Before the survey about Peter ends, I wanted to say something. Apparently those who don't like Peter are winning.
daval has 2 options
1 remove Peter since the deal with Peter 81 was for his character to fuck Sarah which he already did and thus keep the majority who don't want him happy
2 Don't remove it since you realized that there are many who don't love Peter but they continue to pay him since porn is an addiction and even if he treats them badly, they will continue because sooner or later Daval will bring out one of his fantasies
So Daval knows that no matter how much he gives them content that they don't like, there will be and no matter how badly he does his job, no one will leave.
- No delivery on time
- Bad dialogues rushed and with spelling mistakes
- Repetitive content full of meaningless pages lengthening stories
- Excuses about not having electricity, someone visited me, my internet went out, my friend who helps me with translations is not there, etc. etc etc (Daval says that this is his only job, he should
give him the respect and seriousness that he deserves).
Daval previously offered 40 pages of Sn, 40 ID, 40 MT and a VIP comic of between 30 and 40 pages
now there are 30 SN, 50 ID, 30MT and a 60pag vip comic that are for commissions and he sells them under the name dir dog, winning by triple entry
Daval already created a problem that people don't like and will make them accept something that they normally wouldn't accept, which is removing the old man from MT but creating his own comic for him.