VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    to some extent this game was great,but the many, many repetitions in the same pattern began to make it a simple habit,when do you watch the first episode or episode 3 or 4 or five are exactly the same,the game started to get tired,It must be the only game we have seen the same people having sex together,after so many times sex becomes boring,we have to see new faces and sex with her daughter and with other persons,I do not mind being optional this route,as long as it exists.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    We can say that the game is already an old school classic. Advances the plot from part to part. Yes, there are unfinished story arcs, maybe someone won't have enough of their favorite fetish, but that doesn't make it any worse. All the best in it is and this is wonderful.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    This game feels like my 'first love' in porn game world, so I could never give it less than 5 stars. But I have to admit that the overall quality of the game has decreased since the second chapter.

    The things that once made MrDots' games so good now seem to become their downfall, namely the build-up and the extensive story. The creation of a realistic and believable setting, a slowly growing sexual love between a father and his daughter. It was constructed in such a way that I came to love this game!

    But unfortunately MrDots tends to take it too far. It happened with Melody, it happened with DMD and it's currently also happening with Sunshine Love. Context-building story turns into boring and endless dialogue without any direction.

    That said, I still love the game. I fell in love with the daughter a long time ago and never let go. The animations are fantastic and I'm a big fan of all the perverted stuff she's involved with. Most of all I'm glad there are finally some sharing scenes! It was a promise that was made in Chapter 1 so I'm really happy it''s finally here. :)
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The game started nice with a nice story, nice girls and nice renders.

    After midle/end of chapter 2 started going down very quickly update after update, plot and lines started to get way too boring, when he should took time to improve is writing in game to make game enjoyable again he started changing the game from a love history to a sharing one.

    Chapter 3 isn't even worth mentioning is just the last bullet that "killed" the game for me.

    F shifts from a loving/protecting father/bf to act now as teenager full of hormones and not like an actual father or lover, D started to change from a loving daughter/gf to someone that jumps from dick to dick the same way I change underwear every day.
    The game lost is romance and actual caring relashionship.

    The game should have ended long ago but the constant drag of his end is just worsening the game.

    With is weak plot, boring dialogues and changing the theme of the game in the middle from romance to sharing, even with nice renders I can't recommend it for someone looking for a love history and a game that stays loyal to their roots.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Wicked Garden

    My problem with certain Devs is that they don't know when to let a game go or wrap it up. My other problem with certain Devs is they try to please everyone, but in actuality you simply can't. Devs tend to spread themselves thin trying to include and gather more buzz or followers and when that happens you get the current state of DMD.

    When Devs spread themselves too thin guess what suffers the most? The QUALITY and boy has that diminished since Chapter 1. We can talk about the story, the dialogue, decision making, and even the outdated renders, but overall the quality of the game has taken a major hit.

    The MC went from sounding and behaving like an actual father to an obnoxious, horny teenage beta. He watched while he Daughter had to get boozed up in order to do the Martin scene, which is not father like at all. His whole demeanor changes. Everything is about sex now with him now. He's one of the worst parts of this game, not to mention the dialogue that can bore you or put you to sleep with the excessive rambling here and there.(And I'm a reader type).

    The Daughter is the typical dunce girl that can be easily persuaded or corrupted. She has the face of a child, body of a teen, but tits the size of melons. In the four years of this games existence she's yet to really evolve from a overall character aspect, being open to other types of sex isn't exactly evolving it's just making her much more of a sexual deviant. She's just sort of written as this easy lay now, whether it's women or now men. It took her no time to develop feelings for Martin, it was almost comical. Majority of this entire series is Daughter being on her back, I mean I like sex but the entire plot pretty much revolves around it.

    The story itself started off strong, especially in the first chapter. But as I mentioned, at this point it just feels that Devs are checking off all the boxes and saying to themselves "Okay, maybe we should try this now" or "What if we have D involved in this scenario?". It just feels at this point they're truly out of ideas and are solely relying on kink now to get them across the finish line.

