VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting on how the father/daughter relationship evolves in general, but it's long in a kinda boring way : it seems like every character is kinda stupid in this game, conversations are boring and take ages with no humour, cheesy politeness - you feel like you are watching some androids with poor IA evolve in a sandbox.

    Most of the girls look like teenagers or even dolls (WTF Jennifer). Hopefully, graphics for others like Georgina, Cassandra, Olivia are better.
    The dautgher herself lacks so many facial expression - from on the start to the end of a discussion she can stay like a motionless doll.

    I went on until chapter 3... but gosh, going again through a "restaurant conversation" with the same kinda of nonsense.

    Compared to current hype games, this one lacks spirits, reflections and ... fun. It's not fun. It just rolls on like a machine.

    Animations are getting better though. And at least, the developers made some efforts for the fashion style ... sometimes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Lex Liber

    Ok, I think DMD is good for the following reasons:

    Firstly, it is an interesting, deep and beautiful romantic story described in the script.
    It is also quite long (I played in chapters 1-3 for about 5 days), which allows you to immerse yourself in the world of the game and experience a deeper understanding and interest in the plot. There are also numerous ramifications in the game that allow the player to make a decision, and ultimately get what he actually deserves according to his own choices ("good" or "bad"). Therefore, I could say that this particular game comes out a little more into reality than some others in the genre. In addition, frankness is captivating in the game, when both deviations and romantic motivations of the characters are given "as is", without blurring, and with knowledge of the subject, and are doubly appropriate. Finally, the beauty and interestingness of the characters is matched by a good graphic design, especially the character D, and the ramifications are quite adequate animation scenes. In addition, the plus of the game - it has been developing for more than 3 years, its age and popularity testify to the value of its content.

    I see very few of the shortcomings - a couple of insignificant discrepancies between actions and subsequent dialogues for the whole game, and some ambiguity in the implementation of the choice of some branching paths (the latter, however, seems to go away, as work on the game continues)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Played this when it first got out few years ago, and even then, when there were a lot less renpy games, it was laughably bad, i tried it again few days ago and now even more so.

    Story is boring and uninteresting , writing and dialogue are not terrible, but they are awfully mind-numbingly dull and unbelievable, sex scenes are not written any better, they are short and as arousing as watching baseball.

    Daughter behaves like she has autism (or mental impairment), other characters are little bit better in that regard. Renders are also bad, with weird proportions, especially daughters friend Elena with wrecking ball for a head.

    I would rather read IKEA instructions manual, than try to play this ever again.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 581764

    I stopped playing after the first chapter.

    1) Models look like generic teenagers (14-15 years old)
    2) Story is mediocre (not the worse but not the best)
    3) Way too long game.
    4) Huge limitations set on the mc
    5) You can miss a lot without the walkthrough

    1) Well....not least the mc is not acting like a horny retarted teen (not the greatest mc,but I've seen worse).
    2) Potential.This game could've been made a lot better and with an exciting story.
    3) Interesting coruption progress (but kinda slow)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it is a good game and I would have given it five stars two updates earlier. However, the disappointment from all the side relationships forcing lesbian and sharing/threesome content in order to experience those characters is very great. It is very restricting and offputting to a player like me that wants to experience the well-built characters without being forced into something unwanted. They had started off with a lot of potential, and minus the merging of their paths, are still good characters. The earlier updates were great in this respect, but for various reasons, they dropped them completely for repetitive and restricting content.

