy the game for what it is.

    The bad
    The animations are... rudimentary. And certainly not up to today's standard
    NTR - it's avoidable but unlike other games you don't really get anything by avoiding it. Simply less scenes and content. You feel punished for not wanting NTR.
    The pacing is incredibly slow. Ents would be telling you to get a move on. Glaciers will melt before you finish this game. And no matter what the author might think - he's no Shakespear and I'm not here to read his musings about familial relationships.
    The way storylines are abandoned, recovered and sometimes outright forced is incredible. You wanted to corrupt the daughter? Haha - fuck you. You're in a loving relationship now. Like Pregnancy? We'll tease you - then retcon it so it never happened. You got Thanos snapping his fingers at the speed of a Formula1.
    Finally the milking of supporters. Slow boring updates that add little. The stable mark of a Patreon-milking Dev. See you in 4 months. Get your credit card ready...

    Overall I dropped the game at the start of Chapter 4. It was just tarnishing the good memories I had of it back in the days of /hgg degeneracy. Won't bother picking up Dev's next game. This is a train-wreck in slow-motion.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh how the mighty throw themselves to the ranks of the fallen with reckless abandon. The name should be changed to "Pimping your daughter" This game started out with so much potential(Decent story, slow but satisfying build to all the big events, sexual or otherwise, hot character models that were maybe occasionally too young looking which if it's your thing boom) but especially over updates 3-4(Particularly 3) it nosedived so quickly it's not even funny. You either have to start "sharing"(more accurately: whoring) your daughter so often that it becomes a routine or miss out on notable portions of the game. It seems like even a lot of the fans who were wholly against it initially started to request it more and more till the devs made it the major path for the game. Again it's a damn, damn shame because all-around before the aforementioned nosedive it had top-10 potential.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Early on this was a great corruption game, now it feels like a classic bait and switch. Bring them in for the corruption and then stick them with vanilla hoping the majority of donors don't notice or don't care.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Way too long. A lot of predictable repetition. Too much fluff and stretched out pacing. Started out great. Mr. Dots has a lot of talent and I enjoy Sunshine Love, but this one burned me out before the end. It was a marathon.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    If I was just rating chapter 3, it'd get one star, but the other chapters are decent so add a few.
    This thing should have really ended after chapter 2. Add a nice little, happily ever after, and some nice lewd scenes then you are done. :) It really goes down hill from there.
    The Good
    Daughter is adorable, and the story of the courting, and manipulating, and grooming her to be a brainwashed sex slave is endearing. Renders are decent, but really showing their age. Animations are nothing to write home about, but not horrible. If you can get past the, sex offender level of creepy MC, and avoid the daughters friends, who look 12, the first 2 parts, are oddly satisfying in a very depraved way.
    The Not so Good
    Did I mention the friends look 12? They really do. I'm into small breasts, and petite girls, but this was next level. Maybe the size of their heads in relation to their bodies made them seem young? Not sure, but yikes.
    Once the NTR and sharing became an option, the entire story takes a nosedive into fan service.
    Even avoidable it makes no sense at all, to groom this girl for so long then just throw her to some other dudes. What a waste.
    If you avoid it, you will see how disjointed and hollow the story becomes, until it's pretty much pointless to continue.
    Should have ended at Chapter 2.
    This is rough, cause I really enjoy this Devs other games. In fact, their first game is one of my all time favorites. Just sad it has come to this point in DmD. This one just needs to die, put it out of it's misery please. :cry:
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    Alright so I need to make something clear right off the bat, I am into incest, as a fetish, that's it, just a fetish. I like the idea of doing it but imaging actually committing it with anyone in my family IRL grosses me out, I play the incest games to satisfy that fetish, So then you might be wondering why I gave this a 1 . . . 3.

    Well the thing about this game is it's kinda too much, almost too real. For one you don't even fuck the daughter till the end of episode 2, in fact the sex scenes are few and far between until episode 3. So you quite literally spend like 10 hours seducing her and it's paced very slowly intentionally so that it feels more real, you go through long explanations and situations, and I'm gonna be 100% honest the way you manipulate and seduce her creeped me the fuck out, I know that sounds stupid, half the games on this site revolve around sexual manipulation and I enjoy them, I don't wanna name any because I don't wanna be a dick but you've played them you know what their like. This one just kinda did it too well for me by the time I got to the point where you finally fuck the daughter I had this uneasy feeling in my stomach, I really felt like I was doing something actually morally wrong. Again I know where I am I know that should be expected, but in other games the characters aren't as sympathetic and the way they fold to your manipulation so easily is often stupid, there's a reason most have some magic crystal that makes all the girls loose there inhibitions.

