VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    JR Dragonborn

    This is a treat to play. Beautifully done characters (especially D), story makes it seem more dynamic rather than the easy fxxks you get from other games. It's good but there's still room left for improvement like dialogue polishes. Would love to play this on D's perspective. I just wish that the author would compile chapter 1-3 into 1 as it would make the transition in-between chapters more fluid.

    Overall this game is for the ones who actually take time to immerse themselves into a game with good plot. But hey this is just my opinion.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I fell in love with the daughter... it made me possessive... it made me want to watch over her at all times... it made me want to treat her like a real princess. But the main character is sooo much of a cuck, he is constantly forced into situations that I just didn't want my character to do.

    A prime example is in a scene he bets his daughter away in a pool game. In another scene he takes risque pics of her in an unsecure location while a peep is in a closet. He doesn't answer his phone when he needs to save her from being abducted by her mother. I should have a choice in these situations. I shouldn't be forced to stick my tongue down her throat at a time when she needs consoling.

    You made me fall in love with this girl. You did a great job with the way she looks and her inner dialog in situations, from moment to moment. She kinda comes alive. Outstanding.

    Now give me the ability to protect her from stupid stuff. Allow me to be a little more grown up about some things... like the inner dialog of "Boobs!"... how old is this guy? He's supposed to be in his 40s... he's past "Boobs!" And if anyone reading this has ever been in a relationship before, you know, eventually you stop going "wow!" every time you see your partner naked... this is so bad that literally every time he sees something provocative, whoever else is in the scene ends up saying "something wrong?" -- and the MC's inability to control his erection... yeah, at 18 that might be a thing... but by the time you're 30, you can do it. The main character breaks immersion.

    I feel like I'm nitpicking but really... this is both a gem... and infuriating. The writing and production value... and sheer content... it's at times and especially early, outstanding. But there are problems that just break the spell.

    Another problem I have is that essentially if you show any interest in any of the supporting characters in the very first time you're given a choice with them, you are locked into banging them. If you compliment your secretary ... you're banging her... If you accept the hand of Elena the first time you meet her, you can't say no to her later when she wants you. It's on... even if by then you've decided to only focus on your daughter. That's what happened to me in my first playthrough... I went all in off the bat, accepting every advance... but by the time it got to later when things heat up with Georgina and Elena, I didn't want them... I wanted to turn them down... because the writing and the presentation of the daughter had me. But there was no turning back, except through a restart.

    And another restart... and another... each time trying to avoid putting my daughter in BS situations... if I don't break a guys binocs that means I want to share my daughter? What kinda mechanic is that? And no matter what you do, you are locked into sending your daughter off on a path of wearing little to nothing in-front of the camera for everyone in the world to see... there is no avoiding it.

    And then when you get into the second chapter things get even more infuriating... a central plot theme is that he has to sneak around to see his 18 year old daughter who is grounded by her mother--for the crime of wanting to see her father, a punishment she accepts with a smile... and again... she's 18! And he is her father! He's such a cuck... just a weak cuck... all they ever have to do is say "No... I'm going to go do this..." and mom has no way to stop her... they treat her like a 12 year old. And then... oh, man... he spends his days jerking off and taking photography courses instead of visiting a family lawyer... this second chapter is going downhill...

    Many of the characters at times can sound the same using "as" as a filler in a sentence like: "I didn't do this AS I was doing that..." All the characters do it they start to sound the same... and in the second chapter you start to spend a LOT of time with mundane things like checking into hotels (talking to the clerk)... listening to useless facts about a town that never reveals it's name... learning how a farm works (well, that was almost interesting--but long and pointless to the story). Starting in the second chapter it seems like long passages of the plot are filled in with inconsequential details that drag the story down and break any flow to the read.

    And finally, the sex... the images are decent but the presentation of the same "kiss her..." "french kiss..." "cop a feel..." gets repetitive... but even worse, every single orgasm is reduced to "faster..." -- as if faster is the only way to make someone cum... there is no "pressure" or "heat" or "breathing" or other things that provoke arousal... this game seems to think that the solution to every orgasm is simply "faster". I'm not entirely certain the maker of this game has ever been intimate before. All the sex seems to come from porn magazines. It's hot and sexual to look at... but very little mental arousal.