    Still a good game and I am sure others will still enjoy it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I love this game, (im playing chapter 1 at the moment) though it has some severe issues. I played for hours, everything was going fine and over, your daughter hates you know. It came out of nowhere. Turns out, after looking at a walkthrough, i missed a choice somewhere, even made the wrong choice somewhere else, the walkthrough even says dont chose this option, ever. How the hell was i supposed to know that? Things you have no way of knowing that its going to lead to a game over. I can understand a game over if the MC is a huge dick in the game and make several obviously bad choices, but when seemingly everything is going fine its incredibly jarring. Its weird, i dont like to look at walkthroughs, but this game forced me to and i hate that.
    Other than this, the game is absolutely amazing, worth playing, though keep a walkthrough at hand, and maybe save in a different slot at every seemingly major decision, to avoid playing the game from the start all over again.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on F95. The girls are hot, the story is interesting, and it is very long. You can spend hours going through every character scene and finding more to do. My favorite part about this game is the side characters interactions with D and the MC. Elena is one of the best models I have ever scene as well.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game out there.
    CG is average & dull , If apply lighting effect like "BADick" or "Milfy city" then it will be awesome.
    character development is very good.
    there is only few character to deal with, be happy if there is other random girl to sex with.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    the sens of DMD is very interesting,so i hope that the rest of chapters will be more exiting than the others. i really like the scene of foursome (F,D,,Graham and olivia) but it must be more animating. maybe with martin it will done like we hope. hout about D with more dirty talk and very experienced sexual and hardly open to hot experiences because she is very nauyhy when she do this.
    thans and exuse my english.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Enormously ambitious project, a true labour of love. Veery much a slow burn so don't play this one unless you're truly invested in the concept. The characters are likeable, the progression is fairly believable, art looks good. Stay away if you're looking for a quick fap, dive in if you want to immerse yourself.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is great. the Art the animations, and over all story is great. the dev sure has taken his time on this game to make it a good story of love and sex. The dev has made the charactor story lines a bit cheesy at times but in a good way. The girls very in range of looks and body portions. i mean that by the fact that not every charactor has huge tits for no reason just to have huge tits. I dont get the fact of game makers focusing on that only to make the girls so called hot. this game takes all aspects of a girls body and gives the player an option of what kind of girls you mess around with. who you fuck and how you fuck. my fav girl is the best friend Elena. short and sexy. loving and wild. shes my fav hands down.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The good:
    - Tons of content. The 3 chapters combined are likely one of the longest adult VNs ever released. (but there's a flipside: See "The bad")
    - Good writing 90% of the time.
    - Believable setting(s) - neither too mundane nor over the top
    - Servicable graphics. Lighting isn't great, so all chars have the usual 3D-plastic look. However, the models themselves are pretty good and well posed - well, aside from the MC's ridiculously oversized dick, that looks more like a giant dildo.

    The bad:
    Soft-railroading. Lots of it. Constantly. All the fucking time. What do i mean by "soft-railroading"? Well, hard railroading is, when you force the play to make decisions which he absolutely doesn't consent to. Soft-railroading IMO is, when you leave important decisions to the player, but the MC and/or other chars behave in ways that don't make sense to the player.

    Soft-railroading can for example happen, when the MC has a personality the player simply cannot identify with, and the game offers no ways to tweak the player's attitude. In other words: Hard-railroading is problem with consent and decisionmaking, while soft-railroading is a roleplay and plot-problem.

    Enough talking about the bush, here's the problem: The player is supposedly a middleaged father, but he thinks, talks and behaves like an angsty, insecure and shy teenager. If that isn't ridiculous enough, the daughter is supposedly 18 years old, but acts like a naive and clueless 6-year old. Oh, and she knows what male masturbation is, even though she's never seen a man naked, but she doesn't know what female masturbation is, and is completely oblivious of her own body. This disconnect with reality is then amplified, by EVERY SINGLE OTHER CHAR in the game being promiscous up the wazoo, so the PC and daughter look completely ridiculous in comparison.

    And that brings me to the flipside of there being so much content: 75% of that content is just the MC and daughter having endless monologues in their heads, about their selfdoubts and insecurities. And since the game-interface is the usual VN-style, where you can only read one line at a time, skipping over all that angsty whining turns into a clickfest, that is sure to take a good chunk outta your mouse's lifetime.

    Good production dimished by bad character-design. If the game were shorter, i'd give it a 3/5. But with there being so much content and so many scenes and varied settings, that would be unfair compared to other much shorter games. So i'm going with 4/5.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Hi, I'm new to adult gaming (6 months or so). I'm 59 years young with 40+ years of experience in the creative industry. In that time I've worn many hats; illustrator, graphic artist (advertising), letterer (Marvel Comics), sculptor, 3D rendering (resin modelling) and published author (sci- fi short stories). I've recently become disabled and find myself with a lot more time on my hands. Between my disability and this pandemic, I'm basically stuck at home (and frankly going stir-crazy) so I now have plenty of time to indulge in my perversions.

    My review is a 3 parter, which I will endeavor to keep as short as possible.

    Phase 1 - The Reviewer;
    The problem here is the same as the entirety of the internet. Anyone can submit a review. All that is needed is an opinion and too much time on their hands. There are no basic requirements or qualifications. Such as; experience (a working knowledge of profession), a decent grasp of the English language (or actually any language), reasonable expectations of the devs for the genre in which the work is submitted and a basic understanding of the material under review.
    The ability to nik-pik is not a quantifier. Enough said.