    It feels weird to not recommend something because it's too well written I think I'll change it to 3 to make it fair because there are a lot of positives about this game. Man this is why I hate the star system *humpf*

    The art is pretty good, I mean it's a standard 3D render but it works, Daughter isn't the only female in the game you can plow and obviously isn't the first, but the other girls have there own issues depending on the player lot of them are very loli-like and if you aren't into that well then it's gonna be a long haul for you bud, there are other girls in the game with more curvy figures but obviously the main attraction here is the titular daughter, which ya know, can't really blame the dev for that, he has a vision and he's sticking too it, hope he has sons ha ha.

    It's pretty much a requirement to point out the writing in this is the toppest of top tiers obviously, In porn games anyway, we wouldn't be in this mess if the dev could have just been bad at that.

    Look okay the thing is most people who are into incest are gonna enjoy the game, and I was even able to nut with it myself I just didn't like the aftertas... FEELING I got after the incest part, it's a bit better in chpt. 3 when it kinda becomes a fuck fest extravaganza but that gross feeling comes back every time I do the deed with the product of the seed, I dunno I kinda can't keep doing it.

    I should also mention that all the sharing/NTR options are optional which is nice because if i spent 10 hours getting to the "fuck the daughter" point, only to watch some other dude fuck her 3 scenes later I would be fucking livid.

    You may be quick to point out that "the daughter wants to do this", "she says constantly that she's an adult and she can make her own decisions", but it really didn't help me at all because I know why in the back of my head she's saying it, I know it's only there so it feels like a mutual decision but my higher brain can't seem to block out the fact that it isn't a mutual decision, Its virtually impossible to play this scenario out where you don't emotionally manipulate the daughter. But in similar games the way you do that is just comically baffling, if it isn't some magic BS, than the daughter wanted to do it from the start anyway. Here it's like steady long-form tactical manipulation that plays on her innocence and lack of experience, you don't remove inhibitions using magic, you tactically move the goal posts in her head using actual manipulation methods, this is why it takes 10 hours because any attempt to do this in real life would take months slowly convincing her it's perfectly okay, there's nothing wrong with love after all right? There is something wrong with love, when it's not mutual.

    Look I'm not trying to grandstand as some holy saint, I nutted same as everyone else, but I can't deny how I felt when the post nut clarity set in, and that feeling is not why I play these kind of games so I feel it's only fair to tell others in a similar boat.

    In short I'm sure the vast majority of people who like incest would love this game, but surprisingly for me it was too deep in the cut, if I am using that phrase correctly. I imagine I hold a pretty rare opinion in this sea of reviews but I'll stand my ground. . or . . er boat?, if the idea appeals to you go ahead and check it out and if you too feel uneasy like i did then I will have warned you and done my job. Otherwise move on and shoot for gayer pastures.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Playing through the Chapter 1 and gosh...daughter is such a dork :D I have a feeling she's from another age where internet, sexual education or talk didnt exist. 18 y.o. gal with a mind of a kid. Plus her out of nowhere insecurities, asking permission etc...not a fan of her at the very least. Other characters more fun tho.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VCs I've ever played.
    5/7 would play again

    I really liked the models and animations too, the story is a bit cheesy but if you like romance its quite cute.
    I hope a part 4 is in the making
    Likes: Lerd0
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    loli senpai

    Man.. Worst game I have ever experienced in my whole H history life..
    honestly this game is the reason I stopped playing any kind of the 3DCG!

    good art but the story is too terrible,
    just the fact you can get game over for fking her ass or NTR her friend or answering some stupid questions wrong...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games out there. the strength is the pretty much laser focus on D&F's relationship. It's not always complex and sometimes stretches believability but the story is strong, engaging and heartfelt. The renders while not top notch are still crisp and the animations are very good and plentiful. The are a ton of sex scenes and they are almost all hot. A good sampling of kinks, if a bit tame, and you can expand D&F's sexual sphere with some of the other characters. These side characters were a mixed bag for me though, with some seeming to be a bit shoehorned in the game to try to cover as many bases as possible. It all comes back to D&F though and that is where the game really shines their relationship, story and sex are definitely worth your time. Without a doubt play this game.