    Some of the animations are decent involving sex and oral... but the finger animations are laughable... they would have done well to just not animate anything. For simple visual arousal, you get some from the stationary shots... but the animations break any immersion... like a lot of things do in this. You're hot... and then you're laughing... ugh.

    Another comment on romantic encounters: every single time... literally every single time you "Stop" with a romantic action, the dialog comes up from the daughter "Ok Dad... enough now..." or "There will be time for that later..." This happens every single time to the point that it feels like the main character is incapable of restraint or control, always on her until she is the one to say "alright, enough now..." This guy is such a... terrible inconsistent main character... at times he has the intelligence of a world class connoisseur but then in romantic situations he's a frat house jock seeing his first peep hole. Inconsistent main character. Breaks immersion.

    I finished 1 and 2... I'm not even going to open 3... by the end of two I just didn't care about anyone anymore and I spent a lot of time just clicking through lots of boring, childish and repetitive dialog.

    The dialog and most of the inner thought writing and presentation is initially outstanding, especially with the daughter and the side character Elena... she adds good humor and both are fairly consistent early on... The story is even pretty good, although it goes downhill from the start... You start off in love with the daughter but by the end of the second chapter you just don't care... and the main character is clearly just into a piece of meat... all the talk of romance and how romantic he is... just disingenuous compared to his actions.

    It's all so infuriating. The potential from the first chapter... just play chapter one and ignore the last few scenes when she leaves with mom... if you care about story, immersion, and characterization don't bother going on to chapter two.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Oh how I would love to give different ratings to the three chapters, because I enjoyed them differently. However, I'll just average it to a 4 because this is a solid story with characters you will probably care about.

    Graphics: While Dee herself obviously has become kind of iconic, this isn't the strongest part of the game. Some models (Elena, Jennifer - daughter's friends) feel off, at times very much so, though you'll get used to it and over time like them in their own way. A few inconsistencies (Why is Dee reading up on her hometown history in a Greek book?) aside it serves its purpose though and isn't bad by any means.

    Writing: Solid, not the common flood of errors (a few crop up though which may give away at least one writer's nationality), the dialogue is believable and well paced, maybe a tad less detours would be welcome, also less similar speech patterns to the different characters, but this is the heart of the story and it's beating strong.

    Gameplay: Well, it is a Virtual Novel, so you'll get what is expected. There is quite a lot of agency with you collecting points, not only Dee liking you but also your ability to get toward certain activities. The stat and corruption meter you can always access is a bit misleading though, a lot of the corruption advances happen through the story instead of the other way round (story changing according to corruption level). There are a couple of branches to explore, even though the main story will stay the same, but that is a given since this game focuses on one character.

    Story: here is what harshly separates the three chapters in my opinion. Chapter 1 is about meeting your daughter and forming a bond. Even though it is pretty linear and the choices to raise points are mostly pretty obvious, it feels good since you can decide the order of some actions and feel a lot of progress. There also is a useful villain included, two if you count the mostly absent mother. If it were a stand alone game (which would leave a very disappointing cliffhanger of course), it's a straight fiver.

    Chapter 2 has you trying to get Dee back from her home country and her mother while slowly exploring a closer connection (*wink wink*) with your daughter. Mom makes for a great villain here, Elena is a good sidekick, still it is a bit weaker than the first part even though more "fulfilling".

    Chapter 3 unfortunately sees a lot of the suspense breaking down. You're now trying to build a new life with Dee away from home and away from their mother. However, there is no real adversity anymore, even the hiding of your relationship which is obviously not conforming to societal norms falls by the wayside. While there is some lip service to it, in the end everybody finds out, everybody is perfectly fine with it, everybody wants to join in.

    You can of course see it as a prolongued "happy ending" tying up all the loose ends with the side characters, and it does that, but it's getting really repetitive: you're going out in the evening with Dee, there's a few lines about how much more gorgeous than ever before she looks, you go out, have sex, sleep, have morning sex. Then you'll go out with her, including a few lines about how much more gorgeous than ever before ... you get the idea. Which leads to the oxymoronic result that in a game about seducing your daughter all the seducing your daughter stuff gets in the way. And there is only so much variation you can put into it. Sometimes during the day you'll meet with some of the side characters to close their stories, but it feels very similar.