    Swinging being added was very confusing to me, but I wasn't surprised, I just found it ironic. I mean you basically had the MC in full Daddy mode for the first chapter or so making sure no dicks come your Daughter way... And now she's going to be shared with other random guys? Even if you don't choose the sharing path it still gets crossed up, whether it's bugs or whatnot. The presence of it still looms. If the MC wanted to whore his daughter out why wait this late in the series? This is a legitimate question. If you wanted to add this type of content why not add it earlier? Why waste my time for multiple chapters only to get bored and add random kinks? Had I'd known this was going to be the direction the game was heading I never would've played this game in the first place I can guarantee you that. The only thing left now is for the Daughter to turn into a full fledged nympho. They're probably gonna add other tags like Beastiality and continue to beat this dead horse.

    Well, I said my peace and probably won't play it again any time soon.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm disappointed - such beautiful girls in this game, especially the daughter with sweet lips and blowing cheeks, and so many cheapy Blowjobs. I can't understand the developer why is it not possible to create more Deepthroat blowjobs. This is a game and not the real world.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Lots of contents, overall decent graphics quality and interesting story. But
    • the writing is long-winded sometimes, and there are some mistakes & inconsistencies;
    • the MC eventually appears to be an egotistic playboy rather than a loving dad / older friend;
    • and female characters, especially the main one, usually look revolting.
    • Sex scenes are abundant, but emotionally less and less interesting.

    Detailed review:

    1. Story.
    Some questions and answers are repeated (e.g. D asks Elena, did she bring a bikini to Seaside, twice).
    Some talks contradict each other (e.g., D says her legs are tired from wearing high heels; some time later she says she would be wearing heels for the first time).
    Sometimes the order of scenes is wrong (talking about getting train tickets).
    Sometimes the player's choice is fake. E.g., I choose to go to the police, but as the result I only got LPs stolen. (WTF, seriously? In real world I would get LPs, having convinced D that I care). And later the game tells me I have changed my mind... (WTF is this WTF? Though I'm not sure, maybe there was something wrong in Lain's Walkthough mod.)

    2. MC
    He pretends to be all loving, but in fact he feeds young girls with lots of booze, making them alcoholics. First he pretends to do that to teach D to know her limits, but then they continue to get drunk (and that gives him LPs for "trusting D"? What a freaking hypocrisy is that?)
    Not mentioning that anal sex does irreparable damage to the anal sphincter, which means poop leakages, changed stature and walking manner, and eventually medical problems with rectum.
    He lies much more than actually necessary.

    3. Girls
    D looks like an underage prostitute or a vampire, with that thick blood-read lipstick and tons of black paint on her eyelashes. No normal blonde woman would wear such makeup, especially day and night. So her face looks like piggy or donkey. So contradicting her alleged "beauty"...
    Facial animations, especially in first chapters, are often scary (chin doesn't move, only lips, so opening mouth often looks like getting hare lip). Eww...
    Not mentioning those freaky watermelon boobs on a petite young virgin...
    In the 2nd Chapter MC tells her that young girls like her are better without makeup, and that's true; but she says that she has a habit to paint her face like that because of feeling insecure. And then she keeps that habit, even though the story says she doesn't feel insecure anymore.
    Could the dev please loose that makeup, cause when it's washed away by water, she actually becomes pretty.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I downloaded chapter 1 expecting something mediocre. I was buffled. This game has a good story - though sometimes it can be a bit long -, the models are a solid 9/10 and the scenes seem to have quite a lot of work behind them. Also, I appreciate the fact that the corruption is slow but not too grindy at the same time. Furthermore, I found out about a certain cocktail that I would like to try. This was my first "incest" game, but I do have to say that it was kind of awkward at first it does seem to develop the characters pretty well.
    Story: 8.5/10 I do love me some legal mumbo jumbo. The only complaint I have is that the story drags too long sometimes, but it is well written indeed.
    Models: 9/10 The attention to detail is quite good in this one and as far as a VN on Ren'Py goes I do believe that this is one of the finest games out there.
    Scenes: 9/10 As stated before, I do love the attention to detail and you can even see the pores on the skin of the models even if they are animated.
    So, I give this game a Great rating, with a total of 8.83/10.
    Give this one a try if you don't feel awkward about incest.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    the models are a bit trivial, you can see that the game is 4 years old now, it needs a remake with updated graphics. good part of the choices to make. the plot at times a little obvious dialogues and waiting times in the norm
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    [As of Ch. 1-3 v0.28.1]

    - Girls look nice.
    - Story is ok, a bit too long and draggy, I had to fast forwarded a bit.
    - lewd scenes are good.