    Phase 2 - Review of Dating My Daughter (over-all)
    Dating My Daughter is an ADULT Visual Novel. In other words digital PORN. So my expectations are simple; It should be visually pleasing which succeeds in its objective, which is to arouse the viewer. A story line that serves as a vehicle that allow the reader to flow from one sex scene to another and deliver sexually arousing dialog during those scenes. It's secondary objective should be character development in order to endear us to these characters. In other words alluring sexy characters that we desire to see in sexual acts is necessary to the objective, high drama is not. When I form an opinion of the dialog I compare it to the dialog of other VNs not literary works such as "Little Women" for example (no not the one about midget lesbians). Finally did this work of visual enticement reach its objective.
    Now for my actual review or my opinion in other words. I find Dating My Daughter to be one of the best VNs out there. Visually I find the characters sexually pleasing with enough variation to avoid feeling like cookie cutter production. The daughter is "HOT". The rendering is of high quality and the sex scenes are well done and frankly make me horny as hell. Are they perfect? No, of course not, but I have yet to find anyone's renderings to merit that title. But even most of the imperfections I've noticed have an endearing quality to them and don't take away from the overall excitement of the scenes. My biggest problem with most 3D renderings is the ignorance of Physics. Gravity should not be excluded as a factor when trying to create realistic 3D renderings. I personally am a big fan of curvaceous body types. I understand that the bigger the body parts the stronger the influence of gravity, but as an artist, that is the challenge and ignoring the fact is just being lazy as an artist (basketballs don't turn me on). When perfected the addition of just the right amount of sag to large breasts are not only more realistic, but also more alluring and attractive. I find bubble butts sexy as hell, but helium butts are distracting and take away from the overall attractiveness of the rendering.
    Now let me explain something to the average reader. This is actually due to limitation in the 3D engine used in rendering. The software just doesn't compensate for gravity. A breast does not look the same when a woman is on her back as when she is on all fours. This factor means additional work for the artist (time consuming work).
    Now let's get to the dialog. I am not a fan of incest at all. This genre is saturated with it so I would have to deny myself a lot of visually stimulating material in order to avoid it. So I find myself doing a lot of mental editing. I completely gloss over any reference to her being his daughter and take any dialog referencing to the MC as daddy as simply a pet name (as in "sugar daddy"). I could offer a variation that would exclude incest but that would take too long. So let's move on. I find the story line sufficiently sophisticated to put it above most of the VNs out there. I find a lot of the criticisms out there to be valid but not detrimental to reaching the goal, for again, this is porn. In other words nothing said in DMD has ever turned me off. Could the dialog use an upgrade? Definitely but it's not going to stop me from downloading and enjoying future updates. I read actual books to satisfy my literary needs and a lot of those don't do a good job of it. So I'm not going to expect an Adult Visual Novel to do it for me.
    Lastly, does Dating My Daughter succeed in its objective? Hells yeah.............. Does it supply material for my Spank Bank? Definitely! Will I continue to look forward to future updates? Most assuredly.

    Phase 3 - Review of latest Update CH3 v0.26
    Now this is an update! As previously stated, the weakest aspect of Dating My Daughter, as in any VN, is the dialog. Not this time. It did an excellent job of building and maintaining a high level of anticipation. I found myself thinking "OH! SHIT....." several times. The story line is culminating to a head and the update ends on a perfect note.
    I'm going to put this out there. I may be wrong but I think this explains the choice of porn they watched on the couch (just saying).
    A generous amount of content. The 3way Scene with daughter and Georgina was "Muy Caliente" and is now my favorite in all of VNdom. Definitely #1 of my Spank Bank. My only problem with it is a missed opportunity for some excellent physical interplay. In the animation daughter is on her back with her tits sliding up and down on her ribcage in a very hot and natural way BUT Georgina's tits don't shift at all (very disappointing). Not only should her tits have been swaying to the movement, but there should have been 4 breast interacting and bouncing off each other. I personally have witnessed this scenario in real life and can tell you it's one of the hottest things I've ever seen. Other than that, great scene.

    To conclude this review, I give Dating My Daughter 4.5 stars out of 5.

    To MrDots Games keep up the good work.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Glacial pacing, a convoluted points system which essentially requires a guide to unlock all the scenes, mediocre renders and overused animations leave this solidly in the low-mediocre range. I wish I could give it a 5/10, but my personal distaste for the game's construction pushes it down to a 2/5.

    This game is a snore. The game elements aren't fun, they are simply gated decisions that have a hidden right and wrong answer. Your reward for following the guide is access to some run-of-the-mill renders and some animations, which are competent if uninspired. The girls are mostly low on the attractiveness scale for my taste, other than Georgina (I believe that's her name, it's been a while) and D.