    So yeah, chapter 3 alone would have been a huge disappointment for me since there is really nothing much to do here. But the first two were strong so the overall impression of this game is still very good. Especially since it by now is one of the classics, you should give it a try if you haven't already.
  4. M
    2.00 star(s)


    Most models aren't that good, the art is very inconsistent (it clearly changes from version to version) and the story is the lamest you could possibly get in a lewd game. The daughter character is probably how an incel sees girls and she's boring af.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply put, This is one of the BEST Games you'll ever play that comes close to realistic visual incest storytelling. The Characters are Amazing, and the way you develop relations with them, especially your daughter, is so natural, genuine and you truly do end up caring for her. Kudos to the dev team for making all the chapters so substantial and keeping the narrative slow and worthwhile to build up upon. If you want a quick 10 min thing, this is Not that. But , If you are looking for a deep wonderful story , this is a pure gem. 10/10
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a very nice slow build-up which makes the game feel more realistic. You really focus on your relationship between the mc and the daughter. You also see their struggle with the general idea that incest is wrong, but still continue because of their love. Which gives it bonus points for me.

    One of the best VN's out there of this genre. The best part is you don't have to commit incest to experience it, for that we have this game ;)
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    With 166 reviews for DMD already, most glowing, mine isn't going to count for much, but for anyone browsing up on this VN all unsuspecting-like, just a head's-up:
    • The story is LONG. Lots of deep text, much of it unnervingly favorable to the philosophy of incest (esp by Chapter 2-3). Like, don't make it weird, man; it's a kink, we don't have to analyze it.
    • The characters are even more unnatural-looking than normal for h-games, at least the females. Breasts that point upward, zero sag or consistent shape; butts that bulge up rather than back/down; foreheads bigger than faces; etc. The animations are bizarre: slow, stiff, repetitive, totally unnatural. I'm not going to mention the size of everything, every h-game has that; this is different, this is just flipping the bird at physics. If this VN had human-shaped bodies, this story would have almost chillingly effective.
    • On a related note. While loli is not my thing, as long as the story clearly supports them being 18+ -- and this one does -- I don't care how they look. That said, especially in Chapter 2, most of the female characters in DMD are bizarrely tiny. Like, Dad's hand is clearly wider than the entire torso, not just for one image, but the entire scene. As in, these are the bodies of six year olds. Again: immersion-breaking.
    Anyway, this game has a ton of work put into it, but the topic and the graphics really don't do it justice.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Dating My Daughter Review (v. 0.25) / Played with Lain's Mod

    TL;DR: Solid 4/5

    What I like:

    1) Renders - Good looking female characters. Nice and unique designs.
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    2) Sensual Talk and Scenes - The perverted talk and situations are hot.
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    You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
    5) Elena / Georgina - Biased, but I like their designs and sensual personalities.
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    7) **** Amount of Content **** - I put extra stars around this because this is the biggest factor for the rating. Although it's mostly focused on the daughter, you can see and enjoy other scenes with other characters, as well. Chapters 1 and 2 were long and enjoyable despite some slow buildup, and even then, it's still not finished. Looking forward for what is to come.

    What I don't hate, but could be better:
    1) Story - Soap Opera story. No major conflicts, obstacles, or sacrifices. It's also possible that my viewpoint here is tainted because I used a walkthrough mod, which is a fair critique.
    2) Animations - The animations get a little better in chapter 3, but in 1 and 2, they can be a little choppy and odd at times.

    What Needs to Be Improved:
    1) The use of English is underdeveloped and sometimes unnatural (when viewed from an American English perspective). The syntax of some of the characters needs to be cleaned up and diversified to sound more unique and commonplace. They sound too similar and formal to one another sometimes. There are also a few spelling errors.
    2) More sound effects.
    3) Music needs to be inserted into the game for more dramatic / sensual effect.
    4) Dad's neck beard. Please either give dad a nice beard or shave it off completely.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.25 chapter 1 - 3

    It's a very good game. I really liked the first and the second chapter. The beginning is a little bit weird since there is no introduction and no connection to the characters. Afterwards the dialogues get better and better and the sexual tension between D and F increases. In my opinion this sexual tension carries the whole game and provides the curiosity to see what comes next.

    - character building, character diversity
    - natural and romantic dialogues
    - sexual tension between D and F,
    - 1st & 2nd chapter: the romantic sex scenes with foreplay, french kissing, etc.