    A Good game if u r into incest. On par with Melody.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    An alternative title could be "White Knight Simulator", if you've ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a person who can't get laid because of their lack of confidence, you will find this game to be educational. The protagonist is such a Nice Guy™ and a True Gentleman™ that you can feel your invisible fedora being tipped at mach speed.

    The renders are great, the gameplay is great and the story is fine. The writing is mediocre but even so, I would probably give this game a 4/5 if the main character wasn't so fucking cringey it makes you squirm sometimes.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, well,well.. was this v.0.28 a disappointing update for us "pervs" who hoped to see at least some sharing here? Yes , of course!
    BUT BUT BUT... I think I understand WHY Mr Dots took this road. I will try to explain ..

    As many of us noticed before, the "D only" route should have ended at the end of Ch2. With a nice "D only" ending (like the one we just got now). It didn't end at THAT Time! During the whole Ch3 Mr. Dots kept trying (without success) to combine the "D only" and the "D sharing" routes in order to satisfy both types of fans of this game. He FAILED! Which is no wonder knowing how much hate and lack of understanding there is between the fans of these 2 so different possible developments.

    Before this last update , Mr Dots had in fact only 2 choices: 1 - to go full "sharing" already in Ch 3 and lose this way ALL the "kids" who can not even think of D having any kind of interaction with any other man or 2 - to do what he just did giving us (finally) a POSSIBLE end of the "D only" route, without expanding the "D sharing" route FOR THE MOMENT.

    If he would have chosen the first option then D should have wan the competition (for which, if you remember, there were a few options in the past, but those were now forgotten) and go full and hard porn at/or by the model of that sex party after the competition. That would have scared all the "D only" fans who would have all left in mass.

    With such a development at THIS time it would have been clear for everybody what we should expect to see in Ch4.. Full perv sexual promiscuity as it is the case it the fashion industry in real life and as we saw in a few pictures by that party. Would that have been interesting for us pervs? Yes, BUT really.. very "out of concept" of this novel even for us! After all this whole story is about LOVE.. (and SHARE while still loving, if possible.. in the future :)

    So if you ask me, Mr. Dot's decision for option 2 was the most .. "wise" at this time. Because:

    - It finally gave a good, even if still "probably not final" ending to the "D only" route. D and F live together in their own house, love and happiness is in the air, D got a dog! and she is even ..
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    . What better ending could the "kids" hope for?

    - The D only route is now DONE! Or.. is it? Hmmmm good question. It was always clear that the fans of "D only" while being so strict about D having even the thought or the dream of a possible relation with another man, they never had a problem with F's relations with other girls, not even when those other girls ended up (or in some cases started by) having also relations with D!

    - So THAT kind of sharing (sharing the father) seems to be OK with both categories of fans! Maybe a little too much for the "kids" (but just a little) maybe a little too little for the pervs like me .. but for all: ACCEPTABLE! And THIS is the main reason for which Mr. Dots chose this development. He still wants to keep BOTH groups of fans. Should we wonder that he wants that? It's a bunch of money at stake, isn't it?

    - So he took much care over the last few updates in developing the F + D + Georgina - 3some - polyamory route (which i personally like the most from all possible "triangles") without closing the doors to other possible triangles like D + E + J for instance or who knows, maybe even a combination of these 2 (difficult but not impossible).

    -It is most probable that the "D only" route will develop in this direction, that of 1 or more "mini harems" where D will no longer be the only one WOMAN for F but .. F will still remain the only one MAN for D. So the "kids" can still enjoy the story and not leave.

    - OK but how about us, the old pervs? I can also see 2 possible choices here:

    1 - the next update (last for this year and for Ch3) which is by default meant to "complete" the missing parts, could find a way to redo the competition or to cancel for some reason it's results, declaring D as winner, in which case what could follow in terms of "sharing" might be even more than what we, the pervs, could dream: TOTAL PERVERSION:) As it is normal in real life in this industry. On a VERY separate path , of course!
    2 - and I think this will be the dev's final choice: leave it as is with this "temp" ending and then, in Ch4 slowly bring in the "swinging" as a component of the relationships whereby Graham and Olivia would be essential for this direction, mostly now when both O and D are..
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    - After all, swinging is not very usual at the age of 18, nor is an "open relationship" very popular in real world at that age, so .. I would even expect to see something like "A few years later" at the beginning of Ch4. Then some other couples could participate or there may be a swingers club in the near so that also the possibility of D interacting with other men alone remains open. Maybe even Martin could get a second chance at that time.. And/Or Ryan after he traveled the world long enough..