    If you're really really into this genre and don't care how banal the story is, then I suppose give it a go. If you're just dipping your toes because it's a popular title, I suggest giving it a pass.
  16. 3.00 star(s)



    Okay, I played that last version yesterday and I no longer felt that lust that I had in chapter 1. The chapter 1 of this game has a good cliche story, with fantasies and fetishes, but it is a very tiring chapter to follow because it has quite a bit discouraging scenes and it could be better improvised or more serious, the game seems a little silly and the author doesn’t take the story a little more adult. The chapter 2 followed the same plot as the first but had more sex scenes than the previous one, in this you can already master your D and opens a loving and sexual relationship with her, in the previous chapter it is just a loving relationship of discovery, in which things begin to go further. This chapter 3, the D. already becomes a sexual girlfriend, but that already happened in the previous chapter, but in this one with more sexual content besides animations.

    Playing these three chapters I can tell you that the story could be better, sometimes you feel that you are reading a rather silly story instead of more adult content with some forbidden fantasy fetishes, but nothing that is absurd or out of the ordinary. Because I don't care much, it is a fantasy game, just to satisfy your pleasure. Some characters should have more attention besides D. as for example Elena, should have an option to date her hidden from D. and then make Elena influence D. s mind so that she can become completely his. Giorgina didn't look like a mature woman, I expected a little better from her, or some hotter content about her. Jennifer seemed like a little silly girl who likes to have relationships with Elena, I didn't understand why the developer gave her the option to fuck her in chapter 2 and not continue or develop a relationship between her and the MC. Olivia and her father appeared again in chapter 3 and you have the option to tell your secret to him, I expected to see a swing between them, but it didn't happen as it should. Summarizing all of this, the complete game has almost 10gb of download and the story is not bad but it could be hotter and adult. The graphics of the first chapters are good, but with small strangeness in the renders.

    History: ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Gameplay: ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰ ✰
    Graphic: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰
    Sex Content: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰
    Creativity: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    javelin 93

    Great game . This dev. remains consistent, unlike the majority of others.
    The story 's pacing and visual content are good. The only thing lacking in 99% of these games is voice acting. Add that, and this game as well as a few others, become exceptional.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Tragic Princess

    Pretty Good renders.

    Story was long and dull at times.

    A lot of reading and unnecessary dialogue.

    From the story standpoint It's kind of an oxymoron to have players go through all of this crap trying to protect the Daughter from creeps, especially in the first chapter only to then decide to "share" her, which is the path that this game is heading. Like why now? Not a rant, just a curious question lol. If "Sharing" was going to be implemented why wait this long, and start it early? Boredom?

    It just seemed like a colossal waste of time for me as the player to court her and have the Dad "fight" for the Daughter's love and affection only to let others fuck her lol. Might as well call it "Sharing My Daughter" or" Cucking My Father". I just feel like this game should've ended some time ago.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: v0.28.1

    Time to Complete: An almost absurdly long time.

    TL;DR: An absurdly long experience for people that want a really long story that does not cheap out by abusing time skips or by rushing character development / relationship building.

    [4.5/5] Story: I certainly enjoyed the wider storyline. While I expected this game to be very predictable, I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't. There are twists and turns that have turned out surprisingly well. This game also does not abuse time skips or force faster character/relationship development for the sake of speeding the story along. You have to invest the time to read through a LOT of dialogue and it certainly helps make the story and character developments feel much more real as a result.

    [4/5] Dialogue: While the story is pretty good, the dialogue on the other hand is a little iffy. Although good 99.99% of the time it is great and I have absolutely no issues reading through all of it, there are very rare occasions where the conversations bore me and either skim through or skip it entirely.

    [*] Worldbuilding: As this is a Mr. Dots game, it takes place in their universe, where all their games take place together. It is definitely not required to have played their other games, but it does slightly help in worldbuilding.

    [4/5] Renders: The renders are also overall pretty okay. The models, especially for all the girls, are great but my main gripe with this game is in the scenes. They tend to be pretty empty and simply don't feel particularly real. There also doesn't seem to be that much post-processing work done which could help cover up the emptiness issue by simply drawing the eye away from it.

    [*] Music: While this game has music sometimes, it is mostly silent so I personally will not be giving bonus points for it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is genuinely one of the best you'll ever play. Everything from the storyline, characters, and graphics are extremely well created and detailed.

    If you're looking to play it, I recommend using the Scene Gallery + Walkthrough mod as it has a lot of small tweaks and changes that allow you to view scenes you normally wouldn't be able to if you select specific choices.

    • Long & Engaging Storyline
    • Great graphics
    • Well crafted characters
    • Decent conflicts, clear protagonists & antagonists
    • A few (of the hundreds) of the lines seem very monotonous, like an unnaturally formal Google translate
    • The MC's face has some weird patchy stubble like he's going through puberty (only visible in a few scenes)