    - most of the models look OK but not amazing,
    - facial expression could be improved
    - 3rd chapter: sexual tension drops, less french kissing, less foreplay, not
    much decisions during sex scenes

    Third chapter is still ok but not as good as the previous ones. The central romantic relationship becomes a bit superficial with less romantic, less kissing, etc. Furthermore it's a bit frustrating that they left off all the foreplay options that we build up in chapter one and two. More decision making in sexual scenes would be much better.
    Besides that it is still a very good game if you like incestuous stories.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't know... The game is well done but it doesn't keep you entertained in the long term. The dialogues and story are kinda dull, the girls are OK but don't have much spice...
    It is very similar to "Melody" but in Melody the story was better in my opinion, and the characters were more interesting. To me, it is a weak version of "Melody".

    === Chara Design ::):):):)
    The renders are quite good and the girls quite pretty. Now it is nothing exceptionnal, especially in 2020. I don't really like the MC.

    === Story/Background : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    I don't really buy the story. The corruption and relationship progress between the father and daugther is pretty absurd. The dialogues are well written but it is too dull, too slow, too a word : boring.

    === Sex/Animations : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    I have only played the 1st chapter, I did not have the courage to play other chapters. Probably this chapter was done in 2018, and therefore had animations from 2018. Correct but outdated.

    === Contents/Gameplay : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    Nothing to complain here. Contents are very solid. The game is long, the gameplay is simple but neat. The interface is nice. No music ??

    Well if you really like incest and vanilla games, you can try this one, it will probably suit your taste. Otherwise, if "Melody" wasn't your thing, don't even try this one, it is even worst.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say this is by far the best visual novel i have ever had the pleasure to experience. I cannot wait for more of this content to be released. And the author and everyone else involved in the making of DMD are doing an excellent job. Absolutely love this. Again i cannot wait for more. 10/10
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    • Models 6/10 - most models look like Barbie dolls, very unnatural skin tone and sometimes facial expressions as well.
    • Animations 6/10 - they're mostly ok, but still remind lopped pics and of course they're nowhere near top level like BaDIK and Milfy City.
    • Writing 7/10 - quite good for VN, no heavy language, no stupid babbling.
    • Plot 6/10 - plot lacks suspense, the whole game is just the sequence of dates with D and nothing in between, it's tiresome.
    • Sex Scenes 7/10 - scenes mostly are well developed and variative, still there're should be more dirty talking and devs should put more work to make some of the scenes special (longer than the others, unique and polished)
    Walking Penis Chronicles Dating My Daughter consists of 3 parts:
    1. Undressing and BJ. The weakest part, devs should really consider to add some penetration scenes with D in form of night dreams.
    2. Licking and defloration. The strongest part and the one with most intresting plot too.
    3. Fucking and threesome. Mediocre at the time of writing.
    Overall, the game would be much better if story wasn't wrapped around D alone. F especially needs more work, as being said for now he is just a walking cock.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    A review of this game

    Chapter 1 perfect for me we get to see each characters personality and mc's and dee's relationship whom begins to blossom 5/5

    Chapter 2 Masterpiece mc and dee's relationship upgrades to that of love and our characters throws out any last restraints that may have due to their relationship as father-daughter also we have enough sex scenes from other characters as well elena, Jennifer and Georgina 5/5

    Chapter 3 Good we have sex scenes evolving threesomes Father-Dee-Elena, Father-Dee-Georgina,Father-Dee-Jennifer unfortunatelly there is some fouls

    1.Father-Dee-Elena and Father-Dee-Georgina are the same scenes so instead of Rejecting Jenifer for Georgina you Should Reject elena instead because you get similar sex scenes This also gives the impression to the player that you have neglected this game in favor of Sisterly love or Melody(don't remember which game were working at this time)

    2.The Martin isue the problem with Martin could be solved pretty easily for me since there were many debates first you can make the relationship optional and open a route for martin and let people decide and be done with it or you can explain clear that there will be no NTR content on this game(for me this is not NTR is sharing but whatever)


    Chapter 4 Failure the purposose of chapter 4 was to get some scenes that were missing from previous chapters some 4somes with Father-Dee-Elena-Georgina or Father-Dee-Elena-Jennifer instead we got one whole scene in an entire chapter epic fail for me