    But all these only if the 2 basic paths will be clearly and without doubt SEPARATED.
    And I would bet this is the direction that Mr. Dots has chosen and this is what we should expect for the future, seeing what choices he made along the last few updates of Ch3. So , disappointing update ? YES but.. necessary :)
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Joyce Harding

    I'm kinda shocked at the turn of events this late in the game but I shouldn't be surprised seeing as it was teased earlier in production. I'm not a fan Devs who try to cater to everyone it shows their true motives, which is gaining the most patreons even if it means screwing over day one fans. Not to mention that this game has taken a nosedive in quality since chapter one. The renders are great and so are the characters but as I mentioned before the story and dialogue has been mediocre for quite some time. I'm disappointed to say the least.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    House Of Black

    Went from Dating my daughter to... Swinging with my daughter. The Devs are clearly bored at this point, adding random fetishes this late in the game only proves that. As a result I’ve seen the quality drop off significantly whether it’s the writing or dialogue.

    The Father behaves like a teenager at times and the daughter comes off as slow. I’d rather games like this get wrapped up while it’s still good instead of being milked and drugged out.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Loved it until CH3. Its been ruined for me. Even when you try your hardest to avoid all sharing paths there are bugs that still pop up a dialog here and there telling you that D fucked some other dude. I will not be playing the rest, or any more of MrDots games. Pulled my 1.5 year sub on patreon. Only those who are into multi-dick sharing shit will be able to enjoy DMD after the end of CH2
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This was one of the first adult games I played due to its popularity and I tuned in regularly, but after playing through more games this began to look worse and worse in comparison to its competition.


    * Plenty of story if you're into that.
    * Quite long at this point, so plenty of hours to be had if starting a new game.
    * Good variety of scenes.
    * Some variety in the cast of characters and their builds.


    * No audio.
    * The dialogue tends to ramble on.
    * Some of the characters look too young. Fine if you're under 18 and playing, but I'm not so it was distracting.

    I can't list it as a con since the title is literally DMD, but I wish games like this would make an easy toggle to include the word "Step" or remove the incest angle entirely without the dialogue being thrown off completely.

    I followed this for a long time because it was all I knew about for a while in the popular adult game category, but I was never comfortable with the direct incest angle and after playing some better games with better story, animations and quality audio, there's not enough in this game to make me want to continue following it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fairy Godmother of all Dad and D incest games.

    -First of its time and the best to ever do it.
    -Done well, Real life incest is disgusting. Real life tentacle porn probably is as well but thats why we have games like this which suspend belief while at the same time gives you a hot character getting D'd down.
    -Speaking of Ds. The D is one of the sexiest DAZ assets ever. I hope someone one day decides to use her asset in SFM or Blender. Mr Dots if you read this, (Never will) if you made a full length scene of the D with a synopsis of the game I'd pay big money for that as well as all the fans.
    - Followed this game since it was still getting updates on Chapter 1 and let me tell you, all of the setups so far from then on have translated and been fulfilled. Mr. Dots does not give empty promises and will flesh out his endings and pay offs everytime. Great Dev
    - Interacts with his fans on every platform including his own website. Very Consistent even when he's working on other games.
    - Drastic noticeable improvement as far as graphics since the first game although they were already spot on.
    - Very nice continuity and teasing. I hate games where you finally bang the Waifu but in the next scene still can't sleep in the same bed or get a game over screen for seeing her in the shower naked just after banging her. Its the pinnacle of poor design and bad writing in my book. Dont worry about that with this game. She slowly corrupts but when she corrupts, its permanent. Dev still hasnt run out of ideas or sex positions. Something an up and coming Dev should take note of. Remember a certain scene in this game towards the end of Chapter 2 thinking "Well, hes going to run out of ideas." As of this review hes at the end of Chapter 3. Fantastic.
    -Some of the sexiest scenes ever. One in particular happens on a certain beach the D at some point in time teases you. During that scene you make a triumphant return and teasing is completely out the window. Shows Character development overtime and great writing.
    - Memorable characters. This can be gaged by whenever you see this asset you automatically think of the D from this game. Just like when you see the MCs CoWorker you think of Liam from another game. Bravo
    - Squirting and Cumshots are the best on this site. No Spoilers.
    - Slow Slow Slow but no ridiculous grind. You do have to pick the right choices but its not that much of a chore and there are no POINT and CLICK or stupid Sandbox which is what so good about Mr. Dots. Its a Linear narrative but it has multiple outcomes. Other Devs again should take heed unless its a game with tons of girls and you want to chose which girl you want to have scenes with first. When sandbox is done like that I have no complaints. This game has a variety of different girls to have sex with but its done at the Devs intended pace.
    - Dev made modifications along the way after fan feedback. No more gameover screens etc which I think for this game was a major hindrance initially.
    - Choices port over for the first 2 Chapters. Very Nice

