VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Updated review based on Ch. 4 v0.31:

    What was once one of my favorite games and the actual game that got me into the 3d adult game scene to begin with has now turned into a game that I despise. Everything started to go down hill with Ch. 3 when they had for about 2 years teased the sharing content and teasing it heavily in Ch. 3 to just suddenly announcing that they was going to drop it... I knew already then that something had been going on behind the scene as Chapter 3 as a whole was a mess and felt rushed on all fronts, broken promises and fetishes that had been talked about since Chapter 1 suddenly being taken out.

    Either way, chapter 3 which was supposed to be the last chapter ended on a cliffhanger and a new chapter was promptly announced. Which they defended with: "We have so much more we want to tell and also to give DmD a fitting end".. But guess what? It is just the same old content all over again, making it quite clear that they are milking the game for everything its worth... While keeping some fans of certain fetishes on the bench with promises for content towards the end. I can already foresee it being two scenes in the last update.

    Such a shame...

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  2. M
    2.00 star(s)


    I can only echo the other negative reviews here.

    - The story is far, far too slow. It would be forgivable if each line of dialogue progressed the plot but most of the time the dialogue is just a re-hash of a conversation they had before.

    - Daughter is utterly unrealistic. She's supposed to be 18 or so, but she has the intelligence and self-awareness of a 9 year old. She's ireedemably naive in such a way that it screams of bad writing rather than a ditzy character, because she is badly written.

    - The art is... uncomfortable. Proportions are ridiculously off. It's a similar issue to the dev's other game Melody. Bodies resemble tweens when supposed to be 18-20 years old. Their heads are too large for their bodies, and breasts while not ridiculously huge, are modeled in such a way that they look like they're made of solid plastic. It honestly looks like the dev was giving you characters that look underage on purpose for the sake of fucking. It's revolting.

    - The relationship between father and D is alright once it gets going, but even then it feels like the dev doesn't know what they want to do with them so they meander through the plot hoping to find something to work with.

    - Father's penis is ridiculous and the things this ditzy moron of a girl does to it ( when not knowing what a penis looks like, somehow. Don't ask me, it's the writing) are just stupid.

    It falls flat in nearly every conceivable way, not to mention the update schedule is awful.

    To conclude - I wouldn't recommend this game if you're looking for an adult game fix. I wouldn't recommend it if you enjoy a well-written and paced story. I wouldn't recommend it if characters needs to have depth for you to enjoy them. I cannot recommend this game, and if you do play I hope you won't notice the subtext "age" of the girls, because I can't ignore it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great fairy tale princess-awakes-within-the-modern-world type of story, told with compelling characterizations and reliable, high quality visuals. It's easy to fall for these characters and root for some while hating others, but this game doesn't fall for stereotypes and lets all sorts of things try to work out. You can choose some paths vs others but the primary one stays constant: the MC and his daughter as central focus.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Well paced story with lots of content and characters. The choices are plenty and pretty significant. There's a reason it's one of the most popular ones here. Definitely check it out if you're OK with the title lol.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Let me just briefly say: it was one of the worst I've ever played.

    Even if there was quite a few funny & good moments and some of the girls are really catched me with their talk/body, but still, the two main characters completely ruin the whole game.

    Especially D and for me she is a minus 5*. Apart from all the other characters in the game her body type is so unrealisticly perfect like a plastic doll. That would be okay for a simple porn game like FILF but this one is (want to be) different.

    What kind of story is it? It is a romantic story about father and daughter how they fall in love each other veeeeery (too) slowly. D is an 18 year old girl but she is basically so moron she dont even know what a PENIS is... not even know anything about sexuality, body anatomy, natural reactions and so on, so lets just say she is more like a 5-6 year old girl with a body of an 18 year old porn star (after millions of surgeries).

    And all of these things just make the game more sick... I mean look around, of course we dont mind incest, but I strongly believe that most of us better addicted to certain situations than to the real fact of incest. Hope Im right. :) In this game Daddy slowly slowly brainwash his (in fact braindead) daughter just to f**k her and it is not just pure incest, but it is pedophilia as well because D is just as mature as a 5-6 year old kid.

    So the whole story wants to be an "anytime could happen" romance based on real life (most of characters completely compliance to this fact) APART from the two main character.

    I have tried to force myself to play through but I gave up at 2nd episode, it was too much...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game, kind of painfully slow though. The MC has some saintly patience, good thing he has other outlets for his little devil! :D

    Very much looking forward to new chapters to see how this relationship grows as they explore her sexuality !
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    -Hours and hours of gameplay to have the first handjob, until there is just teasing the player so you don't quit.
    -The daughter has the innocence of a child while being 18.
    -Too much blah blah blah I'm her father "I shouldn't do this" , okay, it's good for the realism, but him repeating this after masturbating for her, touching her ass and boobs, having french kiss, oh god, and yes, after some kind of 10hours of gameplay you only have this, for me this would be playable if you jump everything by looking the walkthrough, the game just sucks.
    -The good thing is that the art is good, good graphics and the creator know how to keep you playing, but for me after +10hrs playing I get bored asf. The worst is the points, the game has friend points, love points and etc, and it says to you that you have choice, but choosing it will make you lose points and you don't even get the scene, for example, touch daughter ass, so you touch it, them there's a option, stop or keep touching, after you fucking touch her ass, if you continue she will get mad at you and end the scene, like, what? you have already touched, you have already french kissed her, touched her boobs, and if you KEEP TOUCHING she gets mad, ok. If this doesn't happen, what I said up there about the father with his mental problems will happen, this game it's just a joke for me, that's it, 3,40gb of just bullshit time-wasting.
    -Another point is: anyone who isn't the daughter in the game is a bitch who the most thing she wants is fuck you, just like that, to keep you in the game like I said, but even to fuck them you have to wait hours because shit happen, like your daughter waking up or anything and you just can't fuck.
    That's it, I'm done with this shit, these people who give more than 4 stars for the game made what I said, just jumped the conversation, because if they readed they would see the game just keeps repeating the same fucking shit.
    I'm giving it 2 stars just for the quality the game have in graphics and the potential it had.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I really don't want to be too harsh with this game since is obviously made with a lot of effort, and there is a lot of content.
    And I actually have nothing to say about the technical side of things, the renders are pretty alright, and the animations are good.

    But o.m.g, everything surrounding the writing is so bad, so cliche, so unispired, so unsastisfaying.

    - The characters are one-dimensional. The daughter is so cliche, I hate that shy virgin girl shtick, when she obviously shouldn't be. If you want do that, at least choose a more plausible design

    - Another story where every girl fall in love with the MC at first sight, for no good reason.

    - The frienship and love point system is too punitive, you almost never really have a choice, since most alternative choices beside the good one will result with the daughter whining about something and you losing the points.

    - Yes there is a lot of content, it is long, but it is also because a lot of the scenes drag. Not a very good pacing

    - The dialogs in general are pretty terrible. The MC's seem so overly nice with each other, doesn't feel natural at all. And the conversations always revolve around the same themes (shyness, awkwardness, tension between them). It gets very boring and frustrating.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. Its in my top 5 for sure.. Hours of fun with many girls to choose from. Great renders and a fun story the leads you everywhere. Everyone will enjoy this one. A must have along with Mrdots's Melody title. :)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This was my first ever adult game. I found f95zone for this game in 2017. And somehow I forgot to write a review. Even it it doesn't matter if I write or not. This game will always be the best of the bests. I thank MrDots Games for this amazing game :love:

    Pros :
    * Awesome Renders
    * Awesome Story
    * Awesome Girls
    * Awesome Animations
    * Awesome Sex Scenes
    * Long Gameplay
    * Everything is Awesome

    Cons :
    * You think you can find any cons in this game???
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Man, this game sure is a throwback for me. First adult game I downloaded, so it's like I'm looking back at Super Mario 64 or something with the nostalgia this gives me lol. But as far as quality, I haven't actually played up to the most recent release of content, but I did get pretty damn close. That being said, the game doesn't have the most realistic portrayals of characters, (particularly the daughter, who is so naive she probably gives away all of her savings to Nigerian princes looking to ship gold via email). That being said, there's a reason this game is so popular, (aside from the seemingly explosive growth of incest popularity, which I too find myself enjoying quite a damn bit), and that is that the development really takes its time to make things feel like a much more natural progression rather than an immediate barrier-skip of societal taboos. That being said, the game might take its time a bit too much, considering up to the point I played to I still hadn't gotten the chance to bang the titular female, although there were plenty of hot interactions with her and her particularly enticing friend character named Elena. Man oh man, a minx-like character trying to seduce her friend's dad certainly got the job done for me. Overall, there is a LOT of content here, and it will keep you occupied for a very long time. Above average VN experience, and hopefully Patreon will stop being so oppressive about this genre so we can get back to faster development cycling for this game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For me personally DMD is the GOAT of Adult Games.