    Second we get the impression of one step forward two steps back we saw in previous chapters that daughter wanted to start a family with mc and at chapter 4 we see the daughter scared of having a baby with mc wtf this gives me the impression that the developers have forgotten what they wrought at previous chapters

    Third mr Dots fell to the trap of having continuous sex scenes with dee without even making it more kinky discarding almost entirely other characters Elena, Georgina, Jennifer and they did not even consider to at least spice things up (insert some bdsm scenes for god's sake)

    Now for the endings half of them are the same worst is you saw one you saw all and the cherry on top the flashback wtf

    These facts makes me think two things either they wanted to extend DMD for as long as they could without any real plot in mind or they gave their attention to their other game either way the 4th chapter failed to deliver what mr dots team said to give...


    Overall Rating 3,25/5

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  14. 3.00 star(s)


    So I'm going to keep this short.

    I've only played chapter 1 (so it might not apply to later chapters but you've gotta get through 1 anyhoo) ... and that alone is a tooooooon of content, when I saw it was divided up into chapters I thought each one would be fairly short but no, that was longer than some whole games in and of itself.

    But it goes slow, which makes sense, she's your daughter and you've not seen her in ages, you're not going to be getting freaky on day 1 ... buuuut, it means I got bored of my daughter and don't think I'll be dating her any more... it's not just that the sex went slow, I just didn't like her as a person.

    One of my major problems with the game are that choices don't seem to matter, it's either right (raises stats) or wrong or didn't matter either way ... so it's real helpful to use a walkthrough mod. But I'd rather it be that I could get with her regardless, and corruption was more about if I want a good little wife, or a dirty whore I was going to share around or prostitute out... rather than what it actually seems to be - just a measure of if you get to do stuff to her ... I'm super curious how high that scale goes up though ... like I wonder what you can do at max corruption, but I couldn't find a wiki for it, does she eventually get into drugs and group sex and things?

    My other qualm is just that the models are kinda basic looking, I can't explain it better that that, maybe not as textured or complicated or something so it doesn't feel as real as some other games, and that's probably what ultimately killed it for me.

    So tons of content, well polished... but slow, no real choices, and not great models...
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, very nice. A little rough around the edges, but overall this is a real treat for taboo lovers in general.

    -Writing is nice.
    -Characters are well developed.
    -There's some actually really touching moments.
    -Nice designs for the characters, if a little basic.

    -Animations are passable, but could use more work, maybe something a bit more original, and perhaps different options.
    -Backgrounds are basic and work ok, but a bit more detail in the env. would be nice.
    -Better renders in general (I do not know the authors rig, and if it's simply not possible, it's understandable).
    -Sex scene pacing is very varied and can come off as kinda grindy sometimes, which in story context is understandable, it's probably not easy too build up fucking a relative (lmao) in a realistic way, but it still comes off as a bit inconsistant.

    The incest aspect in itself isn't generally too serious, but depending on how consequential you want a relationship like that to play out, if you're looking for something super realistic there's probably other options.
    (I mean it' still a porn game. Probably wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if it was that realistic lmao.)

    Again, overall, very nice.
    Good start to MrDots library.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm in chapter 2 of this game. The game it's self has a pretty good story line, but it gets very grindy after a while (not in a good way). The animations could use a little love, but over all a solid title.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The only problem with this game for me is the model of daughter. For me her boobs and ass is too big and it feels weird on her because she is a small person. Thats why Elena is the best girl in this game. She has a body that fits her. Overall the game is fine and the story is good enough to make you entertained.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and amazing art. I like the daughter's friend character. The way she has been brought into play over the chapters is quite interesting to play.

    Just finished Chapter 1 and moving on to Chapter 2 now.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Network 34 Games

    An amazing slow burn game with a well written story. Very story driven as opposed to a "flat out fuck-fest but compelling enough that it makes you WANT to know the characters better and invest in them.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    easy feedback from myself.

    -great cg.
    -although story is a bit linear, there are choices though.
    -cant wait for more updates

    i do have one minor gripe i guess. can you do away with the kissing click, then boob grab click, then ass grab click. Or Maybe make it an all in one animation. it sort of got a bit annoying. but still like i said its minor and i have no objection through clicking through it.

    also is the MC is like always hard, i dont think ive seen a flaccid donger from him anywhere lol that dude has defintely had an erection for more than 4 hours. Or maybe I am wrong and hes is both a show-her and a grow-her.