    - Too much internal monologue and "thinking". Its a staple of any game for Mr. Dots and his signature as well but not really my taste. I feel as though it makes scenes drag on far too long.
    - We gotta talk about the D. Man oh man she's smoking hot but Geez LOUIS is she written with the mind of a 2 year old. Even her dialogue is cringe. I know shes supposed to be naive and virginal but not braindead. "Is That a...Penis!!" C'mon man. Kudos to the Character Design because it still doesnt kill a boner.
    - The second creepiest grooming plot of all time. Its a combination of the Ds terrible stupidity and the MCs relentless pursuit that makes this game seem like a grooming tutorial. Some scenes most definitely some like something Chris Hanson would question the MC on.
    - I hate the lolis in this game. Personal preference. Not appealing in the least but luckily theres an option to skip and is made up with voluptuous MILFs and slutty Swingers. If Elena got a redesign my opinion of her would drastically change. I LOVE how her character is written and I LOVE her characters dialogue. I hate the design. Another game I wont mention has a perfect petite girl who is also a gamer. If you could take that characters design, change her hair color to Elenas hair color, and give her Elenas writing (Petite slutty women do exist) she'd be a top 10 Waifu. She'd be better than the D.
    - Sex scenes dialogue from the MC is terrible
    - Too many shots of the MC cock. Only time we need to see it is in sex scenes or during points where D is watching him. Other games are guilty of this as well. It wont break the game if you get rid of these scenes. Perfectly fine without a flaccid penis urinating scene every in game day.

    Play this from the beginning. Even with all its flaws this game is a masterpiece.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Thank you! A realy deep story and a good subplot. Very beautiful girls, nice pictures and good animated scenses. This is definitely one of the best [VN]&[Ren'Py] games and the reason why I became a big, big fan of this kind of gaming! <3
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The game looks fun at the start with a hot daughter and an interesting corruption system. But god damn is this game slow to get to the good parts. A lot of that is due to the uninteresting, and frankly annoying, dialog. For the first chapter, most of the dialog is just the MC going "uhh, but that's my daughter I don't know if I should fuck. uhh but im so horny for her." Like, we get it. The father isn't sure if he wants to sleep with his daughter, but everyone playing the game is sure so get on with it.

    The daughter is 18 and being so naive is also odd. With Elena and Jennifer(wtf is up with her head!) looking like literal teenagers, you can tell the creator was going for an underage girl thing but just said they were 18.

    The only good thing I can say about this game are that the animations are pretty good, although short. And then some (Olivia and Georgina) character models look nice.

    3/5: Play if you're interested in the story more than just jerking off, but in my opinion the story isn't very well written anyways.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The problem with this game for me i think is that all the teasing/instrospection/convincing/second guessing take way too much time and often gets in the way, literally, of things. It is a fantasy novel but theres too much bullhist when the situation should be driven by feelings.
    I know from experience that the rush and the drive when this kind of forbidden acts happen, makes it really hard to find real motives to not go all the way, and i consider myself a patient cold headed rational thinking person.
    Even i coldnt help myself from perpetrating disgusting acts in the eyes of God.
    The Mc in this one puts my rational thinking to the ground and spits on it. he is a cold blooded sonofabitch.

    And that makes things desperately predictable and boring. I dont think the pay off actually pays off since renders arent actually anything spectacular in 2020.

    But if you can take this stuff, the game grants many hours of gameplay.