    The writing, graphics, variation in girls, looks of girls, animations are all fantastic but where the game really shines is in it's pacing. The slow teasing build towards getting more and more intimate with your daughter coupled with the character building leads to incredible sexual tension that so many other games fail at producing. It's that level of building and tension that makes the payoff so rewarding and boy does this game pay off and yet still keep building towards more.
    Despite all the tension building the game gives you instant gratification away from the daughter too, so don't worry you don't get blue-balled.

    Overall I can't recommend DMD enough. A top tier game from a top tier dev (Melody is great too)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    For me it's the best porn game ever.
    It's a bit ankward sometimes when characters seems to be underage and not only physically but in it's behaviour and life style (Goes to school and lives with parents by the law OR Elena or D and u cannot be seen in public, why if you are legal aged u can do it, no one know D is ur daughter after all appart of Elena and Jennifer when you are in your country) too, but the perfect plot makes me forget about this thing.
    A thing i see almost trashy are the love or friendly points given at least for now. It was only of use at the begining of the game in 2 or 3 options but it becomes useless when everything you do (of some importance) with D is obbligatory if u dont do it, it turns into a game over. And the relations with other characters u can do wharever u what and there is any bad way to do anything that mess the things and makes the girl and u to split.
    Something that is fixed in Melody game.

    I don't know what developer will add in the future but i don't care as long as he don't mess up the story try to force things.
    For example if the lawyer goes after D and dev includes NTR he has to do it so ggod because D promises u love forever and don't seems to be interesed in other thing than haviing a relationship with you, no matter what she has to do. And i don't see D fooling around with random people so suddenly (because she had chances before and didn't go further ). [I think dev will include this after two or mor updates]
    But i have faith that the dev will do it good.
    Sad we have to wait more than two months to see the next part
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Rico Caramba

    I played both chapters to the end, so if I would say I did not enjoy any of it, this would make me either a masochist or a hypocrite. I like to think I am neither. So yes, I did like this game quite a lot, so far.

    So, what is bothering me? It can’t be the fact that it is about a father-daughter relation, because that was clear before I even started playing it. I don’t mind a controversial story, if it is told in an entertaining and appealing way. And that is the problem. Although still very much entertaining, the story is rapidly losing its appeal to me, for three reasons:

    1. I lost all sympathy for the main character, the father. In spite of a lot of blah blah about him giving his daughter courage and self-confidence, he is not showing any love or concern for her wellbeing at all. He is just doing whatever his dick commands him to do, and fucks not only his own child, but everything he comes across with a hole in it. OK, some holes are avoidable if you choose.
    2. I cannot believe how the daughter keeps falling for the silly talks of her father. How blind can someone be? Does she really think that this relation is equal and has any future? Her understandable escape from a selfish, controlling mother does not explain, let alone justify, her falling in the hands of an equally selfish and manipulating father. She can’t be that stupid, can she?
    3. At this point several friends, who so far seemed nice and sensible people, are aware of what’s going on between father and daughter. And to my regret, nobody intervenes, or even thinks it is wrong.
    But my largest concern is that the writer seems to be heading to a conclusion of the story, where father and daughter are living together happily ever after. Surrounded by their ever-loving friends. In my opinion, this would really suck.

    I don’t mind the sexual corruption of the daughter, getting annoyed as I am by her disgustingly cheerful attitude and her spotless make-up. As far as I am concerned, she may end up as the beaming centre of a gangbang, which is not unlikely at all given the development of the story. (Swingers ahead!) My hope is that, if that would happen, she does it voluntarily, she enjoys it, and that her father is not in it.

    Letting it end in a bad way for the father, that would make this a good story. But all the signs are there that this is not likely to happen. This makes playing Dating my Daughter to me like drinking a lot of beer. Very nice when doing it, but it makes me feel sick afterwards.

    So, although the quality of the story writing so far and the sheer size of the game should justify a high rating, the aforementioned concerns unfortunately, for me, cause a deduction of points.

    Therefore, to my regret, I can’t give it more than three stars at the moment. I really hope it won’t get even more disappointing, because that would be a shame for all the excellent work put into it by Mrdots.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1334417

    I had high expectations for this game, but it was a big waste of time.

    Story - 1/5
    - A simple story on MC who finally met his daughter and he wants to fuck her.

    Characters - 1/5
    - The character's bodies are basically children. I don't understand how people would feel comfortable playing this.
    - Every character is a slut. I couldn't even give a damn on any of the characters, not even MC's daughter.
    - MC's daughter has unrealistic big boobs.
    - Lack of character development for a romance game.

    Animations - 1/5
    - Noisy animation

    Dialog - 2/5
    - The dialog was great at the beginning and got me hooked, but it became trash after a couple of mins.

    The game is basically a result of what a 12 year old russian boy would have made.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    junior X

    Best game i ever played of my life . (for real !)

    I can't say more of this ....

    Story line is rich , graphics are good , characters are cool , slow corruption and continuity are perfect .

    This game is more than a porn or incest basic game ,
    it takes us to reflect on a situation without judgement , real reflection on how people lives their life and what they do with it .

    Thank Mrdots for the EPIC moment

    I'll never forget that adventure with my Daughter^^ ............
    Likes: saffe
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review i write for a game in F95Zone and i decided to write especially for this game , because i hadn't played for some years a adult game , but i begin another time 3 months ago and i was really lucky to download DmD1 like first one . Actually i played completely both episodes till last update Dmd2 0.21 and my personal response it's absolutely 5 Stars .

    In my opinion one of the first three games that actually you can find in this site with format Vn and with predominant Incest Genre. The developing of this game begun more than 2 years ago and it set a milestone in the way of writing , developing and showing a incest story . Before Dmd1 and 2 there was a standard for Porn games , after the standard was another , completely greater and different.
    About the Graphics and animations , everything it's perfect ; the models are well-rendered and animations smooth .
    Every update are punctual and with so much content , like ad example last one.
    I don't want to annoy with other words ; this game it's absolutely a must of it's kind , to play ; in every case one of the first 5 in general we can find In F95Zone .
    Without any doubt a this is a game worth to play
    Likes: saffe
  18. E
    5.00 star(s)


    It's been a couple of weeks since I finished the current build (v0.20 Extras), don't know why I didn't rate it sooner.

    The story is amazing, there are so many places to see, some really nice characters and awesome relationships. Elena and Jen might not be for everyone (certainly aren't for me, even though I love Elena's attitude) but that's no reason to take off stars. I can certainly see why some would call the Devs 'BlueBallsStudios', but with all those sex scenes intermixed before getting to the Big Bang, I don't know why it would be blue-balling. All characters and models look superb, even the evil mom.

    Also thanks to MaimLain for his awesome WT Mod. It certainly helped a ton and warms my completionist heart every time :D
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, here goes nothing, as would from time to time say our characters ingame.

    So, I played this VN immediately after finishing Melody - it's from the same creator and I loved Melody so much, as it was my first AVN.

    So to say, lots of great strengths from Melody are very much there. The pace of the game is nice. Relationships are cute. The MC is a very good guy, and I liked playing him... If not for a few details. Details that gain strength as the game progresses, as what gave it a good vibe disappears slowly. So for me, in the end, it's not worth it and I stopped playing it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say so far I'm extremely satisfied and I've loved almost every minute of it.

    I love the quality of the script. It's not "horny-writing". No sex scenes every minute, thus they have more meaning when they do happen. (Though having 3-4 orgasms within half an hour is still funny sometimes, but that's just nitpicking, and doesn't bother me that much.) The events are creative, and sometimes quite unpredictable. The world isn't without problems, and the setbacks don't feel that forced, like plot-devices to make things harder. They are real-life struggles to get through.
    The characters have personality, they're not just shells with some minor add-ons to make them feel less empty.
    D is absolutely adorable from the beginning, and you can connect with her really fast. She grows as a person, and the more you learn about her the more you're able to understand her. She's a gift you really want to protect.

    Some of the side characters are less interesting for me, but that's just personal preference, and I grew to love Elena, especially after she learns about your affair.
    The branching storyline is really nice. I only finished one playthru, but even now I know there'd be much more to explore.
    The renders are absolutely gorgeous most of the time, and the visual appearance of the whole game is pleasing. Minor tweaks to lighting, and so on make even the same room appear different, so it rarely becomes a strain on the eye.

    Some negatives: Well, Ren'py has it's weaknesses as usual. Sometimes lines get repeated due to the branching story. I found it weird that D has her makeup on right after showering. I have to say the different outfit every character has is absolutely magnificent, but sometimes I'd like to see a bit more uhm... Realism? Like blushing, sweating, wet, let-down hair after bathing or swimming, so on. Also I'd prefer if I had the chance to sometimes turn down quickies with the side-characters, but as those are treated as side-relationships as well, I understand it'd be complicated to add even more branching.

    In short: I was looking for a journey, an experience, and I've absolutely found it. If you're looking for a quickie-like story, this isn't it. But if you're interested in growing into the story, learning to love the characters, and being invested in what's happening with their lives, give it a go.

    Honestly I can't wait for the updates, and to see even more. Even now, it feels like a full experience, but it can be expanded upon much more, and after what I've seen so far, I'm confident I'll be pleased with what